Dems who praised Obama for troop withdrawal now highly critical of Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dems who praised Obama for troop withdrawal now highly critical of Trump

Dems who praised Obama for troop withdrawal now highly critical of Trump | Fox News
October 17, 2019 ~ By Ronn Blitzer
President Trump has met resistance from both parties after his decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria, but some of the rhetoric coming from Democrats is almost the opposite of what came from party members when President Barack Obama pulled forces out of Iraq.
California Democrats Rep. Maxine Waters and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, have been vocal opponents of Trump's troop withdrawal, after supporting Obama's efforts almost exactly eight years later. “As the war in Iraq draws to a close, it is my hope that this conflict will serve as a solemn reminder of the costs of war,” Waters said in a statement issued Oct. 21, 2011. “We must carefully reexamine our approach to national security and how we view the United States' role in promoting international peace and security. If we are to remain leaders in the world, we must always use our best judgment to determine when and how we engage other nations and other actors – particularly if we are considering the use of military force.”

Hmm..., imagine that, Democrats and 'Deep State' Republicans love war and Americans continue bleeding to death for Islam.
Obama abandons Kurds - good. ~~ Trump abandons Kurds - Bad.
How Blatantly biased and hateful Democrats's the aim of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats to keep power no matter what.
IMO though Obama was wrong to advance the 'Arab Spring' and Civil War in Syria and abandoning the Kurds - even a stopped clock is right once in a while. Obama’s Red Line, Revisited
Meanwhile Erdogan under pressure from Trump has agreed to a ceasefire with Syria... No loss of American lives! No soldiers needed. Just V.P. Pence and Secretary Pompeo. It would be nice if the PMS/DSA Dem Left just gave the President credit and stopped whining about things they know nothing about.

Facts about the Kurds....
~They are NOMADIC by culture....
~Between 25 and 35 million Kurds inhabit a mountainous region straddling the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Armenia.
~They make up the fourth-largest ethnic group in the Middle East, but they have NEVER obtained a permanent nation state.
~The Kurds never achieved nation-state status.
Perhaps under Trump's leadership they may finally attain what they yearn for?
I’d entertain the idea of a new Kurdistan, but first we have to wipe Iran, Turkey, and Iraq off the map.
The " red line"

Liberals suddenly angst and all concerned about the Syrian people. Ahhhhh.....but when Assad crossed the red line and gassed 2,000 women and children liberals didnt give a crap! Nobody said dick.

Fucking bobbleheads!:gay::gay::fu:
If the United <cough, cough> Nations was able to create a homeland for Jews, why is this same body unable to do so for the Kurds?

If the Kurds got a homeland would this not help to bring stabilization to the region? Should securing a permanent homeland for the Kurds be a goal of American administrations?

Just thinking..........
You do realize President Bush had to sign an agreement with the Government of Iraq by the end of 2008 right? That is what governed our withdrawal. However President Obama could have left at any time too.

Article 24

Withdrawal of American Forces from Iraq

Admitting to the performance of Iraqi forces, their increased capabilities and assuming full responsibility for security and based upon the strong relationship between the two parties the two parties agreed to the following:

All U.S. forces are to withdraw from all Iraqi territory, water and airspace no later than the 31st of December of 2011.

All U.S. combat forces are to withdraw from Iraqi cities, villages, and towns not later than the date that Iraqi forces assume complete responsibility of security in any Iraqi province. The withdrawal of U.S. forces from the above-mentioned places is on a date no later than the 30 June 2009. The withdrawing U.S. forces mentioned in item (2) above are to gather in the installations and areas agreed upon that are located outside of cities, villages and towns that will be determined by the Joint Military Operation Coordinating Committee (JMOCC) before the date determined in item (2) above.

The United States admits to the sovereign right of the Iraqi government to demand the departure of the U.S. forces from Iraq at anytime. The Iraqi government admits to the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq at anytime.

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