CDZ Do we and should we punish animal owners for the actions of thier pets


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Typically I am all for letting people do whatever until they in effect hang themselves. If laws were up to me I'd let folks own a gun drink or smoke dope until they get in trouble doing so and would then take away their dope card and punish them severely.

If someone's dog gets loose and in effect commits assault or homicide what ARE and what SHOULD be the punishment?

I'm thinking the owner should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves.
Granny says if anybody's dog takes a bite outta her behind...

... she gonna take a bite outta dey's behind...

... after she shoots the dog.
Typically I am all for letting people do whatever until they in effect hang themselves. If laws were up to me I'd let folks own a gun drink or smoke dope until they get in trouble doing so and would then take away their dope card and punish them severely.

If someone's dog gets loose and in effect commits assault or homicide what ARE and what SHOULD be the punishment?

I'm thinking the owner should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves.
Pets (read: dogs) are supposed to be enclosed or on a leash within the city limits.

When they are not it is a violation of a city ordinance.

Outside of the cities they are normally allowed to run free unless a park is posted for "no dogs" etc.

Your mistake was not being armed. That's not the dog owner's fault unless it was within the city limits.
Granny says if anybody's dog takes a bite outta her behind...

... she gonna take a bite outta dey's behind...

... after she shoots the dog.
I would not wait for the dog to bite.

I would shoot in front of it into the dirt.

If that does not scare the dog (or bear) away then I will shoot it inside of it's mouth to have proof from the bullet wound that the dog was being aggressive by showing its fangs.
Good luck with that one...

... I shot a dog on the top of the head...

... he was so close, I would have shot my toe off had I missed...

... the owner was cited by animal control for letting the dog run loose...

... it had previously killed a neighbor's dog...

... and attacked another neighbor's kid...

... didn't stop the owner from swearing out a warrant for shooting the dog.
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Typically I am all for letting people do whatever until they in effect hang themselves. If laws were up to me I'd let folks own a gun drink or smoke dope until they get in trouble doing so and would then take away their dope card and punish them severely.

If someone's dog gets loose and in effect commits assault or homicide what ARE and what SHOULD be the punishment?

I'm thinking the owner should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves.
That reminds me of a case where a woman who owned a large dog actually gave the dog the order to "kill" at one of two neighbors she had. She was criminally charged and went to prison. Many years ago.
It is only a crime if the owner unlawfully possess an animal or knowingly allows it to injure someone. However, the owner may be civilly liable if he knows of an animals dangerous propensity and does not take action to protect others (one bite rule). In the case of dangerous animals (e.g., predators or poisonous snakes) the owner may be held strictly liable for any injuries they cause.

One way to hold dog owners more responsible would be to define certain breeds (e.g., pit bulls) as dangerous animals, thus making the owners strictly liable for any injury they cause.
Typically I am all for letting people do whatever until they in effect hang themselves. If laws were up to me I'd let folks own a gun drink or smoke dope until they get in trouble doing so and would then take away their dope card and punish them severely.

If someone's dog gets loose and in effect commits assault or homicide what ARE and what SHOULD be the punishment?

I'm thinking the owner should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves.

Owner should be punished

Not dog.
On the surface, yes. However... much of it depends.
Say for instance cattle wanders beyond the territory?

What happens then?

In one sense, the cattle moves out of a property line and is therefore abdicated?
Well the cattle owner in question may certainly disagree....

Very interesting question by the way OP!

So if one's cattle is led astray....
Does the circumstance of the wander come into play?
Lets say the cattle were led by said neighbor?
does that change things?
We're responsible for our dogs.

That said - shit happens. Dogs can scale fences. I, as the owner, am responsible. Doesn't mean the dog has to die unless it's a clear danger.
On the surface, yes. However... much of it depends.
Say for instance cattle wanders beyond the territory?

What happens then?

In one sense, the cattle moves out of a property line and is therefore abdicated?
Well the cattle owner in question may certainly disagree....

Very interesting question by the way OP!

So if one's cattle is led astray....
Does the circumstance of the wander come into play?
Lets say the cattle were led by said neighbor?
does that change things?
Some state laws prevent others from shooting wandering cattle. Their owner has to pay for the damage caused.
OK, lets put a case forth.
Dog is in a yard, gated.

Children come along, realize the dog is friendly. One child opens the gate GASP the horror that follows!

No, not really. the dog simply just plays with the children.
The children then lead the dog to their home.

Once at the home, the homeowner then proceeds to beat the dog to death with a shovel, then attempts to sue the owners of the dog for his "distress".

How should a case like that play out?
Typically I am all for letting people do whatever until they in effect hang themselves. If laws were up to me I'd let folks own a gun drink or smoke dope until they get in trouble doing so and would then take away their dope card and punish them severely.

If someone's dog gets loose and in effect commits assault or homicide what ARE and what SHOULD be the punishment?

I'm thinking the owner should be punished as if they committed the crime themselves.

The animal is the responsibility of the owner, so I believe the owner is financially responsible unless proven the pet was trained to kill or hurt the individual then it should be stricter punishment with a max amount of jail time.
OK, lets put a case forth.
Dog is in a yard, gated.

Children come along, realize the dog is friendly. One child opens the gate GASP the horror that follows!

No, not really. the dog simply just plays with the children.
The children then lead the dog to their home.

Once at the home, the homeowner then proceeds to beat the dog to death with a shovel, then attempts to sue the owners of the dog for his "distress".

How should a case like that play out?
Some neighbor may shoot the dog killer.
OK, lets put a case forth.
Dog is in a yard, gated.

Children come along, realize the dog is friendly. One child opens the gate GASP the horror that follows!

No, not really. the dog simply just plays with the children.
The children then lead the dog to their home.

Once at the home, the homeowner then proceeds to beat the dog to death with a shovel, then attempts to sue the owners of the dog for his "distress".

How should a case like that play out?
Some neighbor may shoot the dog killer.

Well. lets be realistic.
How does this case play out?

The dog was on another's property, and for whatever reason the property owner saw fit to beat the dog to death with a shovel. And is now seeking a $500K settlement for his distress (apparently he just doesn't like dogs).

Real life case, how do you think it should be decided?

My take, considering it was wards of his property who lead the animal to the property... he is actually liable for theft, and destruction of property... just sayin'
My take, considering it was wards of his property who lead the animal to the property... he is actually liable for theft, and destruction of property... just sayin'

The only defense would be that the dog owner had created an "attractive nuisance" which enticed the children into his yard in the first place.

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