Dems favor abortion over child sex slaves

The dems at best failed to comprehend the effect of the bill's provision for not allowing criminal fine pools to be used for victims to have abortions. But, that doesn't detract from you being disingenuous about what the Hyde Act is about (taxes), and the gop's, and your, agenda being forced birthing by rape victims.

The fine money will be collected and controlled by the federal government; hence, it is a form of tax money. That money is supposed to be used to help victims, not to kill their babies, who did nothing wrong. No baby can help how he or she is conceived. This would not prohibit any of those women from getting an abortion; it would merely mean that funds controlled by the government could not be used to pay for their abortions.

So Democrats would rather kill this badly needed bill rather than, heaven forbid, save the lives of some of these women's unborn children. There are MILLIONS of couples trying to adopt all over the world, and newborn babies (even ones born with drug issues) are usually the first to be adopted. So it's not like any of these women would be "forced" to keep their babies after birth.

Very well put:

The bill would fine and further penalize human traffickers and provide additional justice for victims. Those fines eventually become federal dollars and would need to be covered under current federal law protecting Americans from funding abortions.

The legislation passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee without any problems but, now that it’s slated for consideration on the floor of the U.S. Senate, pro-abortion activists are raising a stink about how funds for restitution for human trafficking victims won’t pay for abortions. The objection is offensive to victims of human trafficking and millions of girls and young women around the world who are victimized by it, putting abortion ahead of meeting their needs. (Democrats Threaten to Stop Bill to Help Human Trafficking Victims In Order to Fund Abortions )
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