Difference between Obama and Trump: Obama truly waged war on the USA!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Trump would NEVER ever be accused of this:

Running for re-election in 2012 Obama was making a concerted effort to destroy America!
Obama is at war with America.
Between the waste of billions squandered on “Green” energy and the attacks on all aspects of the energy industries in America, the one reason to defeat Obama is your ability to turn on the lights, turn on your computer, and ensure that American business and industry has the energy necessary to exist and compete. Just try to imagine what your life would be without adequate, reliable electricity.
As a Wall Street Journal editorial recently warned, “Last week the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission convened a conference on the wave of Environmental Protection Agency rules that are designed to force dozens of coal-fired power plants to shut down…despite warnings from expert after expert, including some of its own, the FERC Commissioners refuse to do anything about this looming threat to electric reliability.”

Far from waging war on America, President Trump has been working on making America
Energy INDEPENDENT... Unlike Obama who told the world:
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did it go about doing that? Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Look at how USMB Republicans protect the right of chemical plants in Houston to make people who live in Houston sick.

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