DeSantis of Florida pulling Billions fromBlackRock.

Florida, DeSantis yank billions in investments from 'woke' BlackRock over ESG investing Whether you like him or not he just doesn't just talk the talk he walks the walk as the saying goes. The man gets things done he reminds me of past governors we have had here I Florida just that they were Democrats. :) :beer:
Yeah... I've got a problem with several things that DeSantis does, but he seems to be far more right than wrong. Il give him credit for guts and showmanship.

I hope he gets tapped as the GOP's candidate for the Presidency... I can't wait for Rump to vanish so that it's safe (for the Republic) to vote for the GOP again.
Its 'fascist' for a private business to choose what it wants to host on its own property?

I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. As you seem to be using its a more of generic pejorative.
you KEEP IGNORING were the Federal Government TOLD the private enterprise to do it. How convenient for you ehh?
Florida, DeSantis yank billions in investments from 'woke' BlackRock over ESG investing Whether you like him or not he just doesn't just talk the talk he walks the walk as the saying goes. The man gets things done he reminds me of past governors we have had here I Florida just that they were Democrats. :) :beer:

So, it is cool for BlackRock to buy up massive number of houses, pricing people out of the market and then renting them at inflated rates, but do some ESG investing and it is the end of the world as we know it.
So, it is cool for BlackRock to buy up massive number of houses, pricing people out of the market and then renting them at inflated rates, but do some ESG investing and it is the end of the world as we know it.
That should not be allowed.
I didn't know DeSantis was a billionaire. He sits no go as Potus of 24. We had a billionaire and that turned out poorly. How did he make so much money, being a governor??
She really is this stupid. A fucking modern carnival freak that isn't properly employed.

The state of Florida will divest $2 billion from BlackRock due to the asset management company’s efforts to advance the environmental, social, and governance movement, also known as ESG.

Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis announced that the Florida Treasury “will be taking its business elsewhere” for $1.4 billion worth of long-term securities and $600 million worth of short-term overnight investments by the beginning of next year. The official contended that the mission to “change the world” promoted by BlackRock CEO Larry Fink exposes the state’s resources to risks.

“Whether stakeholder capitalism, or ESG standards, are being pushed by BlackRock for ideological reasons, or to develop social credit ratings, the effect is to avoid dealing with the messiness of democracy. I think it’s undemocratic of major asset managers to use their power to influence societal outcomes,” Patronis remarked in a press release. “Using our cash, however, to fund BlackRock’s social-engineering project isn’t something Florida ever signed up for.”

These social engineering scores are actually anti-democratic (not the type Democrats constantly attempt to portray). Utilizing ESG scores is a slippery slope that could easily lead to the government mandating companies to discriminate against you based on your political positions.
Going to be some very pissed off state worker's if the funds he takes and puts into another fund lose money. All though not all this 2 billion is in retirement funds.

We have the Bestest Governor in the whole wide world and that is a fact!
uh.. .. actually, if he was so great, he would not have let the original person that perfected election rigging retire with her pension in tact.
He has done some good things, and others? Not so good.

"How much do you know about the Brenda Snipes debacle?

That was the dry run for all of what went on in 2020, and the Snipes debacle was enabled by a RINO in the Trump DOJ, and by Desantis himself. She should have never been allowed to receive a pension at taxpayer expense.

"On January 18, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis voided his predecessor's suspension of Snipes and accepted her initial resignation, effective January 4, 2019. "

The guy in the DOJ? Wassermanshultz's brother, and his boss, Republican establishment RINOs, and brother of the person who the primary was in concern of. . .

I can't see how Trump didn't know how they would do it. I don't know if he didn't know, because he only pays attention to establishment media and doesn't have any intelligent folks telling him what is really going on, or if he knew and there was nothing he could do because the entire system is corrupt. . . But yeah, he should have been paying attention and cleaning house in a BIG WAY, well before the election, on a federal level.

If I knew what was going on and could have taken steps? I am sure he could have.


Personally? I don't trust folks that were in Secret Societies, and when folks go into the Wiki, to try to hide that DeSantis WAS in one? :eusa_think:

"I see someone went in and edited the Wiki since I first posted that original post. :eusa_think:

That makes me think, there is a VERY good chance, DeSantis IS going to be the nominee.

St. Elmo (secret society)

St. Elmo (secret society) History Membership

I had to look at probably a dozen different archive captures to find this one. . . a lot of them were manually deleted.


St. Elmo (secret society)​

So? Clearly, Kristi Noem always knew what was going on, and would always be better for the small farms and businesses of America. If the MSM is focusing your attention on Ron? There is probably a reason.

"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close."
-South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at CPAC 2021

Governor Kristi Noem CPAC 2021​

So best? Probably not. Good? It appears so. But, the Hegelian Dialectic is getting played out IMO. It is time for folks to do their research. We are heading for the end game, and the nation is being torn asunder. TPTB hold all the cards now.

Will he actually not just kick out BlackRock, but do Vanguard too?
you KEEP IGNORING were the Federal Government TOLD the private enterprise to do it. How convenient for you ehh?
Because that only happened in your imagination. Nowhere in that interview with Rogan does Zuckerberg accuse the FBI of forcing him to censor anything.
uh.. .. actually, if he was so great, he would not have let the original person that perfected election rigging retire with her pension in tact.
He has done some good things, and others? Not so good.

"How much do you know about the Brenda Snipes debacle?

That was the dry run for all of what went on in 2020, and the Snipes debacle was enabled by a RINO in the Trump DOJ, and by Desantis himself. She should have never been allowed to receive a pension at taxpayer expense.

"On January 18, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis voided his predecessor's suspension of Snipes and accepted her initial resignation, effective January 4, 2019. "

The guy in the DOJ? Wassermanshultz's brother, and his boss, Republican establishment RINOs, and brother of the person who the primary was in concern of. . .

I can't see how Trump didn't know how they would do it. I don't know if he didn't know, because he only pays attention to establishment media and doesn't have any intelligent folks telling him what is really going on, or if he knew and there was nothing he could do because the entire system is corrupt. . . But yeah, he should have been paying attention and cleaning house in a BIG WAY, well before the election, on a federal level.

If I knew what was going on and could have taken steps? I am sure he could have.


Personally? I don't trust folks that were in Secret Societies, and when folks go into the Wiki, to try to hide that DeSantis WAS in one? :eusa_think:

"I see someone went in and edited the Wiki since I first posted that original post. :eusa_think:

That makes me think, there is a VERY good chance, DeSantis IS going to be the nominee.

St. Elmo (secret society)

St. Elmo (secret society) History Membership

I had to look at probably a dozen different archive captures to find this one. . . a lot of them were manually deleted.


St. Elmo (secret society)​

So? Clearly, Kristi Noem always knew what was going on, and would always be better for the small farms and businesses of America. If the MSM is focusing your attention on Ron? There is probably a reason.

"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close."
-South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at CPAC 2021

Governor Kristi Noem CPAC 2021​

So best? Probably not. Good? It appears so. But, the Hegelian Dialectic is getting played out IMO. It is time for folks to do their research. We are heading for the end game, and the nation is being torn asunder. TPTB hold all the cards now.

Will he actually not just kick out BlackRock, but do Vanguard too?

Instead of asking me what a great Governor is you should ask my Granddaughter. She is in the 4th grade. She doesn't know anything about politics and may not even know who DeSantis is.

However, she does know that she completed the Second Grade because DeSantis kept the schools opened during the Pandemic while many other Governors (mostly Democrats) across the nation closed theirs.

The Second grade starts to lay a foundation for reading and math that is important for success later on. She got that foundation while the students from other states lagged behind.

Also, my son and daughter in law were able to keep their jobs because DeSantis didn't close down a large part of the economy like other Governors did.

DeSantis isn't perfect. I am stilled pissed at him for supporting an Internet tax. However, he does have great moral courage, mostly Conservative values and he knows how to lead and that puts him head and shoulders above most politicians nowadays.
Yeah, remember when Disney excercised its free speech and disagreed with the governor publically.....and DeSantis used the power of the State to punish Disney, incurring 1 Billion dollars in debt for the State of Florida in the process?

Nothing says 'free speech' like the State punishing those who say something the State doesn't like.
Yeah, I'm sure that's true, I mean companies really love carrying debt they can push on govt.....what planet are you from?

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