Diane Feinstein: "Where am I going?"

If it be doomed I suggest you run to China. FDR was wheeled for many years and saved the US from capitalist greed.
No depression should have lasted that many years. Alternate histories with globalists control are reality. FDR was an elitist personified. Even if an American patriot as we are told.
No depression should have lasted that many years. Alternate histories with globalists control are reality. FDR was an elitist personified. Even if an American patriot as we are told.
I never understood why Jews stuck with him after he sent a shipload of their fellow Jews back to Hitler to be gassed.
As they wheel her into the Capitol to cast a vote.


Heck of a thing, ain't it?
Can dead people vote? Well, in Democratic land, they certainly can. That's why they are firmly against purging the voting rolls of dead people.
This is ridiculous.
We have people in congress that dont believe in our rights.
We have people in congress that couldnt wipe their own ass if their metimucil depended on it.
We have a President that is an incestuous pedo, gropes children, full fledged racist and lies constantly.
America the great... LOL
We have people in Feinstein's office who are drug addicts and hate the people they work for and the system they work in.
I never understood why Jews stuck with him after he sent a shipload of their fellow Jews back to Hitler to be gassed.
He knew what was happening. The death and carnage of humans we make statements today about can only be imagined anywhere in this world.
I never understood why Jews stuck with him after he sent a shipload of their fellow Jews back to Hitler to be gassed.
For the same reason far too many Jewish people still support all the Antisemites in the Democrat party today, I would imagine.

Party loyalty is a powerful force.
If it be doomed I suggest you run to China. FDR was wheeled for many years and saved the US from capitalist greed.
FDR never was incapacitated, he had polio and couldn’t walk. Mentally, he was all there and he was only 63 when he died. Feinstein is 90, that’s TWENTY SEVEN years older than FDR.

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