DeSantis Responds To Trump Attacks


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
“Trump has criticized you a number of times in the past couple of days on a number of different issues, one of them being COVID in the state,” Daily Caller chief national correspondent Henry Rodgers asked DeSantis at a press conference on education.

“I roll out of bed, I have people attacking me from all angles,” DeSantis responded. “It’s been happening for many, many years. And if you look at the good thing about it, though, is like if you take a crisis situation like COVID, you know, the good thing about it is when you’re an elected executive, you gotta make all kinds of decisions. You gotta steer that ship, and the good thing is that the people are able to render a judgement on whether they reelect you or not.”

“I’m happy to say, you know, in my case, not only did we win reelection, we won with the highest percentage of the vote that any Republican candidate has in the history of the state of Florida,” DeSantis added. “That verdict has been rendered by the people of the state of Florida.”

In the first ten minutes he comes across as a real and rational conservative! That far at least, he's making a very straight return to conservatism and the traditions of the Repub party.

Can that become popular now?

At what time in the vid does he make the points you've quoted?
Desantis would kick Trumps ass in the primary. Of course Biden would win in the general as America values human rights, safetynet and investment but DeSantis would certainly come far closer to winning then Trump.
Globalists On the Payroll

More evidence that he's an unAmerican snob who hates Populism. Thanks for inadvertently confirming my suspicions. GOPers screw us economically just as much as their Democrat prep-school classmates screw us in other areas.

Laissez-faire looting, low pay, and economic collapses are the tradition of the Republican't Party. They need to go the way of the Federalists and the Whigs, unless we can take them over, like the Preppy race-traitors took over the "Democratic" Party. Then we can exclude the Old-School-Tie Republicans.
(Replied to Donald H.)
I would never vote for him but I give him credit for stating what he has done as opposed to attacking Trump in return.
I only watched 10 minutes but I think that is all that is necessary. He's returned to the pure and straight conservative talking points that would work with even Liz Cheney.

And now already it's looking like Trump has responded with some of the same! Crazy!

Trump can't possibly be both for his base. MTG and the similar crazies are either Trump's ticket to ride or they have to be condemned.

I'm still trying to find out what DeSantis said about Trump's attacks?
FL has more people working than NY.
Desantis has competency and very low negatives, at least to responsible parent voters.

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