Dirty DNC: DNC rolls back Obama ban on contributions from federal lobbyists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 that banned donations from federal lobbyists and political action committees.

The decision, which may provide an advantage to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, was viewed with disappointment Friday morning by good government activists who saw it as a step backward in the effort to limit special interest influence in Washington."

Bernie was right about what he said in the debate...Hillary has and is selling her soul to Wall Street and Lobbyists, and the DNC just made it easier for her to get a whole lot more money for it.


In case the Liberal 'little people' don't get what just happened - The DNC just gave a big ol' 'F* YOU' to the very people who support them, all but declaring they don't give a damn what you say because they're taking their marching orders from the Lobbyists, Special Interest Groups, and the Wall Street CEOs who are lining their pockets....while giving Hillary an edge, in raising money at least.


DNC allowing donations from federal lobbyists and PACs
A guy who supports donations by wallstreet mocks someone for taking donation from wallstreet. News at 11
Much like with the super delegates - some voters' votes count more than other people's, Liberals and career politicians think the same thing about Lobbyists / special interest groups / Wall street - some people's opinions and desires mean more than others. If you have the money you should be able to buy all the influence you want.
Something radical has to happen before that will change....

You mean like a political revolution? ;)
When congress was first established, representatives met jus a few months out of the year. Considering what they are getting done now, why not return to that policy.
Anyone who is in elected office should have 2 accounts, one personal, one savings. Auditing should take place twice a year that would uncover large amounts of money from unknown sources. No candidate can have donations, each candidate gets the same amount to run on and make it last throughout the entire election campaign.
No bank accounts in foreign countries. Lobbyists should be outlawed.

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