Did Blacks Benefit from 8 years of Obama and Biden?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Will one of you Socialistic Democrats tell me what Obama and Biden for 8 years to make the lives of Inner City Blacks better?
Crime in the Inner Cities got worse, especially Black on Black Murders. Then those who were those men, women, children and babies caught killed in the crossfires.
Blacks just seemed to get angrier and angrier all 8 years of obama/biden.

Look at IM2...12 years ago he was jolly old soul helping little old white ladies across the street.
Obama's job was not to get black Americans a better life. He was installed to move the nation to the left and divide us. Gay rights and Feminism rights expanded massively under Obama. Obama hamstrung the economy with many restrictions. Another buddy with China.
And yet they will still vote for the Democratic party that has given them lip service for decades and taken them granted, while keeping them on their plantation and bringing them nothing but misery and empty promises.

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