Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party

Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age.

ROFLMAO! Exactly what century are you living in? must be the same one Joe Biden resides in since the baby boomers are already "SENIORS" or soon to be "SENIORS".... the vast bulk of the boomers were born between the end of 1945 (the peak birth rate) and 1958 (the fall off in boomer birth rates), do the math.

Historically people don't get more "liberal" as they age they get more "conservative", which probably explains why the Democrats are so desperate to import new citizens from 3rd world countries (the gub'mint run nanny state plantation apparently needs to import new blood to sucker into dependency).

"'Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles" -- Joe Biden, August 2012

This would be true, but the republicans also want to privatize social security, or cut the benefits, freeze Medicare payments to doctors, etc. etc. Us democrats depend on the republicans to drive away pretty much everybody sooner or later.
This would be true, but the republicans also want to privatize social security, or cut the benefits, freeze Medicare payments to doctors, etc. etc. Us democrats depend on the republicans to drive away pretty much everybody sooner or later.

Doesn't really matter, the Republicans will just promise the Boomers whatever it is they want , after all the Baby Boomers have already demonstrated they're perfectly willing to bankrupt every generation that comes after them until the end of time as long as they get what they want.

The Democrats on the other hand have demonstrated that they're willing to bankrupt EVERYBODY as soon as possible as long as they get to be the ones to decide who gets to keep the scraps.

It will however be interesting to see which party wins the race to "ultimate stupidity" ....
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

you leftwing liberal hacks sure do have an obsession with the Republican party.., it actually is beginning to worry me, i mean like it appears that the popular belief is that liberalism is a mental disorder, and i am afraid all the liberals here on USMB are afflicted with this disease, have you considered some professional help and trust me i do want to help, so i found this place especially designed to help you girly men and some of the liberal broads here too.

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This would be true, but the republicans also want to privatize social security, or cut the benefits, freeze Medicare payments to doctors, etc. etc. Us democrats depend on the republicans to drive away pretty much everybody sooner or later.

Doesn't really matter, the Republicans will just promise the Boomers whatever it is they want , after all the Baby Boomers have already demonstrated they're perfectly willing to bankrupt every generation that comes after them until the end of time as long as they get what they want.

The Democrats on the other hand have demonstrated that they're willing to bankrupt EVERYBODY as soon as possible as long as they get to be the ones to decide who gets to keep the scraps.

It will however be interesting to see which party wins the race to "ultimate stupidity" ....

Hey, bankruptcy is our game plan! We democrats were secretly behind Enron, Goldwin Sacks, GM, Chrysler, etc., etc. It was easy, because President Bush wasn't paying attention at the time!
I have lost track of how many times over the years people have predicted the end of one party or the other yet it never happens it was supposed to happen after two Reagan elections then the election of Bush the elder it didn't the Clinton elections were going to be the end of the republicans it wasn't.
This "think progress" B.S. is so typical of the pathetic left these days that you can almost feel sorry for them. The administration is mired in a dozen scandals, the signature alleged accomplishment of the democrat party has gone terribly wrong and the foreign policy looks like Jimmie Carter on a bad day but "think progress" tells us that the demographics are wrong for the GOP.
Hey, bankruptcy is our game plan!
Yeah I know ....

We democrats were secretly behind Enron, Goldwin Sacks, GM, Chrysler, etc., etc. It was easy, because President Bush wasn't paying attention at the time!

Newsflash... it wasn't a secret (anybody capable of doing basic math saw it coming), the economically illiterate have been telegraphing their play book since the new Deal was born, unfortunately you people can't read your own signals.

All I can say to "we Democrats" and your counterparts over on the "we Republicans" side of the aisle.. have fun when the other peoples money runs out, hope you folks can learn to eat your partisan poms-poms.
Demographic shifts have nothing to do with the troubles in the republican party.

If you're having trouble with 100% of existing demographics, then however they happen to 'shift' is pretty irrelevant.


Land does not vote

People vote

WHAT ????? are you sure ? if true, i am totally astounded !!

that is very brilliant of you for sharing that bit of absolute fucking nitt wittery !! :lmao:
Latinos seldom vote. Even in their own countries. They can be moved to vote for the person who promises more than anyone else.
I live with them and have for decades. They are how los angeles elected a mayor with something a bit less than 16% turnout.
I hope the demographic shift will bring sanity to this country instead of bull shit. More science, more education more common sense.

Let the bull shit go away!

With a shift toward Hispanics you can kiss science and education a permanent goodbye. Do you see much of either in any Spanish speaking country?
I hope the demographic shift will bring sanity to this country instead of bull shit. More science, more education more common sense.

Let the bull shit go away!

With a shift toward Hispanics you can kiss science and education a permanent goodbye. Do you see much of either in any Spanish speaking country?

As a hispanic who considers himself a proud American... FUCK YOU
I hope the demographic shift will bring sanity to this country instead of bull shit. More science, more education more common sense.

Let the bull shit go away!

With a shift toward Hispanics you can kiss science and education a permanent goodbye. Do you see much of either in any Spanish speaking country?

As a hispanic who considers himself a proud American... FUCK YOU
The same bigots hated the Irish, French, Italians before, too.
I hope the demographic shift will bring sanity to this country instead of bull shit. More science, more education more common sense.

Let the bull shit go away!

With a shift toward Hispanics you can kiss science and education a permanent goodbye. Do you see much of either in any Spanish speaking country?

As a hispanic who considers himself a proud American... FUCK YOU

Great response. So.... which Spanish speaking country has educational or scientific achievements?
With a shift toward Hispanics you can kiss science and education a permanent goodbye. Do you see much of either in any Spanish speaking country?

As a hispanic who considers himself a proud American... FUCK YOU
The same bigots hated the Irish, French, Italians before, too.

The Irish are understandable. Never heard of any one who doesn't like the French, except for French Canadians. Nor the Italians. I never heard an Italian say this is Italy.

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