dems cant run from the truth !

Topic title says "Dems" in it. We're talking about polical parties, there Popeye. Go eat some spinach.
I saw one link about xiden. contradict the link, go for it! what's not true and then you're in the topic!!!!
Unemployment in 2020 was 20%. It's now under 5%.

Definitely doing better here now.

Well, that's the way almost the whole world was in 2020. Covid was new and no one really knew how to deal with it so America along with most all other countries were shutting down that year. In the grand scheme of things America faired better than a lot of countries did. So that comparison is based purely on context.

In 2019 unemployment rates were 3.8 so right before the covid shit unemployment was lower than it is right now. So the idea unemployment rates are better now still aren't true when compared to the previous president just prior to the world wide pandemic shutdown.

And is that the only example you have of how America is better now than pre Biden and his administration? And no, more contextualized pandemic examples don't count because that entire first year of covid is a anomaly.
The topic is about Democrats can't run from the truth.

That is what you are running from with your frequent deflections to the topic.

I left the Democrat party 30 years ago to stay sane and free too bad you are trapped in it.
yep, dems left you.
Dems rule the world, now? Wow. I thought we just won the US. But, hey, all good.
yep, all world leaders are dems. What party do you think Trudeau is akin to? What about every other leader? you are truly confused dude.
and still less people are working NOW than in 2019 before the China Virus. STFU.

And the ones that are working aren't getting nearly as much when they go spend the money they worked for. I heard on the radio where they upped the interest rates today. Ooos!
Being Godless supreme moral narcissists imbeciles, they can in clear conscious (do they even have one), blame Trump (and Conservatives) for everything going wrong.

I am being 100% serious.

And you're surprised by this? When was the last time you seen a Democrat politician or voter take responsibility for their actions? It didn't happen under DumBama, it sure isn't happening now. They have more excuses than Hillary had for why she lost the election.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
yep, all world leaders are dems. What party do you think Trudeau is akin to? What about every other leader? you are truly confused dude.
That's it? You know only two countries, US & Canada? That's the entire world? You need to educate yourself, dude.
1) GOP believes election was stolen and Democracy is a fraud
2) GOP believes Hunter Biden's magical laptop had evidence about Joe Biden's illegal dealings in Ukraine
3) GOP believes Joe Biden has a puppetmaster handler who tells him what to do and how to behave
4) GOP believes gay can be reversed via magical rays of religion magic.

5) GOPer creates topic telling Democrats you can't run from the truth.
Wingers are convinced they have some kind of vice-like grip on The Truth, as if THEIR personal perceptions and interpretations are the ONLY POSSIBLE perceptions and interpretations.

The term “The Truth” is essentially worthless now. It’s just an egotistical way of saying “my opinion”.

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