DeSantis's latest accomplishments


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This is just from the last year.

1. Prohibited the CCP from purchasing land in FL. Farmland and any land near critical infrastructure
2. Enacted universal school choice (Education savings accounts)
3. Kneecapped "ESG" (Environment social justice)
4. $2.7 Billion in tax relief for FL families
5. Enacted the ban on abortions for heart beating babies.
6. Constitutional carry.
7. Enacted the death penalty for pedophiles.
8. Blocked the central bank digital currency
9. TORT reform for pharmaceuticals.
10. Increase pay for police officers & firefighters
11. Stiffer penalties for drug dealers (especially for fentanyl)
12. Ended Disney's self governing status
13. Put state agents on the ocean to help the Coast Guard catch illegals
14. Record increase in teachers pay.
15. Made it so that the unions couldn't deduct from teacher pay checks.
16. Is signing a bill that ends all the DEI programs from their state universities.
17. Is stopping the "pronoun" BS in their schools
18. No more vaccine mandates.
19. Banned gender reassignment surgery for minors.
20. Supports shutting down the border and getting the Mexican government to help the US with immigration coming from the Mexican side.

The source was from his speech in Iowa this passed week.
He's still up to his armpits with many of the same neocon Bushbot advisors, that worked to kneecap Trump's administration.

If he's not already controlled opposition, the permanent administrative State is working 24/7 to make him so.

The Bushbots are long gone. Any remanence of them are just people that show up on Fox news now and then to make a few bucks. Like Rove. He's a has-been, and has nothing to do with anything in government, except talking about it.

His record shows he's anti establishment. The fact that he sold all of his stocks once elected to congress shows he's not corrupted.

Y'all keep trying to tie Ron to the establishment just to either side with Trump, or keep him from kicking Biden's butt in the election. So far, all you can do it point to his donors. Which is a fair assessment. Except for the fact that a LOT of DeSantis's donors just don't like Trump. Nor do they want to see a Trump/Biden part 2. Because it didn't work out in Trumps favor the first time.

I don't like Trump because he's just too liberal/progressive. Trump's a moderate democrat at best. When you look at his "Platinum Plan," that puts him in the socialist column.

And let's not forget that Trump has sided with Lindsey Graham, McCarthy and Daniels (RNC Chairman). Talk about establishment. Geeeeeeeeeese.
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The Bushbots are long gone.
No they're not.....They're crawling all over DeSantis right now.

He's still up to his armpits with many of the same neocon Bushbot advisors, that worked to kneecap Trump's administration.

If he's not already controlled opposition, the permanent administrative State is working 24/7 to make him so.

They only support him out of sheer hatred for Trump. It's not the same as being controlled by them. From the way he has handled things in Florida (the list in the OP), he's not a Republican in the same do-nothing cowardly way that the Bushes and their ilk are.

That said, I will still be voting for Trump in the primaries. I want DeSantis here in Florida.
They only support him out of sheer hatred for Trump. It's not the same as being controlled by them. From the way he has handled things in Florida (the list in the OP), he's not a Republican in the same do-nothing cowardly way that the Bushes and their ilk are.

That said, I will still be voting for Trump in the primaries. I want DeSantis here in Florida.
Oh, he will be controlled by them, or he will be destroyed by them.

They'll use the same playbook they did with Trump.
Oh, he will be controlled by them, or he will be destroyed by them.

They'll use the same playbook thy did with Trump.

Not likely, they don't have the power they once had. they cannot use the same playbook because DeSantis doesn't have the background that Trump does. There's no hookers to bring forward, there's no "shady business deals" (to use the left's terms), to litigate, or any tax issues.
No they're not.....They're crawling all over DeSantis right now.

Mark Simone, a Trumpbot talking head on radio (and other media). So of course he's going to bash DeSantis. You're sources are biased to the gills.
Simone is one of those who will ignore Trumps leftist record of spending, debt ceiling increases, attack on our 2A and Trumps reauthorization of unconstitutional legislation like FISA, Patriot Act and the NDAA.
His listeners count on him to be pro Trump. And he's not going to rock that boat by calling Trump out on his leftist BS.

Simone has never addressed Trumps Platinum Plan. Because he's knows it socialistic. And it's racist to the core. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they're black.
Oh, he will be controlled by them, or he will be destroyed by them.

They'll use the same playbook they did with Trump.

The Bushbots are long gone. All they have is money now. If it goes to DeSantis, it'll be simply because Trump's just not a conservative. In fact, the way Trump bashes the Republican party, it makes me wonder why TF he's even tied to them. Especially since he's been a democrat his entire life. And his record proves he's still a leftist.
You probably wouldn't have liked General Patton either.

I don't know enough about his political ideology to say. But I do know enough about Trump and his record to say he's not a Republican. He only identifies as one.

And he's certainly not a conservative. Fiscally or Constitutionally.
I don't know enough about his political ideology to say. But I do know enough about Trump and his record to say he's not a Republican. He only identifies as one.

And he's certainly not a conservative. Fiscally or Constitutionally.
Are you more interested in political ideology than in winning the war against the Deep State?
He's still up to his armpits with many of the same neocon Bushbot advisors, that worked to kneecap Trump's administration.

If he's not already controlled opposition, the permanent administrative State is working 24/7 to make him so.
The Bushbots are long gone. All they have is money now. If it goes to DeSantis, it'll be simply because Trump's just not a conservative. In fact, the way Trump bashes the Republican party, it makes me wonder why TF he's even tied to them. Especially since he's been a democrat his entire life. And his record proves he's still a leftist.
They only support him out of sheer hatred for Trump. It's not the same as being controlled by them. From the way he has handled things in Florida (the list in the OP), he's not a Republican in the same do-nothing cowardly way that the Bushes and their ilk are.

That said, I will still be voting for Trump in the primaries. I want DeSantis here in Florida.

I support him because of his accomplishments. I don't support Trump because Trumps just too liberal for me.
Are you more interested in political ideology than in winning the war against the Deep State?

I'm interested in the $8 trillion spent in just 4 years. The two debt ceiling increases and the 2 yr debt ceiling suspension. The gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan he funded. The millions that went to planned parenthood. Trumps assault on our 2A. The unconstitutional authority Trump gave the deep state.

But you make up (in your own mind) why you think I support DeSantis over Trump.

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