Detroit is the future of America


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles America was building cars like crazy and all of this Union BS started appearing.

why would you want to join unions in America?
"cus i want my high wages and full benefits ,what's why!"
you know Unions have Communist roots.
"you won't fool me with your 'Capitalist' lies, i want my freaking money!"
the rest of America doesn't demand wages from their employers.
"Screw the rest of America!" workers joined unions ,paid their union dues that went to placing Socialist Democrats in office, and they lived happily ever after ...for a few years.

The country, as a whole, starts to suffer from Democrat leadership.

The next tier of Union workers don't get the same benefits as previous workers.
"Well , that because you have to be more pro-Democrat like our generation was!"

eventually the Socialist Democrats came in contact with Socialist leaders in Communist countries, and decided to send auto manufacturing jobs over seas.
instead of paying $35 per hour, they can hire Asians for .17 cents per day.
This would be completely out of the question to any true "isolationist" conservative, but everyone is still voting Democrat.

Now, the car manufacturers, knowing what the future is, pair up with foreign car makers.
it's game over.
it's just a matter of time how long it will take to trickle down to the average American.

"Well i'm going to buy American!"
What good will that do you?
The car manufacturers already stabbed you in the back by consorting with foreign makers.
You're buying a car made in Korea with a "Made in America" sticker on it.

After all the car manufacturers start leaving and the city starts going broke, does the public learn their lesson and start voting conservative?
Because the older generation wants their pension money.
They don't give a crap about everyone else in the city, they want their money.

The city files for bankruptcy and now the lenders will be telling everyone what to do.

What will happen when America files bankruptcy?
How many benefits do you think you will get when you're slave to a Socialist dictator working in a mine? America was building cars like crazy and all of this Union BS started appearing.

why would you want to join unions in America?
"cus i want my high wages and full benefits ,what's why!"
you know Unions have Communist roots.
"you won't fool me with your 'Capitalist' lies, i want my freaking money!"
the rest of America doesn't demand wages from their employers.
"Screw the rest of America!" workers joined unions ,paid their union dues that went to placing Socialist Democrats in office, and they lived happily ever after ...for a few years.

The country, as a whole, starts to suffer from Democrat leadership.

The next tier of Union workers don't get the same benefits as previous workers.
"Well , that because you have to be more pro-Democrat like our generation was!"

eventually the Socialist Democrats came in contact with Socialist leaders in Communist countries, and decided to send auto manufacturing jobs over seas.
instead of paying $35 per hour, they can hire Asians for .17 cents per day.
This would be completely out of the question to any true "isolationist" conservative, but everyone is still voting Democrat.

Now, the car manufacturers, knowing what the future is, pair up with foreign car makers.
it's game over.
it's just a matter of time how long it will take to trickle down to the average American.

"Well i'm going to buy American!"
What good will that do you?
The car manufacturers already stabbed you in the back by consorting with foreign makers.
You're buying a car made in Korea with a "Made in America" sticker on it.

After all the car manufacturers start leaving and the city starts going broke, does the public learn their lesson and start voting conservative?
Because the older generation wants their pension money.
They don't give a crap about everyone else in the city, they want their money.

The city files for bankruptcy and now the lenders will be telling everyone what to do.

What will happen when America files bankruptcy?
How many benefits do you think you will get when you're slave to a Socialist dictator working in a mine?

Union membership is at it's lowest levels and they continue to head in a downward direction right along with wages, and you're blaming unions for the bad economy? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
That was the 80's- then Reaganism screwed the nonrich and the country with Voodoo taxes- still going on, but at least Obama is turning the ship around, dupe. America was building cars like crazy and all of this Union BS started appearing.

why would you want to join unions in America?
"cus i want my high wages and full benefits ,what's why!"
you know Unions have Communist roots.
"you won't fool me with your 'Capitalist' lies, i want my freaking money!"
the rest of America doesn't demand wages from their employers.
"Screw the rest of America!" workers joined unions ,paid their union dues that went to placing Socialist Democrats in office, and they lived happily ever after ...for a few years.

The country, as a whole, starts to suffer from Democrat leadership.

The next tier of Union workers don't get the same benefits as previous workers.
"Well , that because you have to be more pro-Democrat like our generation was!"

eventually the Socialist Democrats came in contact with Socialist leaders in Communist countries, and decided to send auto manufacturing jobs over seas.
instead of paying $35 per hour, they can hire Asians for .17 cents per day.
This would be completely out of the question to any true "isolationist" conservative, but everyone is still voting Democrat.

Now, the car manufacturers, knowing what the future is, pair up with foreign car makers.
it's game over.
it's just a matter of time how long it will take to trickle down to the average American.

"Well i'm going to buy American!"
What good will that do you?
The car manufacturers already stabbed you in the back by consorting with foreign makers.
You're buying a car made in Korea with a "Made in America" sticker on it.

After all the car manufacturers start leaving and the city starts going broke, does the public learn their lesson and start voting conservative?
Because the older generation wants their pension money.
They don't give a crap about everyone else in the city, they want their money.

The city files for bankruptcy and now the lenders will be telling everyone what to do.

What will happen when America files bankruptcy?
How many benefits do you think you will get when you're slave to a Socialist dictator working in a mine?

eventually the Socialist Democrats came in contact with Socialist leaders in Communist countries, and decided to send auto manufacturing jobs over seas.
So you're blaming 'Socialist Democrats' governments for conniving with overseas Communists to ship jobs what end?
Why wouldn't they want to keep the jobs in America and keep the workers in unions so that they can screw the evil manufacturers?
Instead, according to your scenario, they've made the workers poor and the manufacturers rich.
That kind of goes against the liberal agenda doesn't it?
Which party is in power in Detroit?

The governor is Republican.
Gee, I didn't know cities had Governors. I always thought they were called Mayors.

Most states, like our, has a tendency to suck all the revenue out of the cities to support conservative rural areas.

Detroit is a unique case. It was dependent on the auto industry which moved manufacturing out of the US. It went through a near collapse during the Bush administration.

The government saved this industry. They are now making billions in profit.

Thus, a private industry, which was built up by Detroit and rescued by the Federal government and a conservative state both letting this city die.

So much for the conservative "mantra" of "capitalism" and "conservative government".

Because what happens in Detroit, puts on display, exactly what conservatives have in store for the nation.
The governor is Republican.
Gee, I didn't know cities had Governors. I always thought they were called Mayors.

Most states, like our, has a tendency to suck all the revenue out of the cities to support conservative rural areas.

Detroit is a unique case. It was dependent on the auto industry which moved manufacturing out of the US. It went through a near collapse during the Bush administration.

The government saved this industry. They are now making billions in profit.

Thus, a private industry, which was built up by Detroit and rescued by the Federal government and a conservative state both letting this city die.

So much for the conservative "mantra" of "capitalism" and "conservative government".

Because what happens in Detroit, puts on display, exactly what conservatives have in store for the nation.

oh please, It’s really easy to turn “record” profits - when you’re skating tax-free.

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