Disabled veteran who set himself on fire dies


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Akiva Mafi'i, 45, the disabled IDF veteran set himself on fire at a bus stop in Yehud some 10 days ago, has died of his wounds at the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. He had suffered from burns over 70% of his body.

Injured during his military service, Mafi'i underwent rehabilitation and later volunteered at the Border Guard. Some time later he suffered a stroke following an accident.

In the past few years he has been under the care of social services both through the National Insurance Institute and the IDF who recognized his disability.

A source familiar with the details of the case said that Mafi'I was assigned a social worker and also appointed a court guardian due to his financial problems.

Disabled veteran who set himself on fire dies - Israel News, Ynetnews
Akiva Mafi'i, 45, the disabled IDF veteran set himself on fire at a bus stop in Yehud some 10 days ago, has died of his wounds at the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. He had suffered from burns over 70% of his body.

Injured during his military service, Mafi'i underwent rehabilitation and later volunteered at the Border Guard. Some time later he suffered a stroke following an accident.

In the past few years he has been under the care of social services both through the National Insurance Institute and the IDF who recognized his disability.

A source familiar with the details of the case said that Mafi'I was assigned a social worker and also appointed a court guardian due to his financial problems.

Disabled veteran who set himself on fire dies - Israel News, Ynetnews

God lift him into heaven.
Poor bastard Jew, from the fire into the lake of fire.

That dead idiot was a Commie Jew protesting against Israel's Socialist government. Supposedly, he was deep in debt. But, I would think that Israel would be taking care of him, a disabled vet in Israel's endless war against Palestinian refugees.
Akiva Mafi'i, 45, the disabled IDF veteran set himself on fire at a bus stop in Yehud some 10 days ago, has died of his wounds at the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. He had suffered from burns over 70% of his body.

Injured during his military service, Mafi'i underwent rehabilitation and later volunteered at the Border Guard. Some time later he suffered a stroke following an accident.

In the past few years he has been under the care of social services both through the National Insurance Institute and the IDF who recognized his disability.

A source familiar with the details of the case said that Mafi'I was assigned a social worker and also appointed a court guardian due to his financial problems.

Disabled veteran who set himself on fire dies - Israel News, Ynetnews

God lift him into heaven.

do Jews believe in Heaven?
I see that some of the racist contingent couldn't refrain from flinging their feces in here.....

One needn't be a 'Zionist' to recognize the Nazi filth Ariuxxx is constantly ejecting!
MHunterB, you're such a laughably stupid shithead! You're calling me racist for my objective statement about racists known as Jews. So far, you've presented no evidence that you know anything about Jews vs. Heaven. What's the problem? Couldn't you find anything relevant on your Religious Misinformation website, so you just linked to the whole site?
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark? Just the other day a pro football player committed suicide. I didn't see anyone in the newspapers making an asinine remark about him. People commit suicide every day for many reasons, but only a two-bit anti-Semite would have made a remark such as you.

Quote: Originally Posted by MrAlwaysRight
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?

Hossfly diverts:
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark?
The Torah-the literal word of G-d, says that Israel, the Homeland of the Jews, is the "land of milk and honey". Have you no empathy for a man so desperate in G-d's paradise that he immolated himself? Have you no curiosity as to what drove him to such a desperate act?

PS- This has nothing to do with football.
Quote: Originally Posted by MrAlwaysRight
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?

Hossfly diverts:
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark?
The Torah-the literal word of G-d, says that Israel, the Homeland of the Jews, is the "land of milk and honey". Have you no empathy for a man so desperate in G-d's paradise that he immolated himself? Have you no curiosity as to what drove him to such a desperate act?

PS- This has nothing to do with football.

I will tell you the same thing I have told Roudy and Ima in simalar situations. It is dispicable to try to make political points on the pain and especially the suicide of people who are in pain. At least try to show a little empathy.
Quote: Originally Posted by MrAlwaysRight
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?

Hossfly diverts:
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark?
The Torah-the literal word of G-d, says that Israel, the Homeland of the Jews, is the "land of milk and honey". Have you no empathy for a man so desperate in G-d's paradise that he immolated himself? Have you no curiosity as to what drove him to such a desperate act?

PS- This has nothing to do with football.

I will tell you the same thing I have told Roudy and Ima in simalar situations. It is dispicable to try to make political points on the pain and especially the suicide of people who are in pain. At least try to show a little empathy.

Again I ask you Pat: Have you no empathy for a man so desperate? Wouldn't you want to try to understand why he was driven to immolation?

How "dispicable" indeed!
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark? Just the other day a pro football player committed suicide. I didn't see anyone in the newspapers making an asinine remark about him. People commit suicide every day for many reasons, but only a two-bit anti-Semite would have made a remark such as you.


i don't think anyone should make light about the dead but i think people on your side of the fence wrote the deinitive edition on how to play that game, hoss. how many times have you spoke out against the horrible things said about rachel corrie. even bringing her name up i fear will bring a torrent of "pancake" jokes. jews/zionists even made fun of iman al-hams.

have you ever made fun of rachel? i can't recall. of course, my opinion may be skewed by the fact that jews/zionists have so much more "material" to work with, what with the IDF's and the settler's penchant for running amok. what is the kill ratio on children by you guys now...somewhere in the neighbourhood of ten to one?

no offense, really and truly, but i would take your indignation much more seriously if you would try to be a bit more evenhanded in your expression of outrage.

do you think this man's desperation was any greater than that of a suicide bomber? i don't know?
I see that some of the racist contingent couldn't refrain from flinging their feces in here.....

One needn't be a 'Zionist' to recognize the Nazi filth Ariuxxx is constantly ejecting!

you would be a lot more creditable with your comments on feces flinging if you were occasionally to condemn the absolute glee and unrestrained revelry that the zionist/jew contingent exhibits at the death of palestinian children and pro=palestinian american citizens.

i really would think, you being aware of the stereotype of a jewish "double standard" i am sure, that you would at least be a little more cautious in your words instead of so flagrantly displaying your own double standard.

I will tell you the same thing I have told Roudy and Ima in simalar situations. It is dispicable to try to make political points on the pain and especially the suicide of people who are in pain. At least try to show a little empathy.

Again I ask you Pat: Have you no empathy for a man so desperate? Wouldn't you want to try to understand why he was driven to immolation?

How "dispicable" indeed!

he said just before he did it that he was in debt. he had also spoken about a prior self immolation victim who was let down by israeli social services. if you are looking for a more sinister or more complex reason, i don't think you are going to find it.
Why was he so desperate that he set himself on fire in the land of milk and honey?
Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark? Just the other day a pro football player committed suicide. I didn't see anyone in the newspapers making an asinine remark about him. People commit suicide every day for many reasons, but only a two-bit anti-Semite would have made a remark such as you.


i don't think anyone should make light about the dead but i think people on your side of the fence wrote the deinitive edition on how to play that game, hoss. how many times have you spoke out against the horrible things said about rachel corrie. even bringing her name up i fear will bring a torrent of "pancake" jokes. jews/zionists even made fun of iman al-hams.

have you ever made fun of rachel? i can't recall. of course, my opinion may be skewed by the fact that jews/zionists have so much more "material" to work with, what with the IDF's and the settler's penchant for running amok. what is the kill ratio on children by you guys now...somewhere in the neighbourhood of ten to one?

no offense, really and truly, but i would take your indignation much more seriously if you would try to be a bit more evenhanded in your expression of outrage.

do you think this man's desperation was any greater than that of a suicide bomber? i don't know?
No offense to you either, but I would take your indignation more seriously if on the AOL Middle East Discussion Board you would have condemned all the children murdered by Muslims in countries such as Iraq or Yemen. It's very nice and convenient for many just to overlook the enormous amount of children who have died by suicide and car bombers while in the marketplace, at funerals, praying in Mosques and Churches, etc. Can you just imagine how many children have died just in this conflict going on in Syria?

Were you so desperate that you had to make such an asinine remark? Just the other day a pro football player committed suicide. I didn't see anyone in the newspapers making an asinine remark about him. People commit suicide every day for many reasons, but only a two-bit anti-Semite would have made a remark such as you.


i don't think anyone should make light about the dead but i think people on your side of the fence wrote the deinitive edition on how to play that game, hoss. how many times have you spoke out against the horrible things said about rachel corrie. even bringing her name up i fear will bring a torrent of "pancake" jokes. jews/zionists even made fun of iman al-hams.

have you ever made fun of rachel? i can't recall. of course, my opinion may be skewed by the fact that jews/zionists have so much more "material" to work with, what with the IDF's and the settler's penchant for running amok. what is the kill ratio on children by you guys now...somewhere in the neighbourhood of ten to one?

no offense, really and truly, but i would take your indignation much more seriously if you would try to be a bit more evenhanded in your expression of outrage.

do you think this man's desperation was any greater than that of a suicide bomber? i don't know?
No offense to you either, but I would take your indignation more seriously if on the AOL Middle East Discussion Board you would have condemned all the children murdered by Muslims in countries such as Iraq or Yemen. It's very nice and convenient for many just to overlook the enormous amount of children who have died by suicide and car bombers while in the marketplace, at funerals, praying in Mosques and Churches, etc. Can you just imagine how many children have died just in this conflict going on in Syria?


i had regularly condemned suicide bombings and will continue to do so but at the same time, i will try to understand what passions motivate men to so selflessly give themselves up for a cause.

i believe the name of the AOL board was "politics of israel" and for the most part, i try to keep my focus on the board that i am on, to the subject i am on.

i don't appreciate having the old board thrown in my face, especially when i am being lied about. i really have no defense other than to lie back. i am not going to do that. i am not even sure we are allowed to mention other boards.

what happened to me on that other board was horrific, so horrific in fact that when patrickcaturday very accuratly described it to defend me, he was edited. i understand that editing. . i suspect someone turned him in. i would endure such comments daily and every once in awhile i would respond back, and not in anger as people accuse me of. but in a very cold a deliberate way. i don't know. it would seem like condeming me for cold deliberation would be more damning than condemning me for a moment of passion. i did not make many responses, but i apparently did them very well. one woman said a one word response i had made, not a threat, not a profanity, not anything really but a word surrounded by the context of other posters, chilled her.

i think i can talk about my family. my father was a highly decorated army officer who fought in WWII and my mom was a red cross volunteer who also served in europe. some of the things said about them, and particularly the accusations that i was sexually abused by them and that they brought me up to be a NAZI are beyond my comprehension. i endured those comments, but when i would strike back, maybe once a month or so, i wasn't going to be halfstepping.

so why don't we drop the boolshite. you(pl) do these things everyday, denigrate muslims, denigrate arabs and persians, trash me (and caturday) occasionally because we are irish catholics and you (again pl) invoke the stereotypical "drunk" paddy stuff. thats all good, it is water off a duck's back...but when i make one comment about the attitude of jews towards african americans re a film roudy posted, make a comment about how jews were not well like in african amrican communities and that (again, i was speaking about the attitude expressed by roudy and that film), i hear all these shrill cries of feigned indignation.

some people, and i am one of them, are not fooled.

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