DemonRATS Rocked by 116-Count Indictment of Major Democratic Players In Pennsylvania

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Did they use a fully armed swat team to arrest them? Didn’t think so. That honor is only for low republicans.

Read more ^

President Trump carried Pennsylvania in 2016 in a major surprise and Democrats plans to reclaim the state as their own is key to unseating Trump in 2020.

Wednesday’s announcement that Philadelphia labor kingpin John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, along with 6 cronies, on a 116-count indictment that includes embezzlement, bribery and theft, threatens the hopes of national Democrats to reclaim control over Pennsylvania’s electoral votes in 2020.

Uncategorized Democrats Rocked by 116-Count Indictment of Major Democratic Players In Pennsylvania


HJIC Published on February 2, 2019 Opinion| President Trump carried Pennsylvania in 2016 in a major surprise and Democrats plans to reclaim the state as their own is key to unseating Trump in 2020.

Wednesday’s announcement that Philadelphia labor kingpin John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, along with 6 cronies, on a 116-count indictment that includes embezzlement, bribery and theft, threatens the hopes of national Democrats to reclaim control over Pennsylvania’s electoral votes in 2020.

Dougherty’s union is the single biggest independent source of campaign funding in Pennsylvania.

All seven of the accused are affiliated with Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).

John Dougherty Local 98 Ind… by on Scribd

US v. Dougherty, Henon, Burrows, et al. | Trust Law | Trustee
Good news, now Along with the KKK Virginia mayor fire, the Dems will have to work full time putting out fires before they can continue to make a case for one of the several hundred candidates they have for president.

But alas, they have a very amenable mass media that will do all their bidding to get voters looking the other way...

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