DEMs scream "Not In My Back Yard!!" on Trump's Sanctuary City plan.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
A few months ago I posted a thread challenging any USMB to clearly state they wanted illegals sent in their hometown. Not a one stepped up. Now we have proof that the hypocrisy goes right to the top of the Democrat Party. The leadership is squealing like stuck pigs over Trump's logical plan to begin transporting illegals from overwhelmed border towns into small and medium sized Sanctuary Cities.

The DEMs created "Sanctuary Cities" allegedly out of compassion for illegals so this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that compassion. But what are we seeing? All of a sudden the DEMS aren't standing on soap boxes bellowing "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Instead it's more like "Not in my back yard, we'll investigate, we'll sue to keep them out!"
It's knee-jerk contrarian behavior, nothing more.

Disagree as to cause of main reaction. Abandonment of property is still not common but it is rising in many sanctuary states. NY, IL and CA are the usual suspects so far but that could spread fast.
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A few months ago I posted a thread challenging any USMB to clearly state they wanted illegals sent in their hometown. Not a one stepped up. Now we have proof that the hypocrisy goes right to the top of the Democrat Party. The leadership is squealing like stuck pigs over Trump's logical plan to begin transporting illegals from overwhelmed border towns into small and medium sized Sanctuary Cities.

The DEMs created "Sanctuary Cities" allegedly out of compassion for illegals so this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that compassion. But what are we seeing? All of a sudden the DEMS aren't standing on soap boxes bellowing "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Instead it's more like "Not in my back yard, we'll investigate, we'll sue to keep them out!"
'Sanctuary City' Mayors Respond to Trump's Threat 'With Open Arms'

Looks like the sanctuary cities are calling donnie's bluff and saying "fine, we'll take them".
A few months ago I posted a thread challenging any USMB to clearly state they wanted illegals sent in their hometown. Not a one stepped up. Now we have proof that the hypocrisy goes right to the top of the Democrat Party. The leadership is squealing like stuck pigs over Trump's logical plan to begin transporting illegals from overwhelmed border towns into small and medium sized Sanctuary Cities.

The DEMs created "Sanctuary Cities" allegedly out of compassion for illegals so this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that compassion. But what are we seeing? All of a sudden the DEMS aren't standing on soap boxes bellowing "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Instead it's more like "Not in my back yard, we'll investigate, we'll sue to keep them out!"
'Sanctuary City' Mayors Respond to Trump's Threat 'With Open Arms'

Looks like the sanctuary cities are calling donnie's bluff and saying "fine, we'll take them".
See what they say when we tell them only Citizens are counted in Census.

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