Despite The Liberal 'Monkey Grinder' Media, Nothing has changed from a week ago..,


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

'The organ grinder turns the handle, creating lively music, while the lil' monkey dances to the grinder's music, and the money flows from the monkey's little tin cup into the grinder's pocket....'

To listen believe what the Liberal Media is pumping out there is a great civil war going on right now, engulfing the nation, between a vast pro-slavery, violent, criminal right wing consisting of Republican-supported KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists and the peaceful, God-fearing, Law-abiding Progressive 'AMERICANS'.

To listen believe the Liberal Media, there is a 'large' population of the country that still, in some way, supports slavery in this country and embraces violent racism , and they are led by a racist President who has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists are now emboldened.

To believe what the Liberal media and liberal race-baiters are claiming, the only course for this nation to take now is to purge our nation and our history of all offensive, Politically Incorrect memories, references, reminders.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, there Is no great civil war going on right now in this country as a sudden result of the incident in Charlottesville, certainly not 'engulfing the nation'...but the liberal Fake News, Propaganda-pushing, nation-dividing media is trying.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists are NOT supported by the Republican Party, and the Democratic Party is NOT the 'peaceful, law-abiding defenders of Blacks as the media claims.
- Not to pick on the Democrats, because BOTH parties and party members have had incidents / episodes of racism, but in the last year Democrats themselves have exposed themselves as and have been exposed as anything BUT peaceful, law-abiding defenders of Blacks. Riots, looting, arson, beating and bloodying political opposition supporters, threatening Electoral College voters, calling for military coups, calling for assassinations, attempting to carry out those assassinations, illegal sharing / leaking classified, e-mails exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic references.... There is a large amount of evidence disproving the narrative being pushed by the Liberal Media.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, we all agree that Slavery is wrong - always was, always will be. Nothing has changed - we were all in agreement before the Charlottesville incident, and we still are.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, There is not a large population in this country who support the vile white racist groups in this country. It is like a rare disease not a plague, but it still needs to be stamped out. The number of hate groups in this country have grown, though, and IMO this is due in large part to the division being pushed by the Liberal media, divisive politics, and race-baiting profiteers (such as groups like the NAACP and Black Lives Matter - who recently admitted they lied and manufactured a fake story about a white lynching a black - and individuals who make their living off promoting racism - who would otherwise actually have to work for a living if there was no 'racism' - individuals like Al Sharpton, who is now calling for the Jefferson Memorial to be de-funded / abandoned.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, the President did NOT 'fail / refuse to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists, and the President has not 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened':

- "Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."
- Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

- "Late on Saturday night, the Department of Justice said it would launch a civil rights investigation into “the circumstances of the deadly vehicular incident”
--Department of Justice Launches Probe Into Charlottesville Violence That Left Three Dead

President Trump DID condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacist groups, and his DOJ / US AG has announced the investigations of and intent to bring to justice those who committed these racist criminal acts. The accusation that Trump refused to condemn them and that he has created an atmosphere where they can feel emboldened is nothing more than a LIE, the political spinning and manipulation by the Liberal media and those who hate the current President. It is nothing that has not been going on since before the election. It is the continued attack on Trump AND the continued creation of division in this nation pushed by all those who benefit from such division (political parties, race-profiteers, the media...).

According to the Liberal media Trump refused to condemn the groups...'oh, wait, he did'
... Well, he did not react fast enough. When asked why he did not immediately condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists Trump BRILLIANTLY responded by saying UNLIKE THE RABIDLY PARTISAN AND OFTEN FAKE NEWS-REPORTING MEDIA, he preferred to wait for all the facts to be given to him before speaking...which helps prevent false / fake 'reporting' and the need for RETRACTIONS and 'Beer Summits'.


"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

IN ALL REALITY, the Progressive Left IS beginning to call for the PURGE of all Politically Incorrect, Offensive pieces, events, and people in our pas - all things 'Confederacy' and now even the history of our Founding Fathers and those who created / built this nation. Race-baiter Al Sharpton has called for the abandoning of / defunding of the Jefferson Memorial, and I heard on the radio this morning that even calls to do the same for the Lincoln Memorial have been made.

The media and the Progressive Left would have you believe that the only way forward is to eradicate all references to our 'offensive' past...and the lessons learned. The Left seeks to teach we should be ashamed of our past and who we are. OUR PAST IS NOT WHO WE ARE. Who we are is a compilation of experiences and lessons learned on the journey from who we WERE to who we are NOW. The Left would have us believe that we are not a great nation but a horrible nation, that we are the results of the sins from our past. They would have THAT be our culture from which we come and who we are.

I can see why the Left would want to eliminate any reminders of the past...they after all created the KKK, opposed civil rights, attempted to undermine the power / freedom blacks acquired by the passage of Civil Rights by creating a system of 'economic slavery' where Blacks did not embrace independence but became dependent on the government, specifically the Democratic Party's hand-outs: LBJ - "We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I will have these Ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years." And the most recent incident they are still trying to make people forget - their own exposed racist, sexist homophobic, anti-Semitic e-mails.

"Dance, lil' Monkey, Dance....."

The Liberal Left, the Fake News Propaganda-Pushing Media, the race-baiters, and those who benefit from this nation being divided - ON BOTH SIDES - are manipulating Americans - quite easily, it seems - with all the garbage they are pumping out as 'News'.

People can take a step back from it all, remove themselves from the emotional turmoil / carnage they are creating, and realize this, or allow themselves to be swept along with the current of division and hatred flowing right now. They can realize that the Organ Grinder's music is not a sweet melody but is instead poison being poured into our ears like honey, and the little monkey tethered to the Organ Grinder's music box is not a free-thinking independent being but is a conditioned, trained, slave dancing to the Organ Grinder's music.

The only choice going forward is to reject the hatred, reject the division, reject the manipulation, and minimize instigators of racial and other hate group violence ... or 'Dance lil' Monkey, Dance'!
BTW, while the ignorant white supremacists fight for the 'superiority' and control of America, while Black Hate groups battle the white supremacists, while al Sharpton rails against the 'white devils' for control. while the media pushes the 'white versus black civil war' in this country for 'control of our the nation's future', LATINOS are quietly becoming the new majority in this country...and they don't have a 'dog in this fight', don't really care to discuss / be engrossed in the continuously stoked fires of the black-white racial controversy.

Census: Whites become 'minority' in 2044, Hispanic population twice blacks'

Parents who identified their child as white with Hispanic origin were the largest minority, making up 22 percent of the 19.9 million children under age 5, followed by African American children, who make up 15 percent.

Babies Of Color Are Now The Majority, Census Says

White Supremacists are a dying breed...they are already out-numbered and defeated...they just don't know it yet.
CNN is getting very angry at the American people, they can't find a poll that shows the majority of the American people blame Trump for the fight in Virginia.
They are asking if the people are on vacation and didn't see the rally and protest play out lmfao they are pissed folks!
BTW, while the ignorant white supremacists fight for the 'superiority' and control of America, while Black Hate groups battle the white supremacists, while al Sharpton rails against the 'white devils' for control. while the media pushes the 'white versus black civil war' in this country for 'control of our the nation's future', LATINOS are quietly becoming the new majority in this country...and they don't have a 'dog in this fight', don't really care to discuss / be engrossed in the continuously stoked fires of the black-white racial controversy.

Census: Whites become 'minority' in 2044, Hispanic population twice blacks'

Parents who identified their child as white with Hispanic origin were the largest minority, making up 22 percent of the 19.9 million children under age 5, followed by African American children, who make up 15 percent.

Babies Of Color Are Now The Majority, Census Says

White Supremacists are a dying breed...they are already out-numbered and defeated...they just don't know it yet.
There are like 15 of those *supremecists* and most of them are mentally ill and have voted as card carrying democrats most of their lives.

The left is using the "white supremecist" hysteria to justify these mob attacks.

It is classic, our history is full of identical rhetoric, action, politics and it is always the same.

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