Democwats Fight Naked in the Shower!

Massa has openly groped several men, who have filed harassment charges. On ship, when he walked in on his stateroom mate masturbating, Massa slapped him on the leg and offered to help out.
It's funny to watch Cons defend the man, but he was a republican before.

Well, this is standard practice for the right. Remember how they embraced Dick Morris as soon as he started trashing the Clintons.

I was responding to your post on how the republicans embraced Morris when he started trashing the Clinton's.....just like how the democrats embraced Powell when he started trashing Bush. It's politics...
Massa has openly groped several men, who have filed harassment charges. On ship, when he walked in on his stateroom mate masturbating, Massa slapped him on the leg and offered to help out. That guy moved out of the stateroom.
It's funny to watch Cons defend the man, but he was a republican before.
We just want to hear what he has to say - You know...a woman scorned...
Massa has openly groped several men, who have filed harassment charges. On ship, when he walked in on his stateroom mate masturbating, Massa slapped him on the leg and offered to help out. That guy moved out of the stateroom.
It's funny to watch Cons defend the man, but he was a republican before.

So, the Democrats knew all about this and let him into the party?
If the media was really doing their job, we would get to the bottom of this quick. My first question to the anti-Christ's kid would be:

Have you ever touched another man's pen us?

Watch his eyes after that one flies.

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I think the Democrats are trumping up the charges to get a Democrat out of office because he refused to vote for Cap & Trade and now Healthcare. I don't know what Massa may have said to the male aide, but what guy hasn't said to another guy some time or other "Kiss my ass!"? Does this pass for a suggestive thing to say nowadays?

I will be watching Glenn Beck today at 4PM CST because he's spending an hour (60 minutes) with Eric Massa to get to the bottom of what's going on in Washington DC and the Democratic regime that's in control of our lives. Tell a friend and watch.

Only time a Democrat catches hell is if he stands up to Obama.
Check out the difference, peaceful loving Democrats "fight" in the shower. War loving Republicans "have sex" in the shower. What is wrong with this picture?

ah....thats not what i heard....i dont want to mention any names.....but Chris said he saw you manhandling Zona as you were ripping his Sphincter you fight and have sex the shower....the Romans would have loved you Dean....
i don't get it, is there a link?

Rham Imanuel did some chest thumping on Congressman Massa. both naked in the show. Mass is outraged. I'll look for a link.

Massa should have dropped the bar of soap, and politely ask Rahm to pick it up.
Never let a crisis go to waste....

LOL. I watched the interview via Beck a while ago. I don't doubt Massa's assertion. But I think Massa had something to hide. Beck couldn't really get him to talk.
Massa has openly groped several men, who have filed harassment charges. On ship, when he walked in on his stateroom mate masturbating, Massa slapped him on the leg and offered to help out.
It's funny to watch Cons defend the man, but he was a republican before.

Well, this is standard practice for the right. Remember how they embraced Dick Morris as soon as he started trashing the Clintons.

Could that be because Morris got tired of the lies, and has a conscience?

-NAH Forget it you partisan hack.

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