Diversity, Wokeness and Incompetence with some Peter Principle thrown in


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Many hate, despise, loathe Donald Trump. I don't even though I admit he is sometimes petulant, repetitive, obnoxious, difficult to like. But his track record stands as the most efficient and effective administrations to accomplish the most good of any presidency in our lifetimes

Conversely a bumbling Biden isn't all that unlikable, but the Biden Administration will likely go down in history as the most incompetent administration in history and perhaps the most damaging.

Biden brags that his administration is the most diverse in history with fully half of high appointees being people of color and/or LGBTQX+. Half the people in his administration are women. (And who can forget his infamous quip that "half the women in my administration are women.")

But as is always the case, 'diversity' is simply not interchangeable with competence or being qualified or capable of doing a job well.

Just three examples for starters:

Mayor Pete Buttigieg appointed not because of a stellar record in leadership but because he is gay: now kept out of sight and out of the news as much as possible when he proved to be totally incompetent in his position as Secretary of Transportation.

Kamala Harris chosen not because of commendable background or track record but because she is female and black and is now the most deeply unpopular Vice President, wholly incompetent to accomplish any task given her, and even most Democrats want her dumped.

Rachel Levine might be considered qualified due to her medical credentials and university teaching position, but he/she has zero government experience and was appointed by Biden to be "Admiral" in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. (a non-military but uniformed branch of Health & Human Services begun under Jimmy Carter.) Rachel had no association with that group until Biden appointed him/her Asst Secretary of Health. What others in that branch of government think about Rachel bypassing all the other ranks just because of being transgendered I don't know. (Admirals in that dept. don't have to be confirmed by the Senate but are 'promoted' by the President.) And that he/she is the most prominent face of Health and Human Services now is likely galling to Xavier Becerra the director of Health and Human Services but pretty invisible. Probably not one out of a hundred Americans have even heard of Becerra but everybody knows Rachel by sight. Rachel has been described by some as a 'lethally incompetent person to be a government health official."

All this begs the question: Why do people keep voting for this kind of incompetence?

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You can tell how well Biden is doing by how many butthurt rant-threads the BDS-sufferers create. Given the length of this one, it counts as two.

Biden is kicking both Republican and Russian keisters, while never losing his calm smile. The only senile droolers around are his critics, who universally don't seem to be okay mentally.
I pointed out the fallacy in your argument, that you equate lies with truth.

I really can't dumb it down any further.

And I pointed out the fallacy in your argument, that you equate truth with lies.

I really can't dumb it down any further.

See how easy that was?
Here is another of the problem. They deny that those demanding the government intervene to secure the right of minors to transgender surgery and hormones are not 'weaponizing' the government. But they are adamant that those opposing life changing surgery and dangerous hormones for kids, are 'weaponizing' the term gender-affirming care.

And one time Becerra is visible, he is threatening us if we don't allow mutilation of minors:
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Trans people are the new jews, that's the problem. Fascist tactics don't change. Someone has to be a scapegoat for the Nazis.
I wonder if you have ever offered an intellectually honest comment in your life? Okay we get it. You apparently approve of mutilation of children. Would you care to comment on that or other relevant posts in the OP?
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Here is another of the problem. Those demanding the government intervene to secure the right of minors to transgender surgery and hormones are not 'weaponizing' the government. But those opposing life changing surgery and dangerous hormones for kids, according to Rachel, are 'weaponizing' gender-affirming care.

And one time Becerra is visible, he is threatening us if we don't allow mutilation of minors:

Another well worn tactic/feature of the Marxist left....Coin a euphemism or steal a moniker for yourself, then run like a scalded cat from it when people figure out what you're really after, then project what you've been doing onto your opposition.
I wonder if you have ever offered an intellectually honest comment in your life?
Another well worn tactic/feature of the Marxist left....Coin a euphemism or steal a moniker for yourself, then run like a scalded cat from it when people figure out what you're really after, then project what you've been doing onto your opposition.
Another term for it is 'gas-lighting' which, among other things, is accusing the other of what (the rhetorical) 'you' are yourself guilty.
Many hate, despise, loathe Donald Trump. I don't even though I admit he is sometimes petulant, repetitive, obnoxious, difficult to like. But his track record stands as the most efficient and effective administrations to accomplish the most good of any presidency in our lifetimes

Conversely a bumbling Biden isn't all that unlikable, but the Biden Administration will likely go down in history as the most incompetent administration in history and perhaps the most damaging.

Biden brags that his administration is the most diverse in history with fully half of high appointees being people of color and/or LGBTQX+. Half the people in his administration are women. (And who can forget his infamous quip that "half the women in my administration are women.")

But as is always the case, 'diversity' is simply not interchangeable with competence or being qualified or capable of doing a job well.

Just three examples for starters:

Mayor Pete Buttigieg appointed not because of a stellar record in leadership but because he is gay: now kept out of sight and out of the news as much as possible when he proved to be totally incompetent in his position as Secretary of Transportation.

Kamala Harris chosen not because of commendable background or track record but because she is female and black and is now the most deeply unpopular Vice President, wholly incompetent to accomplish any task given her, and even most Democrats want her dumped.

Rachel Levine might be considered qualified due to her medical credentials and university teaching position, but he/she has zero government experience and was appointed by Biden to be "Admiral" in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. (a non-military but uniformed branch of Health & Human Services begun under Jimmy Carter.) Rachel had no association with that group until Biden appointed him/her Asst Secretary of Health. What others in that branch of government think about Rachel bypassing all the other ranks just because of being transgendered I don't know. (Admirals in that dept. don't have to be confirmed by the Senate but are 'promoted' by the President.) And that he/she is the most prominent face of Health and Human Services now is likely galling to Xavier Becerra the director of Health and Human Services but pretty invisible. Probably not one out of a hundred Americans have even heard of Becerra but everybody knows Rachel by sight. Rachel has been described by some as a 'lethally incompetent person to be a government health official."

All this begs the question: Why do people keep voting for this kind of incompetence?

We didn't. It was stolen.

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