Desk jobs rule!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Maybe because the new generation is uneducated and not able to get a desk job and they have to work at plants and factories? The Republicans should try to fund schools, then promote real careers.
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Probably because no one should be looking to government for job creation......Most Conservatives (and a few Republicans) think that if you want a desk job, go out and earn it.

Have a nice day.
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Manufacturing jobs are an example of a type of job that adds value to a product. Many, not all, but many so called desk jobs simply create bureaucracy and adds little value to anything. I am for increasing those jobs that create wealth and minimizing those that don't.
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Manufacturing jobs are an example of a type of job that adds value to a product. Many, not all, but many so called desk jobs simply create bureaucracy and adds little value to anything. I am for increasing those jobs that create wealth and minimizing those that don't.
Do you work at the Museum of Modern Art?

MoMA Museum of Modern Art
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Manufacturing jobs are an example of a type of job that adds value to a product. Many, not all, but many so called desk jobs simply create bureaucracy and adds little value to anything. I am for increasing those jobs that create wealth and minimizing those that don't.
Do you work at the Museum of Modern Art?

MoMA Museum of Modern Art
No! But I do have a nephew that is a young artist.
White collar jobs are so easily lost and laid off I wonder why anyone seeks such precarious employment, learn a real skill, become good at it and enjoy the closest thing to job security that exists in this country anymore.
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Why would white collar jobs be the priority when it takes ten blue collar producers to support one white collar asshole in his job?
Republicans say they are bringing back jobs but those jobs are manufacturing jobs. Why don't the Republicans like white collar careers? Why don't they want to encourage the growth of white collar careers?
Manufacturing jobs are an example of a type of job that adds value to a product. Many, not all, but many so called desk jobs simply create bureaucracy and adds little value to anything. I am for increasing those jobs that create wealth and minimizing those that don't.

What person would want to be the loser with a boring mindless manufacturing job at their high school reunion?
Jake, you have one silly view of the world. I am a millwright in a steel mill. One of those 'mindless manufacturing' jobs. In my job, I have to be able to weld, know hydraulics, pneumatics, and a bit about electrical systems. I also have to have a fairly wide knowledge of lubricants and the applications of each. Now, as I am one of the more senior millwrights, 71 years old, I try to avoid overtime. So I will only gross a bit over 75K this year.

Any job that is mindless and repitative, a machine will do that job. That is why standard manufacturing jobs have gone away. Even the guys on the floor have to be computer adept, and if they are not quick learners, they are replaced.

White collar workes make about half what I do, and about one third of what the electricians make. Why would I want to sit at a desk, playing with a computer and a bunch of paper work when I can do work that is both physically and mentally challenging.
White collar workes make about half what I do, and about one third of what the electricians make. Why would I want to sit at a desk, playing with a computer and a bunch of paper work when I can do work that is both physically and mentally challenging.

I don't care about money. I am a big nerd! I love technology! I love computers! I love comic books! I love video games! I am too short and scrawny to do a job that requires physical work.
White collar workes make about half what I do, and about one third of what the electricians make. Why would I want to sit at a desk, playing with a computer and a bunch of paper work when I can do work that is both physically and mentally challenging.

I don't care about money. I am a big nerd! I love technology! I love computers! I love comic books! I love video games! I am too short and scrawny to do a job that requires physical work.
Well there's something to be proud of.

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