Did Obamacare Fail Again?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We've had guns and gun rights for over 230 years but it's only since we passed Obamacare that mentally ill, violent kids shoot up schools.

Is it time to scrap this failed legislation?
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We've had guns and gun rights for over 230 years but it's only since we passed Obamacare that mentally ill, violent kids shoot up schools.

Is it time to scrap this failed legislation?

This is a fine example of an illogical conclusion.
Since Obamacare was passed in 2009. School shootings began well before the advent of legislation titled ACA.
What I am amazed is that any ape can learn to post on the internet.
We've had guns and gun rights for over 230 years but it's only since we passed Obamacare that mentally ill, violent kids shoot up schools.

Is it time to scrap this failed legislation?

Obamacare has been fully implemented!? Who knew.
What is sad is Reagan cut funding for mental health and opened the doors to such persistant killing sprees by mental midgets.
What is sad is Reagan cut funding for mental health and opened the doors to such persistant killing sprees by mental midgets.

We didnt need the mental health stuff back then.

Under Os watch, theres a killing spree every 5 minutes.

Which is not true but this year has been bad. No matter whom was or is president these acts will occur since they are not politically motivated.
Stop being mean to Obama! He's been very busy rescuing Justin Bieber from the Castration Conspiracy!


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