Do libs think it was an abuse of power for Obama to weaponize US intel to spy on political enemies?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
As a rule, it's bad for a POTUS to do that.....regardless of party affiliation.....right?

It's unethical and unconstitutional....right?
The revelation that Manafort was being wiretapped is 24 hours old and you still have not grasped the significance of it.
As a rule, it's bad for a POTUS to do that.....regardless of party affiliation.....right?

It's unethical and unconstitutional....right?

Are you kidding? The little fascist commie leftards admit one of their beloved policies wrong? Why Obama could shoot somebody in the middle of the street in a gun-free zone for not getting out of the way of his taxpayer-paid limousine free ride and they would STILL carry him on their shoulders! By their way of thinking, Obama wouldn't have done it unless Manafort was guilty of SOMETHING; lets not forget this was NOT the first time he did something like this! But Libtards have bullshit for brains and have never found a single illegal, crooked action by the Left they didn't wholeheartedly approve of while a Republican could come up two bucks short of the usual $20 he gives his church every Sunday and the Left would have it on the front page as grounds for an impeachment!
This is why you give government NO POWER!!!!! The commies take over and they have no guiding principles but to rule YOU!!!

Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Your masters know what this Manafort wiretap story means. While you are running around in a tizzy thinking Obama done got caught doing something illegal or unethical, the Trump inner circle are shitting their pants. This is very bad news for Trump and you do not even understand that yet.
As a rule, it's bad for a POTUS to do that.....regardless of party affiliation.....right?

It's unethical and unconstitutional....right?

You are asking the same folks that think it is all right to silence speech and initiate violence against extremists they don't like?

Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Obama was just like third word banana republic despot corrupting the IRS, NSA, FBI, DOJ for his own benefit........
the whole damn Dirty Democratic Party is a threat to our democracy
Your masters know what this Manafort wiretap story means. While you are running around in a tizzy thinking Obama done got caught doing something illegal or unethical, the Trump inner circle are shitting their pants. This is very bad news for Trump and you do not even understand that yet.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.
The revelation that Manafort was being wiretapped is 24 hours old and you still have not grasped the significance of it.

Yeah, I realize the significance of a swarming SWAT team ripping his house apart even after he had given all the correspondence as well as other things required....unlike the Hildebeast that delted 33,000 emails from her private server. As far as I know, Manafort didn't take a hammer to his Blackberry and computer hard drives like the Hildebeast..
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

Exactly. No Presidents ever spied on political opponents until Regan.

He started it.

With all the Dem's wire tapping, scheming, rigging, illegal campaign contributions, illegals voting, their control of state media Trump still whooped their ass its hilarious :laugh:
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

Exactly. No Presidents ever spied on political opponents until Regan.

He started it.

It's all wild speculation since there is little indication that any piece of damaging information in a campaign ever originated from a federal wiretap. If any of them are wiretapping their enemies they are keeping it to themselves and not using it. The reality is that since Nixon the intelligence apparatus that actually intercepts calls will not accept illegal requests from anyone since they would be the actual people committing the crime and risk very long prison terms.
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

Exactly. No Presidents ever spied on political opponents until Regan.

He started it.

I wouldn't be so sure it was his idea.

His VP was an ex-head of the CIA. Leave to an ex-Nazi sympathizer to do something like that. You know how the Bush family was down with them fascists. . . .
If you snowflakes do not know reagoon started the wiretapping of political enemies than you have missed precedent.

Exactly. No Presidents ever spied on political opponents until Regan.

He started it.

It's all wild speculation since there is little indication that any piece of damaging information in a campaign ever originated from a federal wiretap. If any of them are wiretapping their enemies they are keeping it to themselves and not using it. The reality is that since Nixon the intelligence apparatus that actually intercepts calls will not accept illegal requests from anyone since they would be the actual people committing the crime and risk very long prison terms.

You are ether exceedingly naive, or a government/private sector intelligence disinformation agent.

Who you working for, Booz-Allen? Chertoff Group? CIA?


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