Do black people realize that it was an insult to Barack Obama


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?
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to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

One fails to see the point, as the premise is idiotic.

No African American opined that the president should be re-elected solely because Obama was the same race as they.
Did some blacks vote for Obama only because he is black? Sure. Did some whites vote for McCain and then Romney because Obama is black? Sure. At the end of the day they probably cancel each other out. Idiots balancing idiots. Nothing new here.
Obama's only qualification for president in 2008 was his skin color. :cool:

Coupled with Romney's lack of qualification.

(47% comments, lying and/or unaware of Chrysler Jeep China issue...pick one, equally bad, post election whining)
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Blacks vote for blacks.

It's a fact of life. :cool:

No matter what? Does it matter if you think he's qualified or not?


Speaking as a black man who has voted for candidates who are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, female, and Native American in various local, state and national elections, qualifications count a lot more than race. I can also say that is pretty much true of most of the people I associate with.

The original post would only be true in an environment where people delegate the requirement to think. That is more insulting to an entire group of people than the OP apparently believes his ridiculous premise is an insult to President Obama.

Again, to answer your question. Qualifications are more important than skin color. In fact SOMETIMES qualifications are even more important than party affiliation.
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

Pray tell....continue to school black people on what they do and what they should do.
Obama's only qualification for president in 2008 was his skin color. :cool:

Coupled with Romney's lack of qualification.

(47% comments, lying and/or unaware of Chrysler Jeep China issue...pick one, equally bad, post election whining)

He was quite correct in his 47% assessment. It was the liberal media that painted it otherwise.

Assume for a second that I agree with you (I don't)....someone smart enough to be president wouldn't be caught on tape saying it. That's sort of like having to actually think about the answer to your wife / girlfriend asking "does this make me look fat?". If you can't think of a diplomatic way to answer that, you deserve the fallout.
to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

One fails to see the point, as the premise is idiotic.

No African American opined that the president should be re-elected solely because Obama was the same race as they.

Did I say re-elected, no I said upon being elected the first time around (historic moment and all this talk of being afterwards the first black President etc.), but I think it was also a huge factor in this re-election this time around as well for many, but is this wise or foolish for people to be looking at a persons color as opposed to their character, and their record instead when voting ? This nation needs to look into this big time, and to see why this is being the case for some or many as to how they vote, and to understand why they vote in this way. What is this kind of thinking all about for them ? Upon future investigation of (imho), it will show the motivations or thinking behind such voters, and it will also lead us to knowing what their ideals of a future behind such thinking does hold or intails for them and this nation going foward.
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to say that he was or should be elected by them, on the basis of his skin color, and that of it being an historic moment/event if he was elected based upon his skin color (i.e. becoming the first Black President in the USA)?

Think about this for a moment.... Barack saw himself winning that first election personally I'm thinking, as to be based upon his education and that of him being an American, and it never being based upon his skin color or should have been to the American voter reagrdless of his skin color, otherwise to be based upon him being a black man in life in order that he should get the job. He accepted this blackman thing in which was placed upon him, but what does it make him think really of the people who saw it all in this way, and voted for him in this way ? Does he see them as being smart or that of being naieve and ignorant in life in America, because a President should always be hired based upon his education and record in life, in which qualifies him or her for the job, and never should it be based upon the color of ones skin in life.

Somehow this nation must get beyond this skin color thing in life, because as Martin Luther King once said, it is and never should be about color in America as we are all going into the future, but instead about character, so why did the people run around yelling to the roof tops about color in that 1st election, and what did color mean to them if the election in their mind was won on the premise of color and not that of character, and this I mean if it is found to be lacking there of once a person is looked at for their character found within their job, and not looked at because of their skin color ?

Pray tell....continue to school black people on what they do and what they should do.
You got a comment or add that is constructive and productive to the conversation, instead of such crap as this that you speak in this way ? Don't you think that people would rather see more than just these one liners that you have, infact you are just like the President when it comes to these one liners when speaking, the only thing different, is that your not as funny as he can be, in which is a plus for him I guess.
Blacks vote for blacks.

It's a fact of life. :cool:

No matter what? Does it matter if you think he's qualified or not?


Speaking as a black man who has voted for candidates who are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, female, and Native American in various local, state and national elections, qualifications count a lot more than race. I can also say that is pretty much true of most of the people I associate with.

The original post would only be true in an environment where people delegate the requirement to think. That is more insulting to an entire group of people than the OP apparently believes his ridiculous premise is an insult to President Obama.

Again, to answer your question. Qualifications are more important than skin color. In fact SOMETIMES qualifications are even more important than party affiliation.
Your words, well they are my premise and/or explains it, so what is it that you don't like about my presentation, because it is to be interpreted exactly upon what you have spoken of it here? Maybe I worded it in a confusing way or something, or is it that people are having a hard time understanding what they may have done in this manor, especially if it turns out that they were wrong for doing so on down the line.
"Do black people realize that it was an insult to Barack Obama"

I don't know or care about what black people realize, and I feel quite certain that Barack Obama feels the same way.

People that are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves, do not care by what means they achieve that continuation, only that they do. There is no end to which they will not go, in order to justify their thirst for self-acceptance, which will forever elude them.
Obama had less support from everyone this time around, and that includes African Americans. However, what baffles me is the notion that Obama got insane levels of support from black voters. African Americans vote democratic, they've voted over 90% for a candidate before, and no that candidate wasn't black.

Seriously, get over it already.
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