Do pollsters have common sense or why else are Dems polled more then GOP?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A recent poll by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 19-22/2012
Credibility Ratings for Most News Organizations.

I'm not going to present the biased poll results BUT want to know why the poll had:
384 independents, 286 Democrats and 239 Republicans, or 909 surveyed.

Now this is what many critics of polls are recently saying plain common sense would mean that by NOT having an equal number of Democrats/GOP /Independents you are biasing the results!

It is a FACT Independents LEAN more Democrat (17%) VS Independents LEAN GOP (13%)!
So of the 384 Independents 65 would lean Democrat or NOW a total of 286 Democrats PLUS Dem leaning Independents = total of 351 Demos.
Leaving GOP leaning Indes of 31 added to 239 GOP or a total of 270 GOP PLUS GOP leaning Indes equals 270 that would be GOP!

So in this poll of credibility 351 are Democrats/leaning Indes... AND the biased MSM leans Democrat.. THEN the Dems will have a higher
credibility of news by already biased Dems.

Common sense would say if almost 10% more responses came from Demo/leaning Independents THE RESULTS ARE SKEWED!!!!!

almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.
Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

Here are the notes to the survey:
Margins of error are 7.4 points, 6.8 points and 5.8 points, respectively.
Not all partisans offered ratings of all news organizations.
As few as 183 Republicans and as many as 230 Republicans rated the various news outlets, with margins of error ranging from 7.5 to 8.4 percentage points.
As few as 222 Democrats and as many as 272 Democrats rated the news outlets, with margins of error from 6.9 to 7.7 percentage points.
Among independents, as few as 314 and as many as 363 rated the news outlets, producing margins of error of 6.0 to 6.4 percentage points.

Further Decline in Credibility Ratings for Most News Organizations - Page 2 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

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