Do no harm? How many disasters are Trump and the GOP creating?

you are blaming trump for the opioid situation?...this was happening under obama too.....
The PPACA has undoubtedly caused opioid addiction to skyrocket. That's naturally what happens when you hand out free oxycodone to medicaid patients like they are candy every time they say their back hurts.

And single payer will have the same problem.
Destroying our healthcare system will kill a lot of people.

Of course, the republicans will be damn before we have single payer...They can't even accept some basic regulations to make sure disease isn't fucking spreaded around. Truly sick fucks.
Obama destroyed our healthcare system. Now you douche bags are trying to blame Trump for not fixing it when you oppose anything he tries to get passed.
The Emergency room is not healthcare dum dum.
Wow, so many. Where to begin?

1. The Healthcare mess. If they thought it was bad before, they are ruining the healthcare system for the entire United States. And now, they have the nerve and the gall to say they don't want to give money to the Insurance Companies. The only reason the Democrats didn't go for Single Payer was because the GOP wouldn't accept anything that didn't protect insurance companies. Come on, it wasn't that long ago.

2. They are creating and laying the foundation for WWIII in the Korean Peninsula.

3. The scope of the disaster and Humanitarian Crisis in Puerto Rico is not even being discussed. Disease. People drinking dirty water. Starvation. There is an 800 bed hospital ship parked in the harbor. The last I heard held 8 patients. The crisis is so severe, bodies piled up everywhere are not even being counted. People are scrambling for medicine and something to eat. Roads are still closed and power is out to 80 or 90% of the island and reports are saying it's getting worse.

4. The GOP is once again trying to destabilize the entire Middle East by tossing a treaty signed by Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and reviewed by the entire UN Security council that prevents Iran from owning nuclear weapons. This debacle could spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. The most volatile area in the world.

5. The president is trying to start a race war. Trying to get team owners to FORCE their players from protesting young unarmed blacks from being shot dead for no more reason than existing.

6. You have an administration and a party that wants to protect statues to traitors and racists calling it "our heritage". How disgusting.

7. An attack on women's rights.

8. An attack on gays. Even the president jokes the Vice President wants them to "hang".

9. A dearth in qualified workers. We have an unemployment rate under 5% and 6.2 million available jobs. Republicans are making the country terrifying to anyone who wants to come from outside the country. There is even a travel advisory for Missouri for anyone not white. If those jobs aren't filled here, they will be filled after they move someplace else. And by kicking out educated workers, they take their education someplace else.

10. Opioid scandal. The opioids come from big pharma.

11. Republicans have done nothing to protect our voting. Nothing to fight Russians and nothing to stop voter suppression. They don't even support voting rights.

12. The rise in White Supremacists, Nazi's, Alt Right, and Aryan Nation.

So that's just off the top of my head. I know there is lot's more. The thing about all these scandals is they all go back to the GOP and the President. And it's been less than 10 months. 8 years of Obama and there wasn't anything like this. Any one of these is a national scandal. And we have years to go.
Notice how they only want to talk about healthcare?

And even with that, it's pretty slim pickens when it comes to defense.
Destroying our healthcare system will kill a lot of people.

Of course, the republicans will be damn before we have single payer...They can't even accept some basic regulations to make sure disease isn't fucking spreaded around. Truly sick fucks.
Obama destroyed our healthcare system. Now you douche bags are trying to blame Trump for not fixing it when you oppose anything he tries to get passed.
The Emergency room is not healthcare dum dum.
You apparently believe there's some connection between what you posted and what I posted.
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.
Wow, so many. Where to begin?

1. The Healthcare mess. If they thought it was bad before, they are ruining the healthcare system for the entire United States. And now, they have the nerve and the gall to say they don't want to give money to the Insurance Companies. The only reason the Democrats didn't go for Single Payer was because the GOP wouldn't accept anything that didn't protect insurance companies. Come on, it wasn't that long ago.

2. They are creating and laying the foundation for WWIII in the Korean Peninsula.

3. The scope of the disaster and Humanitarian Crisis in Puerto Rico is not even being discussed. Disease. People drinking dirty water. Starvation. There is an 800 bed hospital ship parked in the harbor. The last I heard held 8 patients. The crisis is so severe, bodies piled up everywhere are not even being counted. People are scrambling for medicine and something to eat. Roads are still closed and power is out to 80 or 90% of the island and reports are saying it's getting worse.

4. The GOP is once again trying to destabilize the entire Middle East by tossing a treaty signed by Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and reviewed by the entire UN Security council that prevents Iran from owning nuclear weapons. This debacle could spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. The most volatile area in the world.

5. The president is trying to start a race war. Trying to get team owners to FORCE their players from protesting young unarmed blacks from being shot dead for no more reason than existing.

6. You have an administration and a party that wants to protect statues to traitors and racists calling it "our heritage". How disgusting.

7. An attack on women's rights.

8. An attack on gays. Even the president jokes the Vice President wants them to "hang".

9. A dearth in qualified workers. We have an unemployment rate under 5% and 6.2 million available jobs. Republicans are making the country terrifying to anyone who wants to come from outside the country. There is even a travel advisory for Missouri for anyone not white. If those jobs aren't filled here, they will be filled after they move someplace else. And by kicking out educated workers, they take their education someplace else.

10. Opioid scandal. The opioids come from big pharma.

11. Republicans have done nothing to protect our voting. Nothing to fight Russians and nothing to stop voter suppression. They don't even support voting rights.

12. The rise in White Supremacists, Nazi's, Alt Right, and Aryan Nation.

So that's just off the top of my head. I know there is lot's more. The thing about all these scandals is they all go back to the GOP and the President. And it's been less than 10 months. 8 years of Obama and there wasn't anything like this. Any one of these is a national scandal. And we have years to go.
Notice how they only want to talk about healthcare?

And even with that, it's pretty slim pickens when it comes to defense.

Healthcare to a republican is $$$ or you don't get any. Die!!! Die now.
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.

What do you want me to say? That I accept that people should die on the side of the street and the republicans are right for believing so??? Is that what you want me to say???
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.
What do you want me to say? That I accept that people should die on the side of the street and the republicans are right for believing so??? Is that what you want me to say???
What I want you to say is, "Mac, I promise I'll start drinking less caffeine".

That would be a start.
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.

What do you want me to say? That I accept that people should die on the side of the street and the republicans are right for believing so??? Is that what you want me to say???

We all know that if someone was dying on the side of the street you wouldn't lift a finger to help him. That's why turds like you want to force others to pay for their medical care: so you personally don't have to do anything.
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.
What do you want me to say? That I accept that people should die on the side of the street and the republicans are right for believing so??? Is that what you want me to say???
What I want you to say is, "Mac, I promise I'll start drinking less caffeine".

That would be a start.
He needs to start drinking less Kool-Aid.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor.
Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.

The Obamas are now worth over $100,000,000
The Clintons also.

Not sure where you learned they were all Republicans....but it figures
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.

The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor.

Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.
really? 1890 they had airplanes?....a space station?....
Destroying our healthcare system will kill a lot of people.

Of course, the republicans will be damn before we have single payer...They can't even accept some basic regulations to make sure disease isn't fucking spreaded around. Truly sick fucks.
Obama destroyed our healthcare system. Now you douche bags are trying to blame Trump for not fixing it when you oppose anything he tries to get passed.
The Emergency room is not healthcare dum dum.
You apparently believe there's some connection between what you posted and what I posted.
You posted that Obama destroyed our healthcare system. Only there wasn't any system. It's why medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Something posted here on the USMB a thousand times.
It's hilarious that Red States complain there is only a single provider in most counties in their states. Before Obamacare there were NONE. Get it? NONE! Finally, they get one and they complain it's not enough. Fuking Hilarious!
Honestly, I've already stopped caring.

This country will get what it deserves, one way or the other.
The subsidies under O were illegal because congress never appropriated the funds. Lol.
Why do you want poor Americans to suffer and die? What is it about white wingers that make them so heartless. They even ask, "If you need charity, can't you go to a church somewhere"? These Mofo's are fuking heartless. Just some mean, mean people.
Holy crap, one quick look at this thread and I'm reminded that this country has completely lost its shit.
The republicans have become the party of the rich can do what ever the fuck they want! The party of fuck the poor. Wake up and smell the coffee because we're right back to where we were in 1890.

What do you want me to say? That I accept that people should die on the side of the street and the republicans are right for believing so??? Is that what you want me to say???

We all know that if someone was dying on the side of the street you wouldn't lift a finger to help him. That's why turds like you want to force others to pay for their medical care: so you personally don't have to do anything.
Let me know if that someone on the street is you so I can just walk on by.

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