Dirty SOROS machines in Chicago changing Republican votes to Dems, B U S T E D

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county
Published October 22, 2014
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CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.

Thanks for linking us to a partisan website that routinely offers zero proof for its outrageous claims. This is WORSE than using Michal Moore as a source.

Like the rest of your fake voting scandals, these things never pan out. However, you don't really care if any single scandal pans out. You just spew a constant stream of fake stories in hopes that the accumulated weight of lies will leave a general impression in the low-information brain.

Lady Gun Slinger,

Lying is bad Karma. It eventually comes back to haunt you.

Rather than lying about rigged elections and a rigged media, why don't you elect a candidate who isn't a whiner.

Reagan never whined, he just got shit done.

The Clintons have been hunted for 30 years by your scumbag rightwing scandal mongers, but it doesn't phase them. They just get their shit done. Obama was hunted every day for 8 years by Trump and the lying Birther Movement. BUT It didn't phase him. He just got shit done.

Trump, on the other hand, just whines and cries about the unfair election and the unfair media. He hasn't suffered 1/1000th of what the Clintons and Obama have been through at the hands of the rightwing media empire.

BUT he cries like a baby, and he doesn't get shit done. He isn't making his case to the American people. He's just whining boohoo about a world that is finally treating him like he treated Obama.

Karma eeez bitch, no?

Stop crying. Man up. Get yer shit done or go home. We're sick of your fucking fake scandals.

Act like Reagan and stop making excuses.

Tell us what your policies are.
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LGS making up shit again! I am shocked,,,,,well not really. It's simply, her well known M.O.. :dunno:
Um....stupid? Unless you think Lady Gun Slinger control Fox News - how exactly could she be "making this up"?

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

Please point out where Soros's voting machines are mentioned in the OP's linked article. Who is stupid? You, the hyper-partisan hack or the truth-teller?
Ohhhh....I see. The voting machines were rigged for Dumbocrats and that is a horribly uncomfortable truth for you so you want to focus on the irrelevant detail of the thread title. :eusa_doh:
Thanks for linking us to a partisan website that routinely offers zero proof for its outrageous claims. This is worth than someone on the Left using Michal Moore as a source.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Fox News - a national news network with among some of the highest ratings - is the same as using an independent film director?!?

Bwahahahahaha!!!!! :lmao:
Lady Gun Slinger, Lying is bad Karma. It eventually comes back to haunt you. Rather than lying about rigged elections and a rigged media, why don't you elect a candidate who isn't a whiner.
Lying is bad. Which is why LGS doesn't do it. And she has the news story to back it up. It also begs the question - why do progressives lie 24x7 if you nitwits know it is bad?
LGS making up shit again! I am shocked,,,,,well not really. It's simply, her well known M.O.. :dunno:
Um....stupid? Unless you think Lady Gun Slinger control Fox News - how exactly could she be "making this up"?

‘calibration Error’ Changes Gop Votes To Dem In Illinois County

Please point out where Soros's voting machines are mentioned in the OP's linked article. Who is stupid? You, the hyper-partisan hack or the truth-teller?
Ohhhh....I see. The voting machines were rigged for Dumbocrats and that is a horribly uncomfortable truth for you so you want to focus on the irrelevant detail of the thread title. :eusa_doh:

I am an independent, who isn't voting for either Clinton or Trump. That means I'm voting for Evan McMullin, got it Gomer?
Some of us aren't easily manipulated hyper-partisan hacks, who would vote for a hugely unfit individual to be President of the United States of America. We just happen to actually love our country, unlike folks like you, who back someone would be a disaster for ourselves and our future generations. That's what it's all about Rottwiller, ( which was the former name you called yourself, while embarrassing yourself, hence your name change). :2up:
FYI-Soros has no connection to the voting machines....he sold off any electronic voting machine businesses that were part of his portfolio, in 2006....over 10 years ago.
Assuming what you say is true, why would a guy with soro's sullied reputation be involved in of all things a voting machine at any time.
Sorta like a former bank robber wanting to be the president of a bank
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