Dems Cancel Outdoor Rally. Can't Fill It, But Claim It's Weather Related


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Well, the Dems say it's due to lightning, but lighting is tough to predict.

Anyone who saw last night's DNC saw a nearly half empty house.

Fact is they couldn't get enough bodies to fill a 70k seat stadium.

It's too soon to say lightning is the excuse so I think they discovered they couldn't bus in enough folks from out of state.
They couldn't bus in enough people. Not even the unions could fill those buses.
I am curious why they couldn't fill the Stadium. I know the Unions are not very happy with Obama.
A poster predicted this yesterday! What a crystal ball they had! They said it would be moved indoors and called by "weather conditions" because they were not going to get the crowd they wanted, even with bussing them in. LOL!
But lightning, this far in advance?
What a logistical nightmare. Did these people plan to come in on Wednesday with no place to go? They were coming from other states. What about the contracts with busses and drivers? The security prepping of the stadium was done, now they have to prep the arena.
OMG>>>What if they forget to bring the teleprompters!
They are claiming that the GOP convention was a total mess.

Fist the God,Jerusalem thing now they can't fill a stadium
next they got Bubba and Biden is gonna give a speech...
This might be fun after all

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