Did Schumer fold on the shutdown to ensure Trump would be in Davos to meet with his global leaders?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trump is in Davos now but would not have been there if the shutdown had continued a day or two more. He will now have global leaders meet, greet, flash a plastic smile as they try and convince Trump to become more of a globalist like them. Meaning, use the US taxpayer to fund their nations rather than America. That's what globalism has become, oh, and helping China rise to create a threat to American dominance. Not as it was advertised to us growing up with what was a new phonomena.

Trump's objective is to tell big businesses, "America is open for business and we have provided a great environment in which to succeed". Clearly with the tax cuts and regulation elimination America is head and shoulders above the competition, and I hope Trump says this in his speech while reminding the world America will not be exploited anymore. Something tells me that May, Macron and the rest of the "Old Country" that for 250 years has been trying to slow down the upstart America will be in his ear selling him a used car.

The speed in which Schumer buckled is interesting, and as much as I know it was the right thing for the Democratic Party as they would have ostracized many American citizens, there is the possibility he knew if he didn't end it soon that Trump would have to skip Davos and the hornets nest of lifetime, bought and sold primarily pro-Chinese, globalist politicians. Many of these globalists and certain "allies" were big donors to the Clinton Foundation, they will need that funding going forward, though how it is coordinated might be tricky.
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Trump would have gone anyway, since the shutdown was in the hands of Congress.

Schumer folded because he had no weapons.
Trump would have gone anyway, since the shutdown was in the hands of Congress.

Schumer folded because he had no weapons.

I read that he wasn't going to go as long as the shutdown was ongoing. The link below alludes to it being at least undecided. I would guess it would be politically unpopular for him to leave during a shutdown, though not the worst situation for him.

White House: Trump’s Davos trip still on ‘if all things go as expected’

President Donald Trump will travel to Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum as planned this week if the re-opening of the government goes as anticipated, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

If all things go as expected this afternoon with the reopening of the government, which we expect that they will, the president’s delegation will leave tomorrow, and the president will continue on his trip later in the week,” Sanders said at the White House press briefing.

The status of the president’s trip to the elite-economic summit was uncertain over the weekend after lawmakers failed to reach a deal to fund the federal government ahead of Friday’s midnight deadline. But Democratic senators on Monday reached an agreement with Republicans to end the shutdown.
I don't think it was as political as people think. I don't think him or Melania felt like going. So he uses the shutdown as an excuse, and is backed into a corner when it ends. He goes, and Melania drops out. People read too much into very trivial things.

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