Desperate Dems Try to Smear Moore, But O.K. With This...

Here it is again. Seven pages of the 2 primitive tribes squaring off defending the indefensible just to achieve political power in America. It's 7 pages of "they did it first" or "they did it worse Mommy"..

What's happening as seen from the "Big Middle" is that any sin -- no matter how heinous is now completely atoned for if the other does it. So how much more of this do you think it will take to TANK this country without any further help from the Russians or the now defunct media?

Only one direction it's heading. And one of 2 things is gonna happen. The "Big Middle" which is growing while your 2 adolescent tribes are shrinking is gonna put you all in "time out" so far away from Leadership and power, that you'll need binoculars to see watch the politics of humility, leadership and ability. OR you'll destroy this country by all your focus on WINNING.. All this WINNING is now just America losing it's mind..
I would like to see some proof first before letting unsubstantiated lies bump off a legitimately nominated conservative Senate candidate.
Moore needs to spend more time with those Ten Commandments
What's it up to now? Either three or four women have come forward. The woman who is letting her name out is very credible but RWNJs have shown, over and over again, they just don't care.

In fact, the right always defends the molester, the rapist - even the shooter.

Dead children? The rabid right doesn't care.
Molested children's? They don't care.

Brag about getting away with molesting women? Being a serial sexual predator? They don't care.

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Republicans are going into blame the victim mode

You know how those women lie
Bullshit. If what these women say is true, Moore should spend time behind bars. If not, then they should.

But to dismiss it out of hand, is tacit approval of it, if he did it.

And if you want to talk about desperate and sick, how about Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler and his comments?
He said, "Even if you accept the Washington Post’s report as being completely true, it’s much ado about very little. "
Thats right, a fellow republican thinks a sitting judge kissing and fondling a 14 year old girl is "...much ado about very little".

Of course, Zeigler didn't stop there.
“He’s clean as a hound’s tooth,” Ziegler claimed, before relying on Scripture to defend Moore.

“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler says choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”

“There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”

1. More was not a sitting judge at the time this was said to have happened.

2. The lying little whore has zero proof to support her accusations.

3. Why wait till it is most convenient for the Democrats to try to dry up funding for Moore among donors without him having any time to disprove the slander? Oh, wait, because it is all a pack of lies, and smear from the usual suspects who accuse the GOP of being KKK every election and of wanting to run down little minority children while flying a Confederate Battle Flag.

Seriously, if you think these charges have any merit at all you are an idiot.
Jim....did Moore have a penchant for very young girls when he was in his 30's?

Why does it matter whether Moore was a judge or a prosecutor or asst prosecutor or an intern to a judge or what ever??? Did he work at the courthouse?

The issue is whether he was 32 and she was 14...isn't it?

Why are you calling her a whore?

If we are going to go with unsubstantiated rumor.... It's not the Democrats doing this, it's McConnell from what I heard....

The woman is a REPUBLICAN and voted for Trump.
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What's it up to now? Either three or four women have come forward. The woman who is letting her name out is very credible but RWNJs have shown, over and over again, they just don't care.

In fact, the right always defends the molester, the rapist - even the shooter.

Dead children? The rabid right doesn't care.
Molested children's? They don't care.

Brag about getting away with molesting women? Being a serial sexual predator? They don't care.

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Republicans are going into blame the victim mode

You know how those women lie

And people wonder WHY all of these women coming out now about the harassment and abuse they took, kept their mouths shut for years.... :rolleyes:
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Democrats would prefer that Moore run for Senate over a more traditional Republican.

Better chance to steal a seat
It happens every election. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who should be immediately slapped with a lawsuit seeking large damages.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

In these cases, yes.

They come from out of nowhere on the eve of elections, decades after the alleged act, and disappear back into the fog as soon as the election is over.

Paid accusers all.
It happens every election. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who should be immediately slapped with a lawsuit seeking large damages.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

In these cases, yes.

They come from out of nowhere on the eve of elections, decades after the alleged act, and disappear back into the fog as soon as the election is over.

Paid accusers all.
They are coming out in a climate of people discussing being molested in their past

What office was Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacy running for?
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

It' nit a smear. Trying to bang a 14 year old is generally objected to no matter what party you belong to

Gerry Lee Lewis maried his 14 year old cousin. In some parts of the country that kind of thing was not considered abnormal.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

Of course! :rolleyes:

the women NEVER lie, do they?
the men never lie, do they?

Why take such a strong stance against this woman's claim, without even knowing the facts or whether it is true or not?

She's not suing for money.... she is a Republican, she did vote for Trump....

the reason she came out now and many more women to come, are coming out because there has been an awakening...and women have HAD ENOUGH after all of these decades from people like Weinstein.... and once women began coming out and telling their abuse incidents, it has made it easier for the others who kept silent, come out...strength in numbers...they can't ALL be lying whores as you CLAIM....and have always claimed, like all the other men like Weinstein, it appears... :eek:
It happens every election. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who should be immediately slapped with a lawsuit seeking large damages.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

In these cases, yes.

They come from out of nowhere on the eve of elections, decades after the alleged act, and disappear back into the fog as soon as the election is over.

Paid accusers all.
Yep, and it always happens to Republicans, not Democrats.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

Of course! :rolleyes:

the women NEVER lie, do they?
the men never lie, do they?

Why take such a strong stance against this woman's claim, without even knowing the facts or whether it is true or not?

She's not suing for money.... she is a Republican, she did vote for Trump....

the reason she came out now and many more women to come, are coming out because there has been an awakening...and women have HAD ENOUGH after all of these decades from people like Weinstein.... and once women began coming out and telling their abuse incidents, it has made it easier for the others who kept silent, come out...strength in numbers...they can't ALL be lying whores as you CLAIM....and have always claimed, like all the other men like Weinstein, it appears... :eek:
$500,000 is the reason.
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

It' nit a smear. Trying to bang a 14 year old is generally objected to no matter what party you belong to

Gerry Lee Lewis maried his 14 year old cousin. In some parts of the country that kind of thing was not considered abnormal.

Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

Of course! :rolleyes:

the women NEVER lie, do they?
the men never lie, do they?

Why take such a strong stance against this woman's claim, without even knowing the facts or whether it is true or not?

She's not suing for money.... she is a Republican, she did vote for Trump....

the reason she came out now and many more women to come, are coming out because there has been an awakening...and women have HAD ENOUGH after all of these decades from people like Weinstein.... and once women began coming out and telling their abuse incidents, it has made it easier for the others who kept silent, come out...strength in numbers...they can't ALL be lying whores as you CLAIM....and have always claimed, like all the other men like Weinstein, it appears... :eek:
$500,000 is the reason.
What $500,000??? I heard on the news last night that she is not suing or asking for money???
What's the difference between what Roy Moore allegedly did and Anthony Weiner? :dunno: except allegedly Moore actually touched this younger girl....and Weiner was more of a cyber sex thing?

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