Desantis signs bill into LAW to not teach sex ed to children 5-8 years old in Florida

We kicked God out of public schools, and let Satan in in His place.

That was a very big mistake, all around.

We now are being told that we teach Satan?

Weird. Never saw those lessons either.

Your Boogeyman theory of “ it happens everywhere by all liberal teachers is just nonsense”.

Do you (or would you) still send your kids to church even with all those evil sick pedophile Pastors, Priests and Nuns?

So I ask again, little Sally has two moms, and little Timmy calls them "dykes" because that's the shit he hears at home, you think teachers should be disciplined for setting his little ass straight?

This funny thing about gays... they keep existing even if you don't want them to.

Yeah, but your policies created this situation. Nobody under 9, and I mean NOBODY, should even address this issue.

Want to know why November and beyond is so bleak for you? I suggest you read what it is you posted. Oh sure, you will probably win New York and California, possibly even Mass and Illinois, but the rest of us, you are persona-non-grata!
The doomsday pedophile cult really showed what they are all about with this one.

Lie about the bill.
Claim they are not and do not want to teach sex to 5 year olds.
Then whine because you cant do the thing you say you are not doing. :auiqs.jpg:

Cant wait until 4th grade……MUST BE 5 YEAR OLDS.

What sick fucks.
But you are still OK with teaching religion in public school? Or NOT?
Come on now. This is a non-issue, isn't it?

It's illegal to push God on public schools, you knew that didn't you?

It doesn't happen ; or if it does, it shouldn't.
Yet I'm around over 100 teacher each day and I have NEVER seen what you describe. NEVER.
Yet you are around no teachers on a daily basis, and take the word of RWI talking points.

If the 3rd grade teacher is teaching reading, and lil' Johnny blurts out something about his gay older brother, you will blame that on the teacher. I know you would.

Yup, I'm 100% sure it (what you describe) has happened at some school (private or public) at some point, but my gawd dude, this ^^^^^ is NOT what is happening in reality. Nobody (99.999%) is 'grooming them' to be gay or trans.
Read my lips: my child's sexual orientation (or lack thereof) is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

It's not your business, it's not the state's business, it's not the government's business.

STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY CHILD with your political activism bullshit

Can I possibly be any clearer?

So I ask again, little Sally has two moms, and little Timmy calls them "dykes" because that's the shit he hears at home, you think teachers should be disciplined for setting his little ass straight?

This funny thing about gays... they keep existing even if you don't want them to.

i suppose it depends how the teacher sets his “little ass straight”

bullying shouldn’t be tolerated at any age over anything.

so again though how the teacher “sets his little ass straight” matters
Read my lips: my child's sexual orientation (or lack thereof) is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

It's not your business, it's not the state's business, it's not the government's business.

STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY CHILD with your political activism bullshit

Can I possibly be any clearer?
I agree 100%

Why are you yelling at me?

We now are being told that we teach Satan?

Weird. Never saw those lessons either.

Your Boogeyman theory of “ it happens everywhere by all liberal teachers is just nonsense”.

Do you (or would you) still send your kids to church even with all those evil sick pedophile Pastors, Priests and Nuns?

I'll guarantee you there is a far less a percentage of them than the same in public schools.
That's about how old they are when they figure out how to bypass whatever "parental protections" they put on the internet. Seems like they might have a few questions about what they encounter in the sick sad world of internet porn.

I seriously doubt any 5 to 8 year old is trying to dig up porn on the net when they don't even know what it is. They are more concerned about digging up cartoons or fake wrestling.
I turned on FOX (of course!) for the latest headlines and saw the governor of Florida happily signing that law.

The merits or demerits of that law aside, the saddest thing was to see little children who had been brought in to stand around the governor as he signed his name.

It is simply a fact that at least some of those children themselves will grow up to be gay or bisexual.

It was downright cruel to have used little children as props for the signing ceremony.

It's a bill designed to help to protect children. Who did you want behind him, retired old men?
I turned on FOX (of course!) for the latest headlines and saw the governor of Florida happily signing that law.

The merits or demerits of that law aside, the saddest thing was to see little children who had been brought in to stand around the governor as he signed his name.

It is simply a fact that at least some of those children themselves will grow up to be gay or bisexual.

It was downright cruel to have used little children as props for the signing ceremony.
How exactly are those kids going to be traumatized if any of them grow up to be gay or bisexual due to anything in this law?
But the law isn't designed to stop teachers from referencing people, it's saying no sex ed for 5-8 year olds.

Actually, it's very vague on what teachers can talk about regarding alternative families. Even saying "Sally has Two Mommies" would be against this law.

What does that have to do with fags and trannies in classrooms?
That you are only a parent if you make a biological contribution, as someone tried to claim.
I can remember when they claimed that it was about consenting adults. Foolishly, as a society, we gave them that inch.

When they started attacking the essential institution of marriage, and demanding that society pander to their perversions, we should have pushed back, hard.

Uh, guy, you did push back. It's how Bush got a second term after giving us two wars and a recession. He promised us he'd keep the icky, icky gays from getting married.

Then after having a lengthy conversation about it nationally, we found out all anti-gay marriage arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's bad."

And when they made clear their intent to go after children, we should have started to hunt them down and exterminate them. That is a line that we never should have allowed them to approach, much less to cross.

HitlerBob adding to the people he wants to murder.

Your whole premise is that Children can be influenced to be gay or straight. That it would never occur to a kid to be gay if a teacher or someone hadn't suggested it.

It's kind of the opposite. If you keep screaming at Gay kids that they are "Sinners" you are just going to mess them up. Like my late Aunt, who was a lesbian, but was totally confused by listening to Catholic Bullshit for 70 years. Instead, she ended up with a one-year marriage that didn't work and a kid she had no idea how to raise.

We kicked God out of public schools, and let Satan in in His place.

That was a very big mistake, all around.

Actually, God was never in the Public Schools that much. When the Supreme Court struck down prayer in Schools, very few school districts were still doing that.

God and Satan don't exist.

I say we put C'Thulhu in the schools. That'll frighten the little beggers back into line!!!

Yeah, but your policies created this situation. Nobody under 9, and I mean NOBODY, should even address this issue.

Uh, you really think nine year old don't know what sex is? Or what being gay is? You do realize "Queer" and "Homo" are common schoolyard taunts, right?

Want to know why November and beyond is so bleak for you? I suggest you read what it is you posted. Oh sure, you will probably win New York and California, possibly even Mass and Illinois, but the rest of us, you are persona-non-grata!

You guys are going to be hoping and hoping for November, you might even take Congress...

And then you'll be disappointed, just like you were in 2010 and 1994.

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