Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters

The other 'Orange Man.' :5_1_12024:
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understand is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier from an American company is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understamd is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.

None of that happened nor is it happening now. Get a grip.
See, this is what’s funny,

Donald Trump was just answering questions truthfully. He was telling you how he felt. Because he saw nothing wrong with any of his answers. He believed totally in everything he was saying.

And what he said was so awful that now his cult followers are insisting he must’ve been tricked.

And it’s not even occurring to them that they’re the ones who have been tricked. By Donald Trump. Again.

There’s a symmetry to all that.
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understand is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier from an American company is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.

accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins

Illegal things are legal, if you launder them, eh?
No Obstruction.
Of course, there was obstruction. And lots of it.

I have Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz who says that the president can use Article 2 powers and its not obstruction. I would add especially when the investigation itself was illegally started, as you will all see soon. Who do you have to say that Trump actually obstructed justice? Anyone who know the Law? No, you don't.
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
...Two wrongs do not make a right. I agree. So let's get that Special Counsel appointed to investigate the Obama administration. What's the punishment for lying on a FISA application?
Go for it... just so long as the surfacing of Investigation B is not used as smoke-screen against Investigation A. Corruption is corruption.
So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Trump is dead-wrong on this.

And all of you TrumpBots trying to blow smoke to cover his ass are guilty of enabling him - again.

What's worse - unlike him - you know that it's wrong, and you're backing it anyway.

Shame on you.

It doesn't matter one good goddamn if each and every Democrat on the face of the planet did the same thing.

We are talking about a
sitting President of the United States saying this.

Think long and hard about what you're supporting in this instance.

Pull your heads out of your a$$e$, people, and start thinking like Americans again, rather than drooling cult-zombie-slaves.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... what the hell is wrong with you?!!!

There's nothing wrong with anyone who wants to see goose and gander get the same treatment. This isn't a matter of two wrongs it's a matter of one wrong being corrected buy an equal action. now that Trump has opened the door there's no doubt in my mind the bushels of information will start filtering into Washington DC from all over the world which is a good thing. Visiting American diplomats of all stripes have up till now felt as though they had carte blanche visiting other countries whether actions and choices will probably thought to be totally secret.
Unloading the me-too-istic Luridnesd in all of its creepy detail is just exactly what the doctor ordered for the arrogant elite political class of Washington DC.

Nothing wrong with leaning on the gander, so long as one doesn't get distracted from leaning on the goose.
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understand is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier from an American company is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.
HRC was NOT simply "accepting the Steele dossier"! She actively and knowingly bought 'dirt' on a political opponent.
She paid millions (which she attempted to hide from the public) for "a thing of value".
The bitch KNEW where the "thing of value" was from. It was not from "an American company".
"The thing of value" was laundered through an american law firm.
If she had won the election no one would ever of heard of Steele or PC.
The bitch got caught with her oven mitt pants down.
It's frankly shocking to see that Steele hasn't committed suicide yet, by shooting himself in the back of the head a few times.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...

How can anyone trick a "Stable Genius"?
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understamd is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.

None of that happened nor is it happening now. Get a grip.
All of that happened. You must be high.
George Stuffingenvelopes is a joke....why Trump sat with him is a wonder to me...I hope he learned from it....
Of course, what the rabid, cackling trolls dont seem to understamd is that accepting these things directly from a foreign government instead of a private citizen raises ethical questiins and worries about the president being possibly beholden to a foreign power and putting foreign interests ahead of those of the united states. No , accepting the Steele Dossier is not in the same ballpark as accepting stolen emails from foreign spies. Get that through your dense heads.

None of that happened nor is it happening now. Get a grip.
All of that happened. You must be high.

It happened in your mind, nowhere else.
"I enjoyed my interview with George on ABC. So funny to watch the Fake News Media try to dissect & distort every word in as negative a way as possible. It will be aired Sunday at 8:00 P.M., and is called, “Trump: 30 Hours” (which is somewhat misleading in that I personally spent only a small fraction of that time doing interviews. I do have a few other things to do, you know!). Think I will do many more Network Interviews, as I did in 2016, in order to get the word out that no President has done what I have in the first 2 1/2 years of his Presidency, including the fact that we have one of the best Economies in the history of our Country. It is called Earned Media. In any event, enjoy the show!" - President Trump
Snuffolofugus did neither. He asked Trump questions and Trump answered them.

Unfortunately for Trump his answers were revealing

They revealed that more than one person can play the game of collecting dirt on political opponents. It's not illegal it's not foreign interference and it's a well-established practice.

I doubt Al Capone or Whitey Bulger ever called the FBI, either. I'm still interested in "oppo" research coming from "Norway". Trump knows the difference between right and wrong - he just doesn't give a shit.

Actually, our President gave the exact correct answer, if you listened to it.

He said he'd hear what the caller had to say, and IF there was anything illegal he'd look to give his underlings at the FBI a heads up.

Remember the FBI reports to him, not vice versa.

Just because someone calls doesn't mean a crime has been committed. And until the President hears what they have to say, what's there to deal with? Might be nothing

The truth is is that all members of Congress have abused their position at one time or another and used it to gain foreign influence, break laws in foreign countries and do dirty dealing behind the scenes. Every time a senator goes to Europe or Asia especially some of the perverted ones.... do you really think that all they do is visit on the politicians? These guys commit all manner of heinous abuse, lawbreaking and perversion all the while imagining that their deeds will never be discovered because they're outside the continental United States. The massive treasure trove of dirt that must be stored the minds and memories of foreigners about past and current United States officials is probably mountainous.

I think Trump should set up a small department, a hotline foreigners to call and spill their guts about what they know.

Yes... it's going to rake in both Republican and Democrat.... In my opinion it's an excellent arrangement.


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