Do Trump supporters still love him?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
When Trump said that he could stand in Times square and shoot someone and his flock would still follow, he was not wrong.

There is literally nothing he could to that would turn the faithful away from him.

Wait till after the 2018 mid-terms and he starts to push for universal healthcare, his followers will all of a sudden think it is the best idea ever.
"Do Trump supporters still love him?"

They love the miscreant more now than ever – with every ridiculous statement, with every reprehensible lie, with every braindead tweet, and with every racist, bigoted remark, Trump supporters fall more and more in love with their arrogant scumbag of a leader.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
Trump flipped the middle-finger to the assholes that are trying to bring him down.

How terrible.

Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
Why didn’t obamastop Putin?
"Do Trump supporters still love him?"

They love the miscreant more now than ever – with every ridiculous statement, with every reprehensible lie, with every braindead tweet, and with every racist, bigoted remark, Trump supporters fall more and more in love with their arrogant scumbag of a leader.

Jesus, stop eating the urinal cakes.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
Do you still love Hillary that she is now an unemployed drunk
Trump supporters and anyone who understands the constant battles being waged between superpowers are very proud of him and how he handled himself today.

You use the word "love" to create the illusion that Trump supporters are emotionally blinded cultists, which is another ridiculous Liberal fabrication. We are the clear eyed rational thinkers. Liberals are, uh, well they just aren't.
Of course Trump supporters still love him. After watching the actual uncut video of the press conference with a trump supporter earlier today, She said " Well, that's what that network wants it to sound like. Now turn it on Fox, and let's see what really happened. Those people are immune to reality.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities

Trump did not say anything negative about either one. He just does not believe the lying intelligence agencies about Russia and I dont either.

They have too many chicken-hawk neocons who desperately want us to invade someone, hell ANYONE.

but until these jack asses start sending their own sons and daughters to fight overseas, mother fuck every god damned one of them.
Of course Trump supporters still love him. After watching the actual uncut video of the press conference with a trump supporter earlier today, She said " Well, that's what that network wants it to sound like. Now turn it on Fox, and let's see what really happened. Those people are immune to reality.
I know, the could go to Youtube and watch the entire unedited press conference.

Trump and Putin hold joint press conference after Helsinki Summit

It's at 50:57 when Trump admits he believes Putin over all our intelligence agencies.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities

Trump did not say anything negative about either one. He just does not believe the lying intelligence agencies about Russia and I dont either.

They have too many chicken-hawk neocons who desperately want us to invade someone, hell ANYONE.

but until these jack asses start sending their own sons and daughters to fight overseas, mother fuck every god damned one of them.

You know better than that. It has nothing to do with invading anybody. Trump doesn't want to acknowledge Russia's interference in our elections because it effects his legitimacy.
OMG. What if Trump is a traitor because he's the son of immigrants?
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities

Trump did not say anything negative about either one. He just does not believe the lying intelligence agencies about Russia and I dont either.

They have too many chicken-hawk neocons who desperately want us to invade someone, hell ANYONE.

but until these jack asses start sending their own sons and daughters to fight overseas, mother fuck every god damned one of them.

You know better than that. It has nothing to do with invading anybody. Trump doesn't want to acknowledge Russia's interference in our elections because it effects his legitimacy.
How so? I thought these people were hacking under the Obama administration.
Of course Trump supporters still love him. After watching the actual uncut video of the press conference with a trump supporter earlier today, She said " Well, that's what that network wants it to sound like. Now turn it on Fox, and let's see what really happened. Those people are immune to reality.
I know, the could go to Youtube and watch the entire unedited press conference.

Trump and Putin hold joint press conference after Helsinki Summit

It's at 50:57 when Trump admits he believes Putin over all our intelligence agencies.

They have to decide if they believe what they see and hear for themselves or the spin that fox puts on it. They choose fox.

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