Do I Have Dyslexia?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I never really thought about it until JGalt brought this up, but even though I can read and write rather well and I have sing kindergarten, a lot of words tends to confuse me, or I have to read something again and again to understand it. Maybe I have a form of dyslexia that I just was never diagnosed with.
Most people in general have ADHD and Dyslexia to some degree.......even if they don't know it, or it doesn't show.

I tell people I have Lexdysia. LOL

I have a problem with getting numbers and letters that look alike, confused with each other.
I have to see the words or numbers in large font and with clean glasses. Otherwise I can get them confused.
It doesn't happen often. But it usually happens when I've got anxiety about something I'm doing.

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I never really thought about it until JGalt brought this up, but even though I can read and write rather well and I have sing kindergarten, a lot of words tends to confuse me, or I have to read something again and again to understand it. Maybe I have a form of dyslexia that I just was never diagnosed with.
Nah. Leftist rants and raves are hard to understand. You need Lefitst phonics ....a new training series on how to understand the left. It will teach you all about WOKENESS......Racism and key words they say between drinking the coolaid. Now selling for a wheel barrel full of cash due to Inflation.
Nah. Leftist rants and raves are hard to understand. You need Lefitst phonics ....a new training series on how to understand the left. It will teach you all about WOKENESS......Racism and key words they say between drinking the coolaid. Now selling for a wheel barrel full of cash due to Inflation.

"Understanding Leftist Speak"


Should I look for your book on this subject next spring????
Or will you put out a Youtube video??
"Understanding Leftist Speak"


Should I look for your book on this subject next spring????
Or will you put out a Youtube video??
Well i'm still researching the letter A words. And then some people interrupted me when they were sizing me for a white suit that makes you hug yourself.

They said you should get a Lobotomy before writing the book. It would be less painful that way.
Another key indicator that I might have dyslexia is that I can't receive multiple instructions at once. Not really well that is.
I just looked this up in the adult area and I show all of the signs except the first two. Except I can summarize a bit depending on what it is, but I still have issues with it.

Problems processing the written word are not surprising as the human brain was not designed to work that way. Reading and writing are unnatural acts. If you think you may have dyslexia, try placing transparencies of different colors over the material you need to read (ideally, different colors for each line read), and spacing any document (if you can) more than double-spaced. There are a lot of other accommodations that can be tried, but see if these help.
Problems processing the written word are not surprising as the human brain was not designed to work that way. Reading and writing are unnatural acts. If you think you may have dyslexia, try placing transparencies of different colors over the material you need to read (ideally, different colors for each line read), and spacing any document (if you can) more than double-spaced. There are a lot of other accommodations that can be tried, but see if these help.

Okay, thanks for the advice. :)

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