DeSantis May Have Just Won The 2024 Election With This Brilliant New Bill


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s plan to culture war himself into the White House continues apace. Today’s performative flexing includes a bill to overturn the Supreme Court’s holding in NYT v. Sullivan and allow religious people to recover a minimum of $35,000 if someone calls out their bigotry. If this bill passes, calling someone out for discrimination based on their religious or “scientific” beliefs would be defamation per se, costing the speaker at least $35,000 irrespective of actual harm caused.

Basically, according to the language in the bill; an allegation that the plaintiff has discriminated against another person or group because of their race, sex, gender constitutes a violation of the law. Which is pretty awesome because it will totally shut down the woke-left BLM Antifa tranny crowd.....One of the worst things to happen in the last 60 years was making it illegal or bad to discriminate against blacks, Commie Jews and gays....I could get behind banning discrimination in general, but sometimes you need laws that will put these gays and woke-left Jews in their place....

For example, in Florida.....if someone tried to report these guys for discrimination and it turns out these guys are Nazis due to their religious beliefs.....they owe these guys 35K a libs would be so triggered...go DeSanits!!
Biff, why haven’t you made a thread about the Dindonuffin that killed that news reporter in Florida?
Biff, why haven’t you made a thread about the Dindonuffin that killed that news reporter in Florida?

The resident scab-picker ain't got time fo dat. ;)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s plan to culture war himself into the White House continues apace. Today’s performative flexing includes a bill to overturn the Supreme Court’s holding in NYT v. Sullivan and allow religious people to recover a minimum of $35,000 if someone calls out their bigotry. If this bill passes, calling someone out for discrimination based on their religious or “scientific” beliefs would be defamation per se, costing the speaker at least $35,000 irrespective of actual harm caused.

Basically, according to the language in the bill; an allegation that the plaintiff has discriminated against another person or group because of their race, sex, gender constitutes a violation of the law. Which is pretty awesome because it will totally shut down the woke-left BLM Antifa tranny crowd.....One of the worst things to happen in the last 60 years was making it illegal or bad to discriminate against blacks, Commie Jews and gays....I could get behind banning discrimination in general, but sometimes you need laws that will put these gays and woke-left Jews in their place....

For example, in Florida.....if someone tried to report these guys for discrimination and it turns out these guys are Nazis due to their religious beliefs.....they owe these guys 35K a libs would be so triggered...go DeSanits!!

/---/ The life span of this bill is too far away from the 2024 election. Most people don't make a decision until the last few weeks before the election. This bill will be long forgotten by then.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s plan to culture war himself into the White House continues apace. Today’s performative flexing includes a bill to overturn the Supreme Court’s holding in NYT v. Sullivan and allow religious people to recover a minimum of $35,000 if someone calls out their bigotry. If this bill passes, calling someone out for discrimination based on their religious or “scientific” beliefs would be defamation per se, costing the speaker at least $35,000 irrespective of actual harm caused.

Basically, according to the language in the bill; an allegation that the plaintiff has discriminated against another person or group because of their race, sex, gender constitutes a violation of the law. Which is pretty awesome because it will totally shut down the woke-left BLM Antifa tranny crowd.....One of the worst things to happen in the last 60 years was making it illegal or bad to discriminate against blacks, Commie Jews and gays....I could get behind banning discrimination in general, but sometimes you need laws that will put these gays and woke-left Jews in their place....

For example, in Florida.....if someone tried to report these guys for discrimination and it turns out these guys are Nazis due to their religious beliefs.....they owe these guys 35K a libs would be so triggered...go DeSanits!!

^^ wow, nobody shills for the Deep State and Corporate Media like Biffy.

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