Distance makes the heart grow fonder


Sep 23, 2010
Four Legal Arguments Why ObamaCare is Bad Law & Ought be Overturned

1. Unpopular: It Violates Declaration’s Government by “Consent of the People”

2. Sold by Lies: An Utterly Misleading Campaign for a Passed Law is Illegal

3. Doctrine of Impossibility: Agreements Impossible to Fulfill are Null & Void

4. Public Policy Against Waste: ObamaCare Will Destroy Economy

Thomas Aquinas once wrote that an unjust law is no law at all. John Locke agreed and the Founders included this as the foundation of the republic, called a Constitution. Any laws which are unjust, unfair, impossible, or ruinous to America as a whole do not have to be accepted. Let’s celebrate our Revolutionary heritage and repeal this disgusting and absurd law, and celebrate the event in the name of our wise Founders.

By Kelly OConnell Sunday, November 3, 2013

Four Legal Arguments Why ObamaCare is Bad Law & Ought be Overturned

Unjust laws is not the problem. The problem is the presidency, and members of Congress who act like the president of their party is a corporate CEO and they are his executives. Laws matter not when presidents can rule by executive orders and bureaucratic regulations. Don’t doubt me on this one. The result would have been the same had the Affordable Care Act contained no more than these 5 words —— Everybody Must Have Health Coverage.

Congress should have stood up to the president before the country morphed into a monarchy where the monarch is elected by the media. The transformation has been in progress for more than a century:

In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs forever and ever. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)

The president still reigns, and the media still governs; more so than in Wilde’s lifetime thanks to television.
Incidentally, the XXII Amendment (term limits on the president) did nothing to diminish the power of the presidency. Based on everything I’ve seen since 1951 Congress concluded that the less time a monarch has on the throne the more power he needs. Imagine how much power Congress would have given to the presidency had the XXII Amendment limited a president to one term?

And let’s not forget that the term ‘imperial president’ gained widespread popularity under President Nixon. In truth, Mr. Nixon was a wild-eyed anarchist compared to Bill Clinton and Barack Taqiyya.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

Notice that the media is distancing itself from the current monarch’s lies, while it abhors the prospect of reducing the monarchy to the powers enumerated in the Constitution and no more. Media so loves the monarchy it operates on the theory that future presidents will always be better than the guy who happens to occupy the throne at any given time; ergo, future presidents will need all of the powers past presidents enjoyed.

Bill Clinton and Barack Taqiyya indicate that future presidents will always be worse. The days of the occasional great president like Ronald Reagan getting in-between the bad ones appear to be over. Proof: No decent president would have signed the ACA. More proof: Look at media candidates for the presidential race in 2016. You’ll play hell trying to spot a Calvin Coolidge among them:

It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. Calvin Coolidge

The media will see to it that no president who puts the country before a bad law will ever again get elected. That also makes the chance of Congress repealing the ACA anaemic at best. Repeal requires two-thirds in both chambers —— 67 in the Senate and 290 in the House.

Veto everything anyway

The criterion for picking a presidential candidate should be what he or she will veto —— not what he or she stands for. It’s too easy to lie about what a candidate stands for as ACA enhancement proved. It started out as a promise to insure the uninsured. Between the time the ACA was being debated, and the time Congress passed a bill nobody read, the ACA evolved into death panels, prohibitive costs, reduced patient care, a government-run HMO, an affirmative action program, millions of government jobs, and a well-armed well-funded civilian pari-military force to mention just a few enhancements.

It’s not so easy to lie about what you will veto. Example: I will veto every bill that grows the government in any way.

Do not look to the High Court for relief

The SCOTUS overturning the ACA with one of the cases heading its way is even more anaemic than Congress repealing it as well as being naive. No Supreme Court decision will ever reduce, limit, or disallow government revenue.

Finally, how come the Congressional Black Caucus is not screaming about an unjust law? They piss and moan about everything else. Could their silence have something to do with access to the public trough! Indeed, I doubt if Martin “I Have A Dream” King would be arousing the conscience of the community over the ACA:

"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law"

-- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

October 28, 2013
Killing ObamaCare
By Jay Clarke

Articles: Killing ObamaCare
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In case you were asleep until now the law passed muster with the highest court in the land, a primarily conservative court at that.

Why it is good law:

It helps Americans
It keep insurers honest
It provides options
It fits into the free market model of modern democracy
It helps those making minimum wage and other working families
It provides for families to remain together
It gives Americans options when sick and the insurers want to drop them
It covers genetic mistakes
It promotes fairness in healthcare
Oh, and it is a good law for Americans, did I mention that?

One question I have for the critics, is why did the republicans not mention all the Americans dropped from healthcare last year, and the year before, and the year.... Any idea? What is really different? Any clues?
And let’s not forget that the term ‘imperial president’ gained widespread popularity under President Nixon. In truth, Mr. Nixon was a wild-eyed anarchist compared to Bill Clinton and Barack Taqiyya.

Paranoid delusional sweater was what Nixon was...
What is really different?

To midcan5: See the Eric Hoffer quote following my signature for the only difference that matters.

I’m not going to waste my time commenting on the Supreme Court, or the items on your wish list. The facts are all over television and the Internet.
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McAuliffe’s victory in Virginia told me three things.

1. McAuliffe would have lost if it wasn’t for the Libertarian party’s candidate:

Revealed: Obama Campaign Bundler Helping Fund Libertarian in Tight Va. Gubernatorial Race
Nov. 5, 2013 8:43am Meredith Jessup

Revealed: Obama Campaign Bundler Helping Fund Libertarian in Tight Va. Gubernatorial Race | TheBlaze.com

And isn’t it interesting that Ross Perot’s third party elected Bill Clinton in 1992 and McAuliffe is a Clinton lap dog.

2. The race was only close because McAuliffe benefitted from the large of number of Virginians who work for the federal government. They did not vote for McAuliffe or the ACA, they voted for big government and against a conservative.

3. Congressional Democrats dare not run on the ACA in next year’s midterms. They can only continue to distance themselves from the rollout fiasco without actually admitting they are growing fonder of the horrors in HillaryCare II. Surrogates for the ACA are already laying out the foundation for a two-way strategy. ROMNEYCARE IS GOOD.

The fact is this: Everybody in Massachusetts, except those with a vested interest in Romneycare, hate it. They are going to hate it even more when a fully implemented ACA is piled on top of Romneycare.

Note that candidate Mitt Romney started out by saying he wanted to get rid of the bad parts in the ACA and keep the good. It was too late after he said he would repeal HillaryCare II. Democrats in next year’s midterms are in the same position.

Conservative candidates have to ask Democrats who voted for the bill in 2010 one question: If elected, will you vote to repeal the ACA?

Democrats are much too fond of the ACA to answer “Yes.” Should they try to get away with a yes answer ask them: Does that mean you don’t like the law you voted for? As you can see Democrats are sinking in quicksand. Conservative candidates should throw them an anvil not a rope in the form of “Let’s work together to fix it for the good of the country.” Never forget that Democrats did not give a rat’s ass about the country when they passed it.

Democrats have no choice but to continue lying just like their president is doing in order to hold the base together. Assume they are lying when they answer “Keep the good and get rid of the bad.” Simply ask them which parts of the ACA they would throw out? Any answer to that question will sink them faster than a lead balloon.

Finally, to no one’s surprise Karl Rove’s Republicans prefer a Democrat over a conservative:

Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them: 'We Were on Our Own'
by Tony Lee 5 Nov 2013

Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them: 'We Were on Our Own'
Conservatives distancing themselves from betrayal after betrayal will make Republican hearts grow fonder for the betrayed when media-anointed candidates never win another presidential election. Establishment Republicans have been betraying conservative candidates, conservative ideals, the Constitution, and the country for decades. Ken Cuccinelli, more than any other candidate in recent years, exposed the Republican party’s entire house of lies.

And please do not tell me there is a difference between objectives. Right now spinmeisters in both parties are working overtime to develop a storyline that will save the ACA from repeal —— or to be more precise save the house of lies from demolition when the ACA is not repealed. More to the point, the country is where it is today because party decision makers have been working together since the LBJ years.

Rush Limbaugh leaves no stone unturned in his analyses in this audio link:

This Youtube link nails motive:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcEXUkFCC2Q&feature=player_detailpage]Rush Limbaugh Explains Why GOP Didn't Want Ken Cuccinelli to Win - YouTube[/ame]​

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