Detroit: A Mixture of Water and Socialism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Know what happens when the Liberal solutions are actually carried out? The victim is 'carried out.'
Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961.

1." In March, the city of Detroit revealed that a full half of its residents weren’t paying their water bills. Of 300,000 accounts, almost 150,000 were delinquent.

a. ...the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) is so heavily indebted (it owes over $6 billion and cannot borrow more money), it needs to squeeze all it can from its few honest customers ...

b. In May, Detroit sent out 46,000 cutoff notices to people who refused to pay their bills—some of them for eight years or more....

2. Liberal busy-bodies to the rescue:
"The United Nations says there is a humanitarian crisis in Detroit. It claims the city is violating its citizens’ basic and fundamental “human right to water and other international human rights” by shutting off water to those who refuse to pay. “The households which suffered unjustified disconnections must be immediately reconnected,” it states.

a. The Guardian newspaper sides with the UN report. Detroit cutting water service to households for non-payment is “economic shock therapy at its most ruthless and racist,”....

3.... the city decided to do what logic, common sense, and economics demand—something it should have done decades ago—and what would have avoided this whole situation in the first place: Shut the water off."
Tapped Out -

4. Now, consider carefully....because this applies to all sorts of Liberal policies....welfare not the least among them!

a. "What happened? Mass deaths to dehydration? Disease epidemics? Child welfare agents breaking down doors to take children away from parents who couldn’t afford to provide water? No.....

5. Within 24 hours, 60 percent of people had paid their bills in full. Of those remaining, another 40 percent had paid within 48 hours. Consequences produce results.

a. Brings this to mind: "Stand erect, or be made to stand erect." Marcus Aurelius

6. Less than 10 percent of the accounts (4,531) actually ended up having their water cut off for any period. Of those addresses that did have their water cut, the large majority were vacant properties whose owners did not live there anymore. Of those people who did have their water cut off, about half eventually paid their bills on their own."
Op. Cit.

7. Were there actual citizens who didn't have the ability to pay? Sure. But "programs existed for years, but many people chose not to use them when they could, deciding instead just to not pay their bills at all. Seventeen thousand Detroit residents are now enrolled in such plans that base payments on each customer’s financial situation and ability to pay."

a. That's 133,000 out of 150,000 who simply decided to let others take care of their bills for them. Again? Only 11 percent legitimately could not pay.

b. Apply that to welfare: 47 million are receiving food stamps nationally. And the percent of those 47 million who could take care of themselves if they had to....?

What if it's only 11 percent, too?
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Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.
Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

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Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?
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Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?

This is what is wrong: Other people would just pay a little more.
Liberalism encourages theft....those 'other people' are picking up the tab.

The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its costs and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.
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8."... the reality in Detroit. People didn’t pay because liberal-minded city do-gooders thought they were showing love to people by not cutting their water off when they did not pay. The city would just cover it. Other people would just pay a little more. No harm done.

9. All those media sob stories carried by the New York Times, Seattle Times, Huffington Post, et al. about the poor single mother of multiple children, covered in tattoos and with dyed orange dreadlock hair, dressed totally inappropriately for any job, who is going back to school on government programs to study homeland security, but has all that threatened because her water was cut off because she can’t afford to pay for it—and oh, the government is obviously racist and violating human rights to boot—look a little different after examining the facts."
Tapped Out -
Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?

This is what is wrong: Other people would just pay a little more.
Liberalism encourages theft....those 'other people' are picking up the tab.

The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its costs and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.

If it's in the property tax, with a suitable usage level for basic service, then you pay for it as part of those taxes if you're a property owner, or it's built into your rent if don't own.

By your reasoning, public school should be a per student user fee where the ones who can't pay the fee don't get to send their kids to school.

Why would that be better?
10. Liberalism results in theft and corruption, it weakens the fabric of American society....

“The majority of our customers [who] are in delinquency status, they just built a culture of, ‘You’re not making me pay—I am not going to pay,’” said DWSD deputy director, Darryl Latimer.

When the squeaky water faucets and non-flushing toilets illustrated that they were not just entitled to other people’s services—and that if you don’t work, you don’t drink—people paid. Those who legitimately couldn’t pay got the help they needed.

a. The entitlement mentality in this once-great city formerly known for its entrepreneurial spirit became so ingrained that even other government agencies stopped paying their water bills. City-run golf courses, a sports stadium, and the state fair grounds also reportedly owe the water department millions."
Tapped Out -

And that 'entitlement mentality' is fostered by Liberal big government policies.

11. "….the dramatically larger increase [in the number on welfare] also suggests that part of the program’s growth is due to conscious policy choices by this [Obama] administration to ease eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007 and are now roughly 10 percent higher than they were when Obama took office.
Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNS News
Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

... and food, and medical care, and housing, and cell phones, and clothing, and cars, and drugs, and booze, and Xboxes, and televisions, and dental care, and gold chains, and switchblades, and condoms, and education, and more education, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and ...

I think the stinking working class OWES the entitlement class BIG TIME. It's simply not fair that workers should be allowed to keep their money and plan for retirement. Filthy middle class!!!:mad:
Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?

For starters: it would jack up the price, encourage waste and likely lead to shortages. But those are just the infrastructural costs. Didn't you learn anything from the OP about the societal costs? Geez louise!
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Them Poor People Don't deserve Water!

Don't pretend to be an idiot.

Clearly this is not about 'poor people.'

It is about those who simply refuse to pay for the water.

Now provide a more honest post.

They aren't "refusing to pay". they can't.

What is happening in Detroit is that they are letting some big corporations pick the last few bits of meat off the bone.

Frankly, what's in store for all of us if we don't get this stuff under control.

What's wrong with water being taxpayer funded as a municipal service, specifically?

For starters: it would jack up the price, encourage waste and likely lead to shortages. But those are just the infrastructural costs. Didn't you learn anything from the OP about the societal costs? Geez louise!

Detroit is right on one of the Great Lakes. They aren't about to run out of water.
7. Were there actual citizens who didn't have the ability to pay? Sure. But "programs existed for years, but many people chose not to use them when they could, deciding instead just to not pay their bills at all. Seventeen thousand Detroit residents are now enrolled in such plans that base payments on each customer’s financial situation and ability to pay."
Illegal Aliens, who don't even speak the language in most cases, have been accessing these programs for decades yet the Average American has no clue what exists outside of TMZ, the NFL and WorldStarHipHop.
Municipal water supplies should be taxpayer funded, like police and fire departments, and street maintenance, and waste disposal/treatment.

Why stop there???

"Employment, with a living wage
Food, clothing and leisure
Farmers' rights to a fair income
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
Medical care
Social security
Franklin Roosevelt

And, the list comes with music:

And what's the alternative you have to offer?

Work hard all your life to make the 1% richer? And if you get old, get sick, bust up your knee on some ice, well, seriously, tough on you?

This is the "alternative"? And you wonder why Obama wins elections?
Them Poor People Don't deserve Water!

Don't pretend to be an idiot.

Clearly this is not about 'poor people.'

It is about those who simply refuse to pay for the water.

Now provide a more honest post.

They aren't "refusing to pay". they can't.

What is happening in Detroit is that they are letting some big corporations pick the last few bits of meat off the bone.

Frankly, what's in store for all of us if we don't get this stuff under control.

We've been tirelessly working to stave off the destructive policies of leftists morons for decades. We'd fix Detroit too if you leftists would get out of the way. What more do you want from us?

Check out these morons:


. . . and the humiliations of sloth and dependency, the loss of dignity due to the infantilization of grown men and woman:

PETA, everyone's least favorite purveyor of cheap political stunts, has offered to pay the overdue water bills of ten Detroit residents if they pledge to go vegan. The apogee of sadness: Detroiters are taking them up on it.

Rating Humanity's Response to Detroit's Water Crisis - The Wire

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