Department of Justice Statistics Reveal Black - VIOLENT... very, very VILOENT


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
And one can only imagine the 2014/2015 statistics (all of these, by the way, under Hussein Obama) will be even higher!!!
Wow. So blacks attack whites at a rate of about 6/1 compared to white on black....and their population in America is like 1/5 of whites.

They kill each other at a shockingly high rate.

So....if they are obviously far more violent to themselves and other races at such a disturbing rate.....why are lefties so shocked that blacks also have more violent encounters with cops??? They have more violent encounters with EVERYONE apparently.

I'm curious what happens when all these Arab refugees get here and mix it up in the ghetto with blacks.
Wow. So blacks attack whites at a rate of about 6/1 compared to white on black....and their population in America is like 1/5 of whites.

They kill each other at a shockingly high rate.

So....if they are obviously far more violent to themselves and other races at such a disturbing rate.....why are lefties so shocked that blacks also have more violent encounters with cops??? They have more violent encounters with EVERYONE apparently.

I'm curious what happens when all these Arab refugees get here and mix it up in the ghetto with blacks.

I don't know. They'll probably concentrate on the gays before they go after the blacks. I wouldn't sell a life insurance policy to a gay person right now.
I'm curious what happens when all these Arab refugees get here and mix it up in the ghetto with blacks.

It's going to be interesting, as the filthy Muslims don't even tolerate blacks or queers - yet, they're adored by the Liberals
Strange - these Liberals.

Yeah i don't get it either. Arab Muslims might be the most bigoted, violent and intolerant people on Earth....yet....liberals are rushing to embrace them with open arms. Meanwhile....libs boycott Chic Fil A for not supporting homo marriage and vilify the Clemson football coach for praying after a game.
I'm curious what happens when all these Arab refugees get here and mix it up in the ghetto with blacks.

It's going to be interesting, as the filthy Muslims don't even tolerate blacks or queers - yet, they're adored by the Liberals
Strange - these Liberals.

Yeah i don't get it either. Arab Muslims might be the most bigoted, violent and intolerant people on Earth....yet....liberals are rushing to embrace them with open arms. Meanwhile....libs boycott Chic Fil A for not supporting homo marriage and vilify the Clemson football coach for praying after a game.

When the Muslims start lining people up to execute - queers and Liberals will be at the top of the list.

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