Do Democrats really want a Civil War?

It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative.

Where did you get that from?

3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

Ladies and gentlemen this is right wing propaganda at it's best.

Ladies and gentlemen, that guy right there is a left-wing propaganda bigot, at his best.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative.

Where did you get that from?

3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

Ladies and gentlemen this is right wing propaganda at it's best.

Ladies and gentlemen, that guy right there is a left-wing propaganda bigot, at his best.
How did you get that out of his post?
Americans against Americans. The final solution given to the right wing whackos from the Ownership class. They're the ones who own both parties and run things. An old clip below of George Carlin's explanation of what's really going on.
Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.

So now folks are making you be a racist. Smfh.

Yeah, because I called you out?

You people are a joke. No one takes any of you seriously anymore, because we know better.

I could post you pictures of taking my black girlfriend out on a date, and driving across town to take my Somali friend to work when her car broke down, or my roommate from Bangladesh, and on and on and on. None it matters to you pathetic scum on the left.

Why? Because it isn't about racism. That's what I've learn from you trash. It has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with attacking and destroying anyone who disagrees. That's all you sub-human turds care about.

Well tough snot, jackass. We're not taking your crap anymore. You act no better, and are just as immoral as the racists bigots you claim to hate, because YOU ARE the racists bigots in our society. You are just a White Supremacists of another stripe or color. You are morally no better than a KKK member.

So you can call me a racists all you want now, you pathetic garbage of a human being. I don't care anymore. Go jump of a cliff and die with the rest of your racists bigots.
I’m a Democrat and I would enjoy a Civil War with Republicans

We would kick their Redneck asses
You realize the redneck racists were all Democrats, right? Including the anti-busing racist Democrats that Biden "worked with" not too long ago.

50 years ago?

The KKK belongs to the RepubliKlan party today
Once again, the KKK started as the military wing of the Democratic Party, kind of like the antifa movement of today. It wasn't 50 years ago that Biden claimed to have "worked with" segregationists in the Democratic Party.

Yea they used to be right wing, conservatives figure that. The only difference is that republicans today don't wear sheets, but many have the same mindset as the sheetwearers. Not all republicans have this mindset, but those who have the mindset identify as republican.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

This second Klan peaked in the 1920s, when its membership exceeded 4,000,000 nationally, and profits rolled in from the sale of its memberships, regalia, costumes, publications, and rituals. A burning cross became the symbol of the new organization, and white-robed Klansmen participated in marches, parades, and nighttime cross burnings all over the country. To the old Klan’s hostility toward blacks the new Klan—which was strong in the Midwest as well as in the South—added bias against Roman Catholics, Jews, foreigners, and organized labour. The Klan enjoyed a last spurt of growth in 1928, when Alfred E. Smith, a Catholic, received the Democratic presidential nomination.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.



Sure you are used to doing that.

Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you.

Nope, you aren't sucking me.

:abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that.

Seems you are the one who enjoys sucking folks.

All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea.

Yep and all you do is claim he hasn't said anything racist, typical Trump Humper.

You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.

No, you don't want to believe the truth I have posted. Everything I have posted is FACTUAL, sorry that you hate your God is guilty of being racist.

You do not post truth you post propaganda. So why don't you post the 'racist' statements that Trump has made? All you do is blather about what you are told he said. Come on.....Let's see proof that Trump is a racist post actual racist statements that Trump has made. I am not interested in your opinion of what he said.
You mean towards white folks.

Yea racism never existed in your little world did it.

So one incident in New York proves that black folks are racist against Jewish folks, are you really that stupid.

No, you are just garbage human being, full shit and lies. It's that simple. You are just poop stain of a human being, that accuses everyone with a different opinion of being racists. Thankfully for you, there entire party of garbage people like you.

The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.

No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you.

So in your dumbass world racist remarks and rhetoric is a difference of opinion.

It wasn't racist. You just claim it is, so you can attack everyone who had a different opinion. You ARE the left-wing version of white supremacists. It's that simple. You are just like them.

I am nothing like you, when a man makes a racist statement and gets called out on it I don't make excuses for it and claim it is his opinion.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative.

Where did you get that from?

3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

Ladies and gentlemen this is right wing propaganda at it's best.

Ladies and gentlemen, that guy right there is a left-wing propaganda bigot, at his best.
How did you get that out of his post?

He is a Trump Humper, so it's par for the course.
That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.

So now folks are making you be a racist. Smfh.

Yeah, because I called you out?

You called me out?

You people are a joke. No one takes any of you seriously anymore, because we know better.

That is what folks said about you for about 20yrs, but Trump is now putting you back on the map.

I could post you pictures of taking my black girlfriend out on a date, and driving across town to take my Somali friend to work when her car broke down, or my roommate from Bangladesh, and on and on and on. None it matters to you pathetic scum on the left.

Hmmm, the slave master used to rape black women does that mean he loved black folks.

Why? Because it isn't about racism. That's what I've learn from you trash. It has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with attacking and destroying anyone who disagrees. That's all you sub-human turds care about.

Yea because you are a man with morals, family values and blah, blah, blah. Spin that bullshit to somebody who doesn't know any better.

Well tough snot, jackass. We're not taking your crap anymore. You act no better, and are just as immoral as the racists bigots you claim to hate, because YOU ARE the racists bigots in our society. You are just a White Supremacists of another stripe or color. You are morally no better than a KKK member.


So you can call me a racists all you want now, you pathetic garbage of a human being. I don't care anymore. Go jump of a cliff and die with the rest of your racists bigots.

This coming from a man who defends the POTUS making racist remarks and spreading racist rhetoric. I guess that is the new strategy call others racist and maybe people will buy it.
I’m a Democrat and I would enjoy a Civil War with Republicans

We would kick their Redneck asses
You realize the redneck racists were all Democrats, right? Including the anti-busing racist Democrats that Biden "worked with" not too long ago.

50 years ago?

The KKK belongs to the RepubliKlan party today
Once again, the KKK started as the military wing of the Democratic Party, kind of like the antifa movement of today. It wasn't 50 years ago that Biden claimed to have "worked with" segregationists in the Democratic Party.

Yea they used to be right wing, conservatives figure that. The only difference is that republicans today don't wear sheets, but many have the same mindset as the sheetwearers. Not all republicans have this mindset, but those who have the mindset identify as republican.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

This second Klan peaked in the 1920s, when its membership exceeded 4,000,000 nationally, and profits rolled in from the sale of its memberships, regalia, costumes, publications, and rituals. A burning cross became the symbol of the new organization, and white-robed Klansmen participated in marches, parades, and nighttime cross burnings all over the country. To the old Klan’s hostility toward blacks the new Klan—which was strong in the Midwest as well as in the South—added bias against Roman Catholics, Jews, foreigners, and organized labour. The Klan enjoyed a last spurt of growth in 1928, when Alfred E. Smith, a Catholic, received the Democratic presidential nomination.

Don't forget one of the Republican Icons.

Good Ole Strom Thurmond.



Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you.

Nope, you aren't sucking me.

:abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that.

Seems you are the one who enjoys sucking folks.

All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea.

Yep and all you do is claim he hasn't said anything racist, typical Trump Humper.

You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.

No, you don't want to believe the truth I have posted. Everything I have posted is FACTUAL, sorry that you hate your God is guilty of being racist.

You do not post truth you post propaganda. So why don't you post the 'racist' statements that Trump has made? All you do is blather about what you are told he said. Come on.....Let's see proof that Trump is a racist post actual racist statements that Trump has made. I am not interested in your opinion of what he said.

Why, all you are going to do is spin and deflect. It's the Trump Humper Way.

Trump implied that Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over a class action against the for-profit Trump University, could not fairly hear the case because of his Mexican heritage.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

Nothing racist about that is it.

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people.
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities. Trump also agreed to send weekly vacancy lists for his 15,000 apartments to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and to allow the NYUL to present qualified applicants for vacancies in certain Trump properties.

Just three years after that, the Justice Department sued the Trump Management Corporation again for allegedly discriminating against black applicants by telling them apartments weren’t available.

Nothing racist about that is it.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

Nothing racist about that, is it.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
No, you are just garbage human being, full shit and lies. It's that simple. You are just poop stain of a human being, that accuses everyone with a different opinion of being racists. Thankfully for you, there entire party of garbage people like you.

The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.

No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you.

So in your dumbass world racist remarks and rhetoric is a difference of opinion.

It wasn't racist. You just claim it is, so you can attack everyone who had a different opinion. You ARE the left-wing version of white supremacists. It's that simple. You are just like them.

I am nothing like you, when a man makes a racist statement and gets called out on it I don't make excuses for it and claim it is his opinion.

Well you got part of that right. You are nothing like me. You are garbage. I'm a better person than you could ever be, because I don't make up crap about people I disagree with. Thank G-d I had parents that taught me better than to be a turd like you. In my entire extended family would be embarrassed to have trash like you in the family.

Just a left-wing version of a white supremacist. That's all you are.
Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

Since he hasn't been racist yet, I'll be shocked if he starts now.

You mean towards white folks.

No, you are just a lying jerk. All of you on the left are just garbage people, that accuse everyone you don't like of being racists, because are all trash.

Yea racism never existed in your little world did it.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia

Based on protesters' statements and actions during the rioting, Butman said, "We were always hoping that after World War II no Jew would ever be killed just for being Jewish, but this is what happened in the city of New York."[20] In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton referred to "diamond dealers" (a Jewish business) and said, "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[21] A banner was displayed at the funeral that said, "Hitler did not do the job."​

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sounds just like ....

Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust This Way I Get A 'Calming Feeling'

Some of the biggest racists bigots in this country, are in the Democrap party, and they know they can get away with it because of the mindless lemmings that support them.... such as those on this thread right now.

So one incident in New York proves that black folks are racist against Jewish folks, are you really that stupid.

No, you are just garbage human being, full shit and lies. It's that simple. You are just poop stain of a human being, that accuses everyone with a different opinion of being racists. Thankfully for you, there entire party of garbage people like you.

The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.

No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you.

"No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you."

you just made up a false accusation (That would walking talking dog turds like you)

so that makes YOU the garbage worthless crap of human trash....

just like so many conservatives you demonize liberals (make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.)

then you accuse them of your own crimes....
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative
3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?
#1 is a popular myth, and nowhere near as true as you think.

#2 is the same. Current and former military reflect the general demographics. Plus any of them with more than 2 active braincells knows they don't want this happening in their home.

#3 That's also a popular myth. What are you gonna do with a field fulla corn or soybeans? Everything is processed and made in urban areas. Medicines? Ammunition? Spare parts? Trauma centers? All in urban areas.

1) You're lying.
2) You're lying.
3) You're just further displaying your idiocy.

"What are you gonna do with a field fulla corn or soybeans?"

I'm going to eat them you fucking idiot. This might come as a shock to you concrete jungle dwellers, but food is perfectly edible without coming from a can or a plastic bag. The rest of your claims are equally moronic. Where do you dumbasses get this idea that rural areas don't have things like factories or hospitals?

It's pretty clear to me that you've never set foot outside a metropolis in your life because you haven't the foggiest fucking clue what you're talking about.
No one wants a Civil War. The Democrats want to divide America because that is what Statists always try to do. Weaken and divide and then claim the only answer is to give more power to the State.

….and yet we have a republican president that does nothing but divide the country.
That's what Hussein Obama did, Trump is saying that we are all Americans regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.
You realize the redneck racists were all Democrats, right? Including the anti-busing racist Democrats that Biden "worked with" not too long ago.

50 years ago?

The KKK belongs to the RepubliKlan party today
Once again, the KKK started as the military wing of the Democratic Party, kind of like the antifa movement of today. It wasn't 50 years ago that Biden claimed to have "worked with" segregationists in the Democratic Party.

Yea they used to be right wing, conservatives figure that. The only difference is that republicans today don't wear sheets, but many have the same mindset as the sheetwearers. Not all republicans have this mindset, but those who have the mindset identify as republican.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

This second Klan peaked in the 1920s, when its membership exceeded 4,000,000 nationally, and profits rolled in from the sale of its memberships, regalia, costumes, publications, and rituals. A burning cross became the symbol of the new organization, and white-robed Klansmen participated in marches, parades, and nighttime cross burnings all over the country. To the old Klan’s hostility toward blacks the new Klan—which was strong in the Midwest as well as in the South—added bias against Roman Catholics, Jews, foreigners, and organized labour. The Klan enjoyed a last spurt of growth in 1928, when Alfred E. Smith, a Catholic, received the Democratic presidential nomination.

Don't forget one of the Republican Icons.

Good Ole Strom Thurmond.


Segregation was a Democratic concept.
For the past decade already, the Democrats are hoping for a Civil War. Even during the Obama Administration; it was always Democrats that wanted to push for uncivility in America. The "IRS Scandal" - as they went after Conservatives.


Do they want a Civil War?

I say .... BRING IT ON!

Why is it that the only folks we ever hear talk about a Civil War is right wing, conservative, racist.


They've been wanting a civil war since the 80s.

These are just the same crazy people, they're now just old geezers wanting civil war.

Sure you are used to doing that.

Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you.

Nope, you aren't sucking me.

:abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that.

Seems you are the one who enjoys sucking folks.

All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea.

Yep and all you do is claim he hasn't said anything racist, typical Trump Humper.

You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.

No, you don't want to believe the truth I have posted. Everything I have posted is FACTUAL, sorry that you hate your God is guilty of being racist.

You do not post truth you post propaganda. So why don't you post the 'racist' statements that Trump has made? All you do is blather about what you are told he said. Come on.....Let's see proof that Trump is a racist post actual racist statements that Trump has made. I am not interested in your opinion of what he said.

Why, all you are going to do is spin and deflect. It's the Trump Humper Way.

Trump implied that Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over a class action against the for-profit Trump University, could not fairly hear the case because of his Mexican heritage.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

Nothing racist about that is it.

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people.
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities. Trump also agreed to send weekly vacancy lists for his 15,000 apartments to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and to allow the NYUL to present qualified applicants for vacancies in certain Trump properties.

Just three years after that, the Justice Department sued the Trump Management Corporation again for allegedly discriminating against black applicants by telling them apartments weren’t available.

Nothing racist about that is it.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

Nothing racist about that, is it.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
I agree. That was a terrible thing to say. He should never have said that.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
If they were all exonerated? They were not. They were all criminals, and they all should have been executed. Trump was right.

Here you are defending criminals, and you expect any of us to take you any more seriously than pond scum?

No, I'm not going to condemn Trump for things that happened decades on decades ago. His comment about the Mexican judge was worthy of condemnation, and I have said that every time someone has posted his comment. But 30 years ago? No.

That's what left-wingers do. They go dig up old tweets, or some episode of a show from 20 years back, and try and attack people with it. That just makes you a garbage human being.
No one really wants a civil war.

Obviously there are some who fantasize about it, having been spun into a frenzy of impotent rage, daydreaming of using their guns to protect their country 'n stuff, but at some level they have to know better.

Drones don't bleed.

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