Do you believe Bill Clinton 'really' wanted Hillary to win?

The Frontline special pointed out that it was their twin dreams for each of them to be POTUS.

And they came really close.

If Billy Boy had not womanized his way through his career, then Hillary would not have had to become a Nixonesque liar to protect him through it.

Too bad she could not have clandestinely gone out and gotten him secret call girls.

Had she done so she would have been POTUS herself now.

Few voted against Hillary because of Bill being a hound. Hillary just wasn't likable or honest.
Guys like that always want their dominant wife to get what she wants to avoid her wrath. They live hand to mouth.

Pretty much this.

IMO, even if he didn't like the idea of the next 8 years as the first First Gentleman, Hillary will be a downer for the rest of his life.

Basically, the Pact they lived by, ie she empowers him so that he can empower her, has failed.

She has literally thrown her life away on a man who humiliated her in front of the whole world, and she did not get the pay off, because her black supporters and the media betrayed her for a less qualified black man.

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