Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention.

The court session, that was supposed to take place last Thursday to hear the prosecution, was held to renew the prisoner's administrative detention for six more months, according to sources at Negev prison.

The same sources confirmed that the prison administration tried by force to make Abu Arafeh attend the court but he refused describing it "arbitrary and illegal". The prisoner added that his arrest was political insisting on his commitment to the decision taken by administrative detainees to boycott military courts.
Allah is a Zionist. Allah is most wise :clap2:

Quran 5:20-21: Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

Quran 17:104 And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd
AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention.

The court session, that was supposed to take place last Thursday to hear the prosecution, was held to renew the prisoner's administrative detention for six more months, according to sources at Negev prison.

The same sources confirmed that the prison administration tried by force to make Abu Arafeh attend the court but he refused describing it "arbitrary and illegal". The prisoner added that his arrest was political insisting on his commitment to the decision taken by administrative detainees to boycott military courts.

Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court

Obviously, he refused to go to court because he knew there were legitimate grounds for continuing his detention, therefore by refusing to go to court, he gives legitimacy to the hearing and he detention.
AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention.

The court session, that was supposed to take place last Thursday to hear the prosecution, was held to renew the prisoner's administrative detention for six more months, according to sources at Negev prison.

The same sources confirmed that the prison administration tried by force to make Abu Arafeh attend the court but he refused describing it "arbitrary and illegal". The prisoner added that his arrest was political insisting on his commitment to the decision taken by administrative detainees to boycott military courts.

Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court

Obviously, he refused to go to court because he knew there were legitimate grounds for continuing his detention, therefore by refusing to go to court, he gives legitimacy to the hearing and he detention.

They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.
Palestinians: Other Arabs Who Can't Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death :lol:

Is it racist to criticize the Palestinians as the world's most tiresome crybabies with a bogus cause and a plight that's entirely self-inflicted? The Palestinian cause is a lie. They could have had peace ten times over if they wanted it, but, they don't want peace, they want victory and they won't be happy until Israel is wiped from the map....driven by crude, irrational, religious hatred.

This is not about territory and it's certainly isn't about justice or human rights because Arab societies don't know the meaning of those words.It's about Jew-hatred as mandated by the Koran and as preached in the mosques and taught to the children in Arab countries day in and day out generation after poisoned generation.

We need to do the Arabs a huge favor and tell them the truth they so badly need to hear, that their hatred is the cause of their misery. They've become prisoners of it. It has come to define their very identity. And, until they can find a way to remove this ugly stain from their hearts they will always be chained to it and they and their children will never be free, Arab spring or no Arab spring.
[ame=]The great Palestinian lie - YouTube[/ame]
AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention.

The court session, that was supposed to take place last Thursday to hear the prosecution, was held to renew the prisoner's administrative detention for six more months, according to sources at Negev prison.

The same sources confirmed that the prison administration tried by force to make Abu Arafeh attend the court but he refused describing it "arbitrary and illegal". The prisoner added that his arrest was political insisting on his commitment to the decision taken by administrative detainees to boycott military courts.

Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court

Obviously, he refused to go to court because he knew there were legitimate grounds for continuing his detention, therefore by refusing to go to court, he gives legitimacy to the hearing and he detention.

They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.

Of course they do. That's why he refuses to try to plead his case in court.
AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention.

The court session, that was supposed to take place last Thursday to hear the prosecution, was held to renew the prisoner's administrative detention for six more months, according to sources at Negev prison.

The same sources confirmed that the prison administration tried by force to make Abu Arafeh attend the court but he refused describing it "arbitrary and illegal". The prisoner added that his arrest was political insisting on his commitment to the decision taken by administrative detainees to boycott military courts.

Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court

Obviously, he refused to go to court because he knew there were legitimate grounds for continuing his detention, therefore by refusing to go to court, he gives legitimacy to the hearing and he detention.

They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.

Not showing up to court makes you look guilty mac, he should have showed up at the hearing confident with nothing to hide if hes truly innocent.
Obviously, he refused to go to court because he knew there were legitimate grounds for continuing his detention, therefore by refusing to go to court, he gives legitimacy to the hearing and he detention.

They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.

Of course they do. That's why he refuses to try to plead his case in court.

There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.
They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.

Of course they do. That's why he refuses to try to plead his case in court.

There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is. The purpose of the hearing was to force the government to show there were national security reasons for extending the detention. If he were not a national security threat, this was his opportunity to show it. Obviously, he believed there the government was justified in extending his detention or he would have tried to convince the court it wasn't justified.
They are holding him without charge i.e. they don't have a case.

Of course they do. That's why he refuses to try to plead his case in court.

There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.
Of course they do. That's why he refuses to try to plead his case in court.

There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.

If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.
There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.

If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.

Democracy in Hamastan :badgrin:

[ame=]Hamas Imposing Sharia Law In Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.

If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.
Laws are not the same in Israel as they are in the US, Tinmore. They might detain him for life. Saves the cost of a trial. Right?
There is no case to plead. He is not charged with anything.

Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.

If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.

More bullshit. Administrative detention is used when charging a prisoner would compromise intelligence assets. The purpose of the hearing was to force the government to show the court that he was a national security threat and that charging him would put others in danger. If the government couldn't have shown this to the court, he would have been set free. He didn't go to the hearing because he knew his detention justified.
Of course there is something plead. The hearing is to determine to whether there are grounds to continue his detention. This was his opportunity to show there were not. He refused to show up in court because he knew an extension of his detention was justified. Even you can't be too stupid to understand this, can you? It's bullshit to say he didn't go to court to protest against administrative detention; he didn't go to court because he knew his detention was justified.

If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.

More bullshit. Administrative detention is used when charging a prisoner would compromise intelligence assets. The purpose of the hearing was to force the government to show the court that he was a national security threat and that charging him would put others in danger. If the government couldn't have shown this to the court, he would have been set free. He didn't go to the hearing because he knew his detention justified.

That's what they say.
If they had something on him they would have charged him. Administrative detention is just arresting people you don't like.

More bullshit. Administrative detention is used when charging a prisoner would compromise intelligence assets. The purpose of the hearing was to force the government to show the court that he was a national security threat and that charging him would put others in danger. If the government couldn't have shown this to the court, he would have been set free. He didn't go to the hearing because he knew his detention justified.

That's what they say.

No love for women in Hamastan detained merely for walking with a man?

Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | The Guardian
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