DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Unfortunately, the Mitt Romney's of the world have made it impossible for a family to get by on one salary.


Do you drive an import, by chance?

NOpe. I always buy American. Of course, how can you tell these days... I found out one of my Fords was assembled in Mexico.

But I go back to my point. The Republicans have spent the last 30 years undermining the middle class. Partially because unions break for the Dems, partially because of their slavish devotion Wall Street greed, but the fact is, working class salaries have gone down in real numbers since 1980 after being adjusted for inflation.

Free Trade, Right to Work, At-Will employment. All things the GOP is for, that have destroyed the very firewall against the type of European Socialism you all abhor.

So while my Dad could raise five kids on his good union salary back in the 1960's, his kids have to work two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads, AND they've limitd themselves to two kids on average.

But Mitt Romney has four mansions... that's the important thing.

What you closet Democrats don't get is that brief post-WW2 era was a moment in time made possible by having the rest of the industrial world in bombed-out ruin.

We are actually returning to more of a norm for this nation, and as you Liberals keep trying to punish our wealth and job creators in the name of fairness, they will continue to flee to greener pastures.
A woman who has never had to work and never had to pinch pennies to feed and cloth her children probably really does not know what its like to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?

What the hell is your point?
What you closet Democrats don't get is that brief post-WW2 era was a moment in time made possible by having the rest of the industrial world in bombed-out ruin.

We are actually returning to more of a norm for this nation, and as you Liberals keep trying to punish our wealth and job creators in the name of fairness, they will continue to flee to greener pastures.

HOrseshit. We are the only industrialized nation that does it this way. 8 figure salaries for CEO's who lose money are unheard of in Japan or Europe.

And the "Breif" period you talk about lasted 35 years... hardly a blip.

Blaming fair wages and environmental laws for bad behavior on the part of business is like blaming a rape victim for dressing too scantily.
A woman who has never had to work and never had to pinch pennies to feed and cloth her children probably really does not know what its like to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?
Since when is a woman who raised five children a woman "who has never had to work"?

What sort of sexism is this?
A woman who has never had to work and never had to pinch pennies to feed and cloth her children probably really does not know what its like to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?
Since when is a woman who raised five children a woman "who has never had to work"?

What sort of sexism is this?

So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.
A woman who has never had to work and never had to pinch pennies to feed and cloth her children probably really does not know what its like to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?
Since when is a woman who raised five children a woman "who has never had to work"?

What sort of sexism is this?

So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.
Ann Romney is getting to be too popular and having an impact. To democrats she must be destroyed. This is not as bad as it looks, because it puts moochelle directly on the block too.
Since when is a woman who raised five children a woman "who has never had to work"?

What sort of sexism is this?

So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.
So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.
As I noted before, sexists rarely have the ability to think rationally. Partisans, too.
Yes, Rosen's comment was stupid, ignorant and thoughtless. Almost as bad as Alan West saying there are 78-81 Communists in Congress in a recent town hall meeting. The stupidity and hypocrisy is on both sides of the aisle.
18 point gender gap :lol::lol::lol: Good luck in 2012 :thup:

So I guess you are saying that women are so naive, they believe the President spin about "the war on women"

Well, I KNOW they are smarter than that. My wife came right out and said (paraphrased)

"there is no war on woman...the GOP candidates believe that neretain things should not be the responsibility of governemnt to oversee and control. The fact that some of those things are women things is irrelevant...it is an ideology...has nothing to do with women from a "sex" standpoint"

And in the debates, Romney will ask Obama to explain how it is a woar on women...and when he tries to explain how it is, Romney will show the viewers how it is spin.

And then he will look at the camera and say:

"Women of America...Your president obviously feels you are just too niave to know when he is spinning. I know you are smarter than that."

And that gap will disappear.
Well, you're a sexist. Sexists rarely have the ability to think rationality when it comes to women.

It isn't a matter of "sexism", you dumb twit.

Ann Romney is rich. Trying to conflate her with stay at home moms who make economic sacrifices to stay home with the kids is disingenuous. ( A choice fewer women can make because people like Mitt have destroyed the middle class.)

The real "mom" work was done by someone named "Maria" or something like that.

"I can't have illegals working here. I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake" - Mitt Romney.
As I noted before, sexists rarely have the ability to think rationally. Partisans, too.

As noted, you realy haven't made any point that it is sexist to point out that as a filthy rich person, Stepford Ann wasn't exactly doing any hard work.

Lots of AmPad employees lost their ability to work so she'd never have to.
Is this untrue?
Has Ann Romney ever worked a day in her life?

Does she know what it is to hold down a job, because a one income family doesn't cut it in America anymore?


Well. I guess that's another piece of information about how WEALTHY that family is.
Yup...no one understands the problems of working people better than trust fund millionaires who have never had a job!
Why look at the Bush years. The middle class DID GREAT! Oh...wait. That was the rich who did really really well....the rest of us kinda got fucked, huh?

Well, I'm sure they can relate to how hard it is. I mean they probably have had a lot of idle time on their hands, what with their various mansions and yachts and cars and car elevators and lobbyists for car elevators. I wonder....Does Mittens contemplate the plight of the middle class in those lost, awkward moments while he's riding his car elevator? Or does he just sing a little song to himself "I'm so rich, I can afford a car elevator....car elevator....car elevator...."
Ann Romney is getting to be too popular and having an impact. To democrats she must be destroyed. This is not as bad as it looks, because it puts moochelle directly on the block too.

Ummm, more women identify with Michelle than Ann, guy. Sorry.


Michelle- worked her way through college, balanced work with home life.

Ann- Filthy rich, had maids doing all the housework.

Yeah, more women identify with Michelle, guy, sorry.
Ann Romney is getting to be too popular and having an impact. To democrats she must be destroyed. This is not as bad as it looks, because it puts moochelle directly on the block too.

Ummm, more women identify with Michelle than Ann, guy. Sorry.

Many more because they juggle a full-time job, children and just as many get lumpectomies, too. Ann Romney is what you would call an anachronism of the 21st century.

Most women don't have two Cadillacs much less an elevator for them, either.

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