Do We Want Justices like RBG or Kavanaugh?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Surprising (though unscientific) poll:

A Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Twitter poll asking what type of Supreme Court justices social media users would like to have on the bench apparently backfired when 71 percent of respondents selected “justices like Brett Kavanaugh” compared to just 29 percent who chose “justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

Gee, maybe Trump is on to something.
All that means is that a bunch of right wingers put out the word on social media that the DSCC had a poll out there and had them flood it with Kavanaugh responses
All that means is that a bunch of right wingers put out the word on social media that the DSCC had a poll out there and had them flood it with Kavanaugh responses

The DNC or DSCC could have done the same thing. I don't have a doubt in the world that more Americans want judges like Kavanaugh than they want liberal activists like Ginsburg.

Poll after poll has shown that SCOTUS has increased in favorability ratings since Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were appointed and they trust the high court more than they trust the President, a LOT more than they trust Congress.

A strong majority of Americans would consider term limits for justices but nix the Democrats hope to increase the number of justices (and of course the percentage of liberal justices.) And most Americans want justices to shut up about politics in face of RBG's criticism of President Trump. They don't want partisan justices. They want justices who do their job and rule based on the Constitution and existing law.
I still demand evidence that RBG is still kicking.....where the hell is she????
All that means is that a bunch of right wingers put out the word on social media that the DSCC had a poll out there and had them flood it with Kavanaugh responses

It seems like for all their bitching about being "deplatformed", the right has done a better job at utilizing the internet than the left. The same way they still dominate talk radio.
I just want justices that stand for the Constitution and aren't political activists. There's no room for any of that in any courtroom. It was not designed to be that way.
All that means is that a bunch of right wingers put out the word on social media that the DSCC had a poll out there and had them flood it with Kavanaugh responses

It seems like for all their bitching about being "deplatformed", the right has done a better job at utilizing the internet than the left. The same way they still dominate talk radio.

Not really. Not when the internet giants like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are controlled by leftists and block, censor, ban, bury etc. any content they can in any way justify as 'hate speech' meaning anything uncomplimentary about Democrats or leftists.
I want a USSC with 9 Ron Pauls on it.

Well hell, I want one with 9 Ross Perots!
Well, here's the deal...The volunteers have to want it that way....This isn't all about him...We need regular American folks running the Supreme Court...The people we have there are now are creating a giant sucking sound, and it's not coming from Mexico.

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