Did I miss something today?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

The republicans desperately tried to get the media to help them make their point but the media ain't havin' none of it.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

It was the right wing who wanted to focus on this and spend a shit ton of money on it. Don't start bitching now, this is what conservatives wanted. A whole dog and pony show, a political circus, even though they knew it wouldn't amount to jack shit.

Even if something was found out, then what? Obama would still serve the rest of his term even if impeachment charges were brought up. And even if he was, by some unbelievable miracle, impeached before his term was up, then we get Biden!? Fuck that, I would rather have Obama than Biden.

This whole Benghazi thing was nothing more than a fevered attempt to have some mud to sling at democrats come the next election. It was never a serious attempt to hold anyone accountable for anything.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

The republicans desperately tried to get the media to help them make their point but the media ain't havin' none of it.

So basically the media is in on the coverup.

As we have been saying all along.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

The republicans desperately tried to get the media to help them make their point but the media ain't havin' none of it.

So basically the media is in on the coverup.

As we have been saying all along.

of course---but all of this happened earlier in the day---it doesn't matter anymore.

( cue Linda Ronstadt.)
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

The republicans desperately tried to get the media to help them make their point but the media ain't havin' none of it.

So basically the media is in on the coverup.

As we have been saying all along.

There's no media cover-up. Everyone could watch the testimony for themselves, with no media input, and there's still nothing to be said of the whole fiasco.
you are right gamps we didn't learn a lot. All that happened is confirmation of what we knew all along. Incompetence and lying is the hall mark of the way this situation was handled from the git go. Cover up, changing stories and down right lying is what we have been saying and what we heard today.

Now we need to deal with the outraged liberal monkeys that are flinging their own dung as fast as they can.
The republicans desperately tried to get the media to help them make their point but the media ain't havin' none of it.

So basically the media is in on the coverup.

As we have been saying all along.

There's no media cover-up. Everyone could watch the testimony for themselves, with no media input, and there's still nothing to be said of the whole fiasco.

Everyone has to ether watch Fox or CSPAN to see it. MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all of the rest are doing their best to ignore it.

But if the media had a vested interest in Benghazi that's all they would cover. If it was Bush in the Oval Office this would be bigger than Abu Gharab, Katrina, Iran Contra, and Watergate combined.

Nobody gives a flying fuck that many of the survivors look like the Boston Marathon Bombing victims with missing limbs and permanent injuries, not to mention 4 dead Americans that everyone on the left feels like telling the families to piss off.
they'd have a story if they asked why none of the killers have yet been apprehended ...
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Ah, what a lovely sight. All those yapping 'Conservatives' unable to do anything but repeat the same old bullshit. This will shut down the same way the last one did, with the fruitloops quietly closing things down and sneaking out the back door with their tails dragging in the mud.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

A desperate search for a stand down order.

Two rescue teams were sent. Two people from the first rescue team were killed.

The second rescue team was not able to get permission to board a Libyan C-130 before that plane left. They departed on a second plane later, but arrived too late.

With these attacks going on, a special forces team was deployed to protect the main US embassy which is in Tripoli. If that team had been sent to Benghazi instead, they also would not have arrived on time in Benghazi. The most prudent thing was done, which was to not leave Tripoli unprotected.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

I can't see C span but I'm reading up on what transpired. New to me today were a couple of issues I've come across that I'd never heard about and I've been up to speed on Benghazi since it happened.

First was the email that was read from a State Department Official to the Libyan Ambassador stating that the attack on the Consulate was without a doubt a terrorist attack.

This completes the nails in the coffin of the fabricated fairytale that Obama, Clinton, Rice et al spent days and days spewing to the American public.

Confirms what we believed but this nails it to the wall. No wiggle room for the Administration.

Busted. This is on September 12th.

Secret email reveals top official told Libya's U.S. Abmassador that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack - four days BEFORE U.S. Ambassador to UN said it was a spontaneous attack

Sept. 11: Terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya

Sept. 12: State Dept. Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs tells Libya's President that Ansar al-Sharia was responsible*******

Sept. 13: CIA writes candid talking points for members of Congress

Sept. 15: White House deputies edit the talking points, removing all references to Islamic terrorism

Sept. 16: UN Ambassador Susan Rice, in five television interviews, blames the attack on a spontaneous mob angered by an anti-Islam YouTube video

By David Martosko In Washington

PUBLISHED: 17:56 GMT, 8 May 2013 | UPDATED: 22:49 GMT, 8 May 2013

A top State Department appointee told Libya's ambassador to the United States one day after the military-style assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that the terror group Ansar al-Shariah was responsible.

But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest.

During a fiery and emotional congressional hearing on the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy read aloud from an email dated Sept. 12, 2012 to senior State Department officers, from Elizabeth Jones, the acting Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

Describing a conversation she had with then-Libyan ambassador Ali Aujali, Jones wrote in the previously undisclosed email that 'I told him that the group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Sharia, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists.'

'Let me say that again,' Gowdy emphasized during the hearing: 'She told him.'

Secret email reveals top official told Libya's U.S. Abmassador that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack - four days BEFORE U.S. Ambassador to UN said it was a spontaneous attack | Mail Online

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