Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Not personally insulting at all......but it seems that some here are having self-esteem issues.....and take insult out of nothing having to do with them whatsoever. Who does that?
Yes, personally insulting

you could not deal with or answer post #367 so you got personal starting with #368

It really reveals your weakness
How delicate of are really showing how you have no strength that how you want to come across as?
How delicate of are really showing how you have no strength that how you want to come across as?
The topic stumped you so you reverted to mud wrestling instead

but I’m not playing that game
Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?
All British, from which we got our foundational law and the recognition of individual rights?
You never heard of Montesquieu (not British)? Voltaire (not British)? The Roman Republic (not British)? The Athenian Democracy (not British)?
More importantly from your point of view, all White, all male and all Northern European.


Not one of them American citizens in 1789.
Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?
All British, from which we got our foundational law and the recognition of individual rights?
You never heard of Montesquieu (not British)? Voltaire (not British)? The Roman Republic (not British)? The Athenian Democracy (not British)?
More importantly from your point of view, all White, all male and all Northern European.


Not one of them American citizens in 1789.
The Romans and Athenians were Northern European? Really?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
You worry about America because your party only cares about the color of people, not the principles, values or "American way".
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.
We are talking about first generation citizens....why can't you stay with the topic of the thread?

Never really heard that term used before. Seems to me "First Gen citizen" would include naturalized citizens.

And my point about that stands.

AND, it is worth nothing, that second gen immigrants, are often raised with deep cultural and/or family connections with their parents homeland too.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.

Like those who stormed the Capitol to overturn an election they didn't like?

Being convinced of the corruption of an election is not the same as having divided or even other loyalties.

So, no.

Of course, that wasn't really a serious question was it? A fact you will now demonstrate with your failure to seriously engage my serious answer to your question.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.

Like those who stormed the Capitol to overturn an election they didn't like?

Being convinced of the corruption of an election is not the same as having divided or even other loyalties.

So, no.

Of course, that wasn't really a serious question was it? A fact you will now demonstrate with your failure to seriously engage my serious answer to your question.

Of course not. LOL
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.

Like those who stormed the Capitol to overturn an election they didn't like?

Being convinced of the corruption of an election is not the same as having divided or even other loyalties.

So, no.

Of course, that wasn't really a serious question was it? A fact you will now demonstrate with your failure to seriously engage my serious answer to your question.

Of course not. LOL

You asked a question.

I gave you a serious answer.

Then I predicted that you would not address my answer, because your initial question was not a serious question.

Your response? TO just blow it off.

Because your "question" was just throwing something out there, a piece of shit, designed not to be a serious point, but to create the illusion of a doubt in the minds of those naive enough to take you are face value.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.

Like those who stormed the Capitol to overturn an election they didn't like?

Being convinced of the corruption of an election is not the same as having divided or even other loyalties.

So, no.

Of course, that wasn't really a serious question was it? A fact you will now demonstrate with your failure to seriously engage my serious answer to your question.

Of course not. LOL

You asked a question.

I gave you a serious answer.

Then I predicted that you would not address my answer, because your initial question was not a serious question.

Your response? TO just blow it off.

Because your "question" was just throwing something out there, a piece of shit, designed not to be a serious point, but to create the illusion of a doubt in the minds of those naive enough to take you are face value.

Protesting an unjust justice system is bad to you while protesting an election you don't like is noble. There is nothing else I need to note.
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Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.

i bet you realized that you were unable to refute, or even challenge my point.

It is reasonable to question the legitimacy of the citizenship of naturalized citizens who clearly are anti-Americans.

Like those who stormed the Capitol to overturn an election they didn't like?

Being convinced of the corruption of an election is not the same as having divided or even other loyalties.

So, no.

Of course, that wasn't really a serious question was it? A fact you will now demonstrate with your failure to seriously engage my serious answer to your question.

Of course not. LOL

You asked a question.

I gave you a serious answer.

Then I predicted that you would not address my answer, because your initial question was not a serious question.

Your response? TO just blow it off.

Because your "question" was just throwing something out there, a piece of shit, designed not to be a serious point, but to create the illusion of a doubt in the minds of those naive enough to take you are face value.

Protesting an unjust justice system is bad to you while protesting an election you don't like is noble. There is nothing else I need to note.

Neither of us were discussing the justice system. YOu talked so much shit that you confused yourself.

My point stands.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.
I don't feel the least guilt about being white myself....just aware.
If you can transform the guilt you felt into hate towards whites who dont feel guilty then that might get you a pat on the head from the Black Lies Matter crowd
Bodecea doesn't hate whites. Accepting/ignoring/excusing racism doesn't have to a condition of white citizenship
I don't feel the least guilt about being white myself....just aware.
If you can transform the guilt you felt into hate towards whites who dont feel guilty then that might get you a pat on the head from the Black Lies Matter crowd
Bodecea doesn't hate whites. Accepting/ignoring/excusing racism doesn't have to a condition of white citizenship

White citizenship? As though that is different from normal citizenship?

Just what are you proposing, adolph?
'1st Generation'? You mean 'OLD'?
Nope...I mean unseasoned barley Americans beholden to the values/principles of other nations and or to the interests of the people of other nations.
"barley Americans"? What the heck are those?
Born on this soil but not one of us.
Ambiguous isn't it?
There is no one born in America who is not one of us. White privilege has you believing such garbage. White fragility makes you deny it when you're confronted about it.
'1st Generation'? You mean 'OLD'?
Nope...I mean unseasoned barley Americans beholden to the values/principles of other nations and or to the interests of the people of other nations.
"barley Americans"? What the heck are those?
Born on this soil but not one of us.
Ambiguous isn't it?
There is no one born in America who is not one of us. White privilege has you believing such garbage. White fragility makes you deny it when you're confronted about it.

Saying "white" isn't a supporting argument, you ignorant fool.
There is no attack on white people. There is an attack on whites who practice racism. There is also a realization by whites who are not racist as to how the system has been skewed in their favor. The racists still want to be given everything because they are white.
Systemic racism and white privilege is a blanket condemnation of all white people

although whites who apologize and make political restitution to Black Lies Matter can receive a pardon of sorts

But in black la la land all whites are born with the stain of original sin
No, it is not. There is no black la la land and all whites have benefitted from this system. This system, not slavery. You seem to think the argument is only about slavery. It's not. You suffer from white fragility. Find out what it is and fix yourself.

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