Disgusting a thought as it maybe

Senile Joe (with son China/Russia Hunter in tow) could pull off a November win thanks to the China virus and the democrat run media working overtime. Timing they say is everything. Asshole dems/media could not get Trump on the economy prior to the China virus , Russia was dry hole among other things so along comes the China virus doing the dems work for them. Just in time for 2020. MMMmmmmmmmm.

He's got a better than average chance (Biden). But that was true before the pandemic (and before he was the presumptive nominee). Even with a good economy and job growth, Trump's approval rating was still 43%. He was already polling behind in Michigan and Pennsylvania. He was even in Wisconsin and North Carolina. Up in Florida, Texas, and Ohio. In short, he was going to face the same electoral math he faced in 2016. Again, all this is assuming no pandemic.

And in five of those states (all but Tx and OH), Rump could not even pull 50% of the vote in 2016 so that's real soft. We're talkin' mushroom soft.

How pathetic are you when Joe Biden of all creatures is winning all the polls. Rump meanwhile is dragging a 53.4% disapproval to 43.4% approval rating and doing what he can to widen that gap by telling people to inject sunlight and disinfectants, so at this point Harold Stassen could defeat him.

Senile Joe (with son China/Russia Hunter in tow) could pull off a November win thanks to the China virus and the democrat run media working overtime. Timing they say is everything. Asshole dems/media could not get Trump on the economy prior to the China virus , Russia was dry hole among other things so along comes the China virus doing the dems work for them. Just in time for 2020. MMMmmmmmmmm.

He's got a better than average chance (Biden).
So Hillary really was a total fuck up then. Here she was a career politician, funded out the Hoo Hoo, First Lady, Senator and Sec. of State going against a total non-initiate and she got beaten bad. But here comes Joe now, a two-time loser now sliding into Alzheimer's with a sex-assault case hanging over him going against a now very experienced, popular president who commanded a super economy, job growth, wage increases, lower taxes, better trade, lower crime and defeating international terrorism around the globe who has now held down best as possible a global pandemic as well and Joe stands a better than average chance?

I wouldn't say a fuck up. I'd say she didn't campaign until the end in the states that ultimately ended up costing her the election. She thought they were automatics. A huge mistake no doubt.
But let's look at this realistically. Even after not campaigning till the end in those states, even after an entire class of voters (Bernie's supporters) ended up staying home on election day, and even after a last minute assist in the form of a non scandal from the then FBI director, what was Trump's margin of victory again? A squeaker. Barely 77,000 votes across three states. A difference of 46 electoral votes. Overall, less than a 1% margin of victory for Trump. If those 46 electoral votes go in the other column, she's your President. And yes, she would have done a better job by far responding to the virus than the reality TV game show host did. He fucked around tweeting, golfing, hanging at Mar-A-Lago, and holding his pep rallies while downplaying or just flat out ignoring it altogether.

Joe Biden, even with all his gaffes is head and shoulders above that incompetent knucklehead in the White House....and most voters, even a lot of Trump supporters (deep down) know it.
Yes, I like his chances.

Senile Joe (with son China/Russia Hunter in tow) could pull off a November win thanks to the China virus and the democrat run media working overtime. Timing they say is everything. Asshole dems/media could not get Trump on the economy prior to the China virus , Russia was dry hole among other things so along comes the China virus doing the dems work for them. Just in time for 2020. MMMmmmmmmmm.
It's because tRump.told his followers to inject Lysol and stick a UV lamp up their butts.


Senile Joe (with son China/Russia Hunter in tow) could pull off a November win thanks to the China virus and the democrat run media working overtime. Timing they say is everything. Asshole dems/media could not get Trump on the economy prior to the China virus , Russia was dry hole among other things so along comes the China virus doing the dems work for them. Just in time for 2020. MMMmmmmmmmm.

He's got a better than average chance (Biden).
So Hillary really was a total fuck up then. Here she was a career politician, funded out the Hoo Hoo, First Lady, Senator and Sec. of State going against a total non-initiate and she got beaten bad. But here comes Joe now, a two-time loser now sliding into Alzheimer's with a sex-assault case hanging over him going against a now very experienced, popular president who commanded a super economy, job growth, wage increases, lower taxes, better trade, lower crime and defeating international terrorism around the globe who has now held down best as possible a global pandemic as well and Joe stands a better than average chance?

I wouldn't say a fuck up. I'd say she didn't campaign until the end in the states that ultimately ended up costing her the election. She thought they were automatics. A huge mistake no doubt.
But let's look at this realistically. Even after not campaigning till the end in those states, even after an entire class of voters (Bernie's supporters) ended up staying home on election day, and even after a last minute assist in the form of a non scandal from the then FBI director, what was Trump's margin of victory again? A squeaker. Barely 77,000 votes across three states. A difference of 46 electoral votes. Overall, less than a 1% margin of victory for Trump. If those 46 electoral votes go in the other column, she's your President. And yes, she would have done a better job by far responding to the virus than the reality TV game show host did. He fucked around tweeting, golfing, hanging at Mar-A-Lago, and holding his pep rallies while downplaying or just flat out ignoring it altogether.

Joe Biden, even with all his gaffes is head and shoulders above that incompetent knucklehead in the White House....and most voters, even a lot of Trump supporters (deep down) know it.
Yes, I like his chances.
A "squeaker?" Those 46 EC votes amount to nearly 20% of the total needed to win.
Is this one of those quantum mechanics alternative universes thing?

Yes. The Many Worlds Interpretation suggests there is at least one reality in which Biden wins among an infinite number of alternate realities.

Senile Joe (with son China/Russia Hunter in tow) could pull off a November win thanks to the China virus and the democrat run media working overtime. Timing they say is everything. Asshole dems/media could not get Trump on the economy prior to the China virus , Russia was dry hole among other things so along comes the China virus doing the dems work for them. Just in time for 2020. MMMmmmmmmmm.
What do we do if the fake news media causes Trump to lose?
Maybe the post is intended for democrats to curb their instinctive distrust for Biden and support him because they hate the President but the cold hard truth is that the Biden family was affiliated with and defended China early in the epidemic. Lefties are living in a fantasy world if they think this guy can win an election without giving a speech not to mention engaging in a debate.

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