Dems: Give amnesty to 3.6 million illegal immigrants so they can vote for us, or we shut down Govt.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Seems reasonable to subvert the Constitution in exchange for votes.

Dems have burned bridges with citizens and they have squeezed all of the votes they can from the blacks, so they need to import new voters.

They want 3.6 million new Dem voters, or they will shut down the government and prevent soldiers from being paid....

Just unreal.
Seems reasonable to subvert the Constitution in exchange for votes.

Dems have burned bridges with citizens and they have squeezed all of the votes they can from the blacks, so they need to import new voters.

They want 3.6 million new Dem voters, or they will shut down the government and prevent soldiers from being paid....

Just unreal.

The DNC can forecast and complete simple arithmetic...they are fully aware that 3.6M illegals today equates to 20M new Democrats in 20 years at the rate Mexicans reproduce.
Seems reasonable to subvert the Constitution in exchange for votes.

Dems have burned bridges with citizens and they have squeezed all of the votes they can from the blacks, so they need to import new voters.

They want 3.6 million new Dem voters, or they will shut down the government and prevent soldiers from being paid....

Just unreal.
Whine, moan, sob. How dare the Dem's play the games Repub's have played for years! That's not fair mommy! Whine, sniff, cry. Alert: Repub's are in total control of the government. They spent eight years obstructing everything Obama and have lost the ability to govern. But electing a reality TV, game show host to run the US government was a good idea. Bwhahahaaaaaaaa
Seems reasonable to subvert the Constitution in exchange for votes.

Dems have burned bridges with citizens and they have squeezed all of the votes they can from the blacks, so they need to import new voters.

They want 3.6 million new Dem voters, or they will shut down the government and prevent soldiers from being paid....

Just unreal.
Whine, moan, sob. How dare the Dem's play the games Repub's have played for years! That's not fair mommy! Whine, sniff, cry. Alert: Repub's are in total control of the government. They spent eight years obstructing everything Obama and have lost the ability to govern. But electing a reality TV, game show host to run the US government was a good idea. Bwhahahaaaaaaaa

Everything Hussein Obeaner said and did was intended to benefit foreigners and or this nations lowest grade. The fact that you’re pissed that Republicans would step in and ask; “Hey, what about this nations best, most productive?” and demand answers kinda speaks volumes for where you’re at in life.
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been riding on the back of a REAL American?
Seems reasonable to subvert the Constitution in exchange for votes.

Dems have burned bridges with citizens and they have squeezed all of the votes they can from the blacks, so they need to import new voters.

They want 3.6 million new Dem voters, or they will shut down the government and prevent soldiers from being paid....

Just unreal.
To recap. Obama enacts the dream act. Giving a clear road to citizenship for people who were born and raised in the US, a bill first introduced in 2001. Trump goes on campaign, promising his supporters not just a wall but that Mexico would pay for it. Trump rescinds DACA, citing he doesn't want to authorize it by EO. Trump has signed at least 49 EO and counting (last count I could find was october.)Trump has signed more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years - CNNPolitics
Congress has been trying to fund the government by short term spending bills since Trump took office. Democrats want that the dreamers have a clear legal status again, if not they'll be in danger of deportation in march. Congress are trying to negotiate a bipartisan bill but Trumps not just wants something be done on DACA but also funding for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay. To that end, he first was for the proposed budget, then against. Republicans don't have support for the proposed budget by all members of their own party. BUT IT'S THE DEMOCRATS FAULT? Got luck trying to sell that one.
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Back stabbing Republicans who cooperate with Democrats on this amnesty bullshit are traitors and they need to be purged in the primaries. Keep reminding the voters of who they are and what they've done to help the left in their efforts to damage this country.
When Pubs shut down the government over Obamacare, Dems said it was the worst thing ever.

Now Dems will shiut down the government over illegal immigrants?
Trump should revise his Executive Order to immediately start deporting DACA illegals until the full Budget is approved. Maybe we could get that 700,000 number a bit lower...
When Mitch McConnell said YESTERDAY we cannot vote because Trump has said he supports all viewpoints on every issue, Yes, No and Maybe, we have to rely upon the ONLY thing he has said which we can count on which, of course, was his tweet to his peeps where he said 'what we need is a good government shutdown' and since we Republican's have complete control of the government and years of practice shutting down the government that's exactly what we'll give him. lmao
Trump should revise his Executive Order to immediately start deporting DACA illegals until the full Budget is approved. Maybe we could get that 700,000 number a bit lower...

It's 3.6 million....and that's a great idea!

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