Why is it when you pay for something with cash...

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
They give your receipt back laying on your bills?

That shit pisses me off, ( I rarley pay with cash) so you have your wallet in one hand , and now your stuck with wasting time pulling out the receipt before you stick the bills back in your wallet or like me your stuck with old receipts in your wallet you don't want ...

Then every few weeks your stuck cleaning out your wallet...

I hate that shit. And you can't sort it out right then, you have to get out of the way so the next guy can go through the same thing. And when they hand you the "stack", they give you that look like they're daring you to take more than 3 seconds to put the money in your pocket and get the hell out of there. Bastards!
I hate that shit. And you can't sort it out right then, you have to get out of the way so the next guy can go through the same thing. And when they hand you the "stack", they give you that look like they're daring you to take more than 3 seconds to put the money in your pocket and get the hell out of there. Bastards!

Exactly, your like WTF, you don't want to hold up the line so I jam it all in my wallet..I don't want a damn receipt from McDonald's or when I get smokes or something..

I hate that shit. And you can't sort it out right then, you have to get out of the way so the next guy can go through the same thing. And when they hand you the "stack", they give you that look like they're daring you to take more than 3 seconds to put the money in your pocket and get the hell out of there. Bastards!

Exactly, your like WTF, you don't want to hold up the line so I jam it all in my wallet..I don't want a damn receipt from McDonald's or when I get smokes or something..

Exactly. And why would you NEED a receipt, in case they stopped you outside and accused you of stealing the shit??? It's not like you can write it off on your taxes or anything.

I don't keep cash in my wallet

Habit I picked up while in the service.
They give your receipt back laying on your bills?

That shit pisses me off, ( I rarley pay with cash) so you have your wallet in one hand , and now your stuck with wasting time pulling out the receipt before you stick the bills back in your wallet or like me your stuck with old receipts in your wallet you don't want ...

Then every few weeks your stuck cleaning out your wallet...


You poor bastard. Why is life so unfair to you?
I hate that shit. And you can't sort it out right then, you have to get out of the way so the next guy can go through the same thing. And when they hand you the "stack", they give you that look like they're daring you to take more than 3 seconds to put the money in your pocket and get the hell out of there. Bastards!

Exactly, your like WTF, you don't want to hold up the line so I jam it all in my wallet..I don't want a damn receipt from McDonald's or when I get smokes or something..


If you read the fine print on the back of those receipts it says "Stop smoking and eating shit fast food, idiot."
All you have to do is tell them "I don't need the receipt". Especially if it is a place like Home Depot or CVS where the receipt is 12 feet long.
Yeah, I hate that as well. So annoying. I usually jam the change, bills and receipt in my pocket and sort it out later.
They give your receipt back laying on your bills?

That shit pisses me off, ( I rarley pay with cash) so you have your wallet in one hand , and now your stuck with wasting time pulling out the receipt before you stick the bills back in your wallet or like me your stuck with old receipts in your wallet you don't want ...

Then every few weeks your stuck cleaning out your wallet...


You poor bastard. Why is life so unfair to you?

They never used to do it 10 years ago, it's a conspiracy to piss people off .

They should give you the bills , you put it in your wallet THEN give you the receipt so you can toss it casually on the floor .


Yeah, I hate that as well. So annoying. I usually jam the change, bills and receipt in my pocket and sort it out later.

That's another thing some people do that with coins as well so now I am stuck with nickels and dimes in my wallet..

They give your receipt back laying on your bills?

That shit pisses me off, ( I rarley pay with cash) so you have your wallet in one hand , and now your stuck with wasting time pulling out the receipt before you stick the bills back in your wallet or like me your stuck with old receipts in your wallet you don't want ...

Then every few weeks your stuck cleaning out your wallet...


You poor bastard. Why is life so unfair to you?

They never used to do it 10 years ago, it's a conspiracy to piss people off .

They should give you the bills , you put it in your wallet THEN give you the receipt so you can toss it casually on the floor .



How do you find the strength to carry on, you poor, poor bastard!
Yet another one of those first world problems we first worlders have to put up with.
They give your receipt back laying on your bills?

That shit pisses me off, ( I rarley pay with cash) so you have your wallet in one hand , and now your stuck with wasting time pulling out the receipt before you stick the bills back in your wallet or like me your stuck with old receipts in your wallet you don't want ...

Then every few weeks your stuck cleaning out your wallet...


I know this might be difficult to understand but I simply tell the cashier I don't want the receipt.
One of the first things they teach mentally challenged people at retard school is how to pay for things and deal with a cashier.
Why pay cash when you can get a credit card that will give you cash for using it?

If you pay cash you are losing money
I take my sweet time while thanking them for supplying me with yet another bookmark.
What I hate is when you go into a used car lot and ask them how much that car over there is, and they want you to fill out a credit app. Then I say I don't need credit, I've got the money to pay for it if it's less than 10000 dollars, and they ask where I got that kind of money? No sale losers. 10K is not a lot of money.

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