Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?
so whitey has not been that racist after all...?
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?
so whitey has not been that racist after all...?
Whitey never stops being racist. Its a instinct they have to counteract and protect their recessive genes.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?
so whitey has not been that racist after all...?
Again...who the fug is whitie? Are you Casper the friendly ghost or something? Hell naw...youre a delusional racist megalomaniac who is so ashamed of his pink skin that he calls himself whitie.
I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?

Yes but comparing the two sets of statistics, overall poverty rose 2% in the last three years. I am pretty skeptical that serious statistics are produced for a year that still has a month to go. But I can believe a Trump economy is helping people across the board. And the honest truth told by Denzel Washington to the black community is still valid.
Denzel is a G. He got his message across to Black people to stop making it easy for racist whites to put them in prison and the racist whites are too stupid to know he is talking about them and praise him. :laugh:
Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

I have not at any time inferred or suggested or said that poverty is the norm in the black community. Black people who educate themselves and exercise common sense values of being law abiding, dressing and speaking appropriately for the occasion, and who develop a work ethic and marketable skills and who get married and stay married before having kids are doing every bit as well as white people who do that. That should be the norm for the black community.

And honestly if the choice at human resources is to hire the guy who has the credentials and presents a friendly, accepting, eager persona or the guy who has the credentials but is angry, defensive and demanding with a chip on his shoulder, which would you find more appealing?
Apparently 75% of the black community doesn't need your advice since they are already on board the gravy train. So just who are you referring to? No black person that I know of on this board is impoverished. So why do you keep insisting on putting that image foward in your exchanges? What can blacks here do that you've done to helpyour 23 millions impoverished Cauc brethren?
I'll put value on your experience with helping your own poor but anything else is just BS.
The point you're missing is that despite the liberal fairy tale that blacks are as smart/capable as whites, they are still failing, in the United States, proportionately relative to whites. It is also well-known that Africa is for the most part (and especially heavily black sub-Saharan Africa) a shithole containing failing/inferior nations. This tells me that the black/white intelligence gap, while already visibly substantial from the USA statistics alone, is enough to make blacks, as a race, unable to run a modern civilization.

The white man's superior intellect is able to run such a civilization and is even big enough to compensation for a considerable black population, but as Detroit and Zimbabwe tell us, things can go downhill fast once the black population rises numerically above a certain level and begins to occupy enough positions in the government.
You are still mired in the racist milieu of the 19th and 20th centuries. All the evidence put before you that should have put an end to your stereotypical myths was gatered in vain.
You dismiss the glories of black history...the same history that sparked civilization as we know it today. You dismiss the fact that black men survived thousands of years before a pink race mutated from their genes during several ice ages. Somehow those pink mutants adaoted to the cold and survived in caves while blacks were building empires in the sun.

Now you want to take credit for things you never did. Pink janitors and burger flippers want to think they are superior to black
Lawyers and black doctors.

And you dismiss the successful black communities that flourished during the Jim Crow era... Proof that blacks did and can
Run cities states or anything else if pink disruptors would just leave them alone...
Even in Africa your IMF and World Bank is still wreaking havoc.. Leave Africa alone..damn you.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?

Yes but comparing the two sets of statistics, overall poverty rose 2% in the last three years. I am pretty skeptical that serious statistics are produced for a year that still has a month to go. But I can believe a Trump economy is helping people across the board. And the honest truth told by Denzel Washington to the black community is still valid.
Did the spike occur Between 2012-2014
Or between 2015- 2017? And where did you see that?
I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

I have not at any time inferred or suggested or said that poverty is the norm in the black community. Black people who educate themselves and exercise common sense values of being law abiding, dressing and speaking appropriately for the occasion, and who develop a work ethic and marketable skills and who get married and stay married before having kids are doing every bit as well as white people who do that. That should be the norm for the black community.

And honestly if the choice at human resources is to hire the guy who has the credentials and presents a friendly, accepting, eager persona or the guy who has the credentials but is angry, defensive and demanding with a chip on his shoulder, which would you find more appealing?
Apparently 75% of the black community doesn't need your advice since they are already on board the gravy train. So just who are you referring to? No black person that I know of on this board is impoverished. So why do you keep insisting on putting that image foward in your exchanges? What can blacks here do that you've done to helpyour 23 millions impoverished Cauc brethren?
I'll put value on your experience with helping your own poor but anything else is just BS.
The point you're missing is that despite the liberal fairy tale that blacks are as smart/capable as whites, they are still failing, in the United States, proportionately relative to whites. It is also well-known that Africa is for the most part (and especially heavily black sub-Saharan Africa) a shithole containing failing/inferior nations. This tells me that the black/white intelligence gap, while already visibly substantial from the USA statistics alone, is enough to make blacks, as a race, unable to run a modern civilization.

The white man's superior intellect is able to run such a civilization and is even big enough to compensation for a considerable black population, but as Detroit and Zimbabwe tell us, things can go downhill fast once the black population rises numerically above a certain level and begins to occupy enough positions in the government.
You are still mired in the racist milieu of the 19th and 20th centuries. All the evidence put before you that should have put an end to your stereotypical myths was gatered in vain.
This has less to do with stereotypes and more to do statistics and facts.
You dismiss the glories of black history...the same history that sparked civilization as we know it today. You dismiss the fact that black men survived thousands of years before a pink race mutated from their genes during several ice ages. Somehow those pink mutants adaoted to the cold and survived in caves while blacks were building empires in the sun.
Nobody is saying blacks can't run a primitive civilization and survive.
Now you want to take credit for things you never did. Pink janitors and burger flippers want to think they are superior to black
Lawyers and black doctors.
And nobody is saying some blacks can't live well (relative to how they would live a negro-run shithole) in a modern society run by whites.
And you dismiss the successful black communities that flourished during the Jim Crow era... Proof that blacks did and can
Run cities states or anything else if pink disruptors would just leave them alone...
Even in Africa your IMF and World Bank is still wreaking havoc.. Leave Africa alone..damn you.
Yep...Denzel Washington stepped into a Crap Storm....he actually told the truth about the problems in not only black communities, but in all communities with violent and other crime....

Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure,” the Academy Award-winner told reporters at the Dan Gilroy-directed film’s New York premiere, the New York Daily News reports.

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,” Washington said.
Yep. Tons of guns in communities without single parents being a disproportional segment of the community and they do not have gun violence.
Actually I busted a black guy doing this yesterday. Claiming that over 50% of blacks live in poverty.

He said, "how can poor blacks make it when they don't have any rolemodels?" Hopeless is what he called their situation.

Hardly seems hopeless when 75% of the people around them are not living in poverty.

Reminds me of kids who live in the country with their parents who managed to find a living in that small hick town. Most of the kids who want to do something with their lives are going to have to leave after highschool and college. Just no jobs in their one traffic light towns. Some of them are lucky enough to find a way to make a living there and so they stay. They don't get rich but they stay and they are happy living there. But most of the kids born in those town know in order to make 6 figures they're going to have to leave for the city or another state. Black parents who want their kids to do better than they did need to drill that into their heads. Either go to the army or college when you graduate highschool.

Us poor whites are sick of hearing how much easier we had it getting out of poverty. Sure we may have had some advantages being white but what we did to get out of poverty, would these blacks do it? I don't think so. If they did they wouldn't be stuck in poverty in the hood.
You lost me in your last paragraph. There are 11 million impoverished blacks and more than rwice as many impoverished Caucs at 23 million. That's excluding hispanics. So let's forget the black poor for a moment and focus on the Euro-peons. What do you suggest be done to ameliorate their misery? Whatever plan you can conjure up for them is just as viable for then using those same guidlines for addressing tha impoverished black 25%.

The same recipe works for white people that works for black people. And yes it is true that there are more poor white people than black people, but it is also true that there is a higher percentage of black people living in poverty. After all, about 13% or so of the U.S. population is black.

But this thread isn't about white people is it. It is about the very excellent advice Denzel Washington gave to black people.

Look. like that 27% on your 2014 chart has dropped to 22% in 2017.
Thats the key statistic. And that's progress.
I don't know whats behind it but it must be something good. Now 78% of blacks have risen out of poverty. Aren't you happy?
so whitey has not been that racist after all...?
Again...who the fug is whitie? Are you Casper the friendly ghost or something? Hell naw...youre a delusional racist megalomaniac who is so ashamed of his pink skin that he calls himself whitie.
so, there is not as much racism as you'all whine about
See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
you don't like the words ''per capita'' you?
Yes, the biggest problem is when one group is seen as having an advantage over another group.

Help society, help Americans, make things better by targeting the PROBLEMS and the country will get better. Carry on the same way the partisan political monsters are doing, and see the country die.
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.

I'm more into equality than vengeance.

So youre for wealth redistribution then. Thats fine with me but I dont think the education whites need regarding equality would really be learned. I think it would just make them angry everyone was on a equal level. There has to be some pain for the lesson to be accurately understood.

No, not really.

I'm perfectly fine with people making their own money and paying for things with their own money.

Where I'm for socialist policies is with things like health care. Why? Because our bodies aren't cars, they're essential for living. We don't get to choose our body or our health.

The privatized health care in the US doesn't give a shit about people with pre-existing conditions, people born with problems, like health care problems and the Prisons end up taking up the slack.

Look, you take the fact that the US Federal Govt spends MORE on healthcare than the UK govt does (which has a single payer system) and then you add up how much the 50%+ people in US prisons with mental problems cost the country, and you'd realize that actually, a single payer healthcare system would actually be CHEAPER for the people.

But the rich are so fucking selfish, they actually end up spending more to make themselves feel like they're spending less.Go figure, and to make a system that is complete bullshit.

Where the rich really get rich is by A) keeping the poor really poor so they can't earn wages and B) making their kids find it easier to do well by giving them a massive head start because their kids get a better education and because they're walking into corporations which are paying so little in tax they might be being paid by the govt to work.

I'm for equality. I'm for the small guy standing a chance to make it in society because he can make a business that isn't competing against massive odds. I'm for people paying their fair share of taxes.

And how can Republicans say life is precious then not want to treat someone with cancer because they don't have the money.

Republicans really don't care about seeds in the womb. And many pro life mother fuckers don't care about the person dying of cancer who can't afford the treatment. Once the person is walking on two feet fuck them is what Republicans say.

But weird how much they care for them before they are born. They care soooo much about them being born but then don't care after. Maybe they like to see people suffer.

Being anti-abortion (they say pro-life because it's positive) is about being religious and doing what they're told.

Being anti-abortion had logic back in the day when a high percentage of children didn't make it out of childhood. Things have change. The world population is increasing at too high a rate for it to be sustainable. War will come, hunger and famine will come at some point, no matter how clever we think we are.

It's an outdated ideal that they simple don't bother to think about. Religious doesn't like to change, it says "God says this" in order to justify other reasoning, and then when that reasoning changes they can't just say "oh, God told me to change".

They care about their religion more than they care about people, that's for sure.
See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
you don't like the words ''per capita'' you?
Nether does the treasurer who mails out the welfare checks. Per capita doesn't change the monthly payments...and it doesn't mean shit to paupers who need help.
See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
you don't like the words ''per capita'' you?
Likely does not know what it means and certainly cannot be used when it squelches their emotional drivel
Liberals love to mix percentages and hard numbers when it favors their cause
In this case it hurts their case to clarify that although there are two times as many whites in poverty than blacks, there are 7 times more whites to begin with
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.

I'm more into equality than vengeance.

So youre for wealth redistribution then. Thats fine with me but I dont think the education whites need regarding equality would really be learned. I think it would just make them angry everyone was on a equal level. There has to be some pain for the lesson to be accurately understood.

No, not really.

I'm perfectly fine with people making their own money and paying for things with their own money.

Where I'm for socialist policies is with things like health care. Why? Because our bodies aren't cars, they're essential for living. We don't get to choose our body or our health.

The privatized health care in the US doesn't give a shit about people with pre-existing conditions, people born with problems, like health care problems and the Prisons end up taking up the slack.

Look, you take the fact that the US Federal Govt spends MORE on healthcare than the UK govt does (which has a single payer system) and then you add up how much the 50%+ people in US prisons with mental problems cost the country, and you'd realize that actually, a single payer healthcare system would actually be CHEAPER for the people.

But the rich are so fucking selfish, they actually end up spending more to make themselves feel like they're spending less.Go figure, and to make a system that is complete bullshit.

Where the rich really get rich is by A) keeping the poor really poor so they can't earn wages and B) making their kids find it easier to do well by giving them a massive head start because their kids get a better education and because they're walking into corporations which are paying so little in tax they might be being paid by the govt to work.

I'm for equality. I'm for the small guy standing a chance to make it in society because he can make a business that isn't competing against massive odds. I'm for people paying their fair share of taxes.

And how can Republicans say life is precious then not want to treat someone with cancer because they don't have the money.

Republicans really don't care about seeds in the womb. And many pro life mother fuckers don't care about the person dying of cancer who can't afford the treatment. Once the person is walking on two feet fuck them is what Republicans say.

But weird how much they care for them before they are born. They care soooo much about them being born but then don't care after. Maybe they like to see people suffer.

Being anti-abortion (they say pro-life because it's positive) is about being religious and doing what they're told.

Being anti-abortion had logic back in the day when a high percentage of children didn't make it out of childhood. Things have change. The world population is increasing at too high a rate for it to be sustainable. War will come, hunger and famine will come at some point, no matter how clever we think we are.

It's an outdated ideal that they simple don't bother to think about. Religious doesn't like to change, it says "God says this" in order to justify other reasoning, and then when that reasoning changes they can't just say "oh, God told me to change".

They care about their religion more than they care about people, that's for sure.

No...wrong...most of the developed countries are not reproducing enough new humans to replace the ones they are losing......

We are no where near having too many people...not even close.
See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
you don't like the words ''per capita'' you?
Likely does not know what it means and certainly cannot be used when it squelches their emotional drivel
Liberals love to mix percentages and hard numbers when it favors their cause
In this case it hurts their case to clarify that although there are two times as many whites in poverty than blacks, there are 7 times more whites to begin with
Oh i knew what per capita meant way back in elementary school. I also know that raw numbers represent as much truth as proportional statistics do. Frankly though, I don't trust any numbers that are generated without oversight from trusted members from all ethnic communities.... Caucs are known to be ruthless liars and unabashed racists that always have a nefarious agenda. The need to statistically divide everthing by race is a testament to that devious proclivity.

But I do play your numbers game from time to time for entertainment..But honsrly...i can't put much credence in statistics that originate in or are compiled in some pink bureaucrats office with no black mathematician to check the data. You people are too damn evil and prejudiced to trust. And too many people of color do...that's tragic.

See when you mention the 11 million versus 23 million you fail to mention that the 23 million comprise 7X the population. This is a familiar liberal mathematic trick. In reality, as to a percentage of population the true and valid comparative would be 11 to 3.3 and not 11 to 23
Are you stupid or something? There are 23 million impoverished Euro-peons in this country. If i had a dollar for i'd have 23 million dollars. Tell you pay me a dollar for every poor CAUC and I'll pay you a dollar for every impoverished black...DEAL???
you don't like the words ''per capita'' you?
Most intelligent people know "per capita" doesnt really mean shit when there are more pinkies on welfare than anyone else. Thats just the pink avoidance behavior we have all come to know and laugh at. :laugh:
You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.

I have not at any time inferred or suggested or said that poverty is the norm in the black community. Black people who educate themselves and exercise common sense values of being law abiding, dressing and speaking appropriately for the occasion, and who develop a work ethic and marketable skills and who get married and stay married before having kids are doing every bit as well as white people who do that. That should be the norm for the black community.

And honestly if the choice at human resources is to hire the guy who has the credentials and presents a friendly, accepting, eager persona or the guy who has the credentials but is angry, defensive and demanding with a chip on his shoulder, which would you find more appealing?
I’m gonna call bs. The hard working black guys aren’t doing as well. You only have to look at the vp’s of America to know the white ceos are not treating blacks or women fairly.

This I believe is where the real power lies.

Owners too. If most business owners are white men so are all their managers.

My brother says companies love to hire women to be vp of hr but that’s the only department women get to the top.

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