Democrats, You Own This - Build The Wall, Stand With Americans, Not Murderous Illegals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.
They will let him go if they do catch him. Just like Kate’s illegal murderer. Best part is when they do release him they won’t even let ICE know.
Democrats will claim the murderer was afflicted by "Brown Rage" as a result of White society. That the murderer simply did not get proper funding at his elementary school, etc., etc...And that he will be able to vote democrat after the ten years or so the "liberal" judge imposes costing American taxpayers $50K annually.

The USA needs to take back California for the democrat terrorists. Then again, the NY, CT, Mass. and Vermont have similar democrat terrorists dictating anti-American policy. Squeeze play.
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.


Please do try and keep up with what is actually on the border

Trump Wants a
Border Wall. See
What’s in Place Already.

"The government has built nearly 700 miles of wall and fencing since 2006, mostly on federal land and where the terrain does not provide a natural barrier."

Scroll to start

Trump Wants a Border Wall. See What’s in Place Already.


factual quotes:
The 2,000-mile United States border with Mexico is defined by rugged terrain and the Rio Grande, which act as natural barriers.

Most U.S. border land east of El Paso, Tex., is privately owned. To the west, most of the land is owned by the federal government.

The government has built nearly 700 miles of wall and fencing since 2006, mostly on federal land and where the terrain does not provide a natural barrier.

President Trump wants to build a new wall that could cost $25 billion. Eight prototypes, ranging from 18 to 30 feet high, have been tested near the San Diego border.

But the administration so far has focused on replacing existing barriers with taller structures along several sections of the border.

Some of the pre-existing fencing already is tall — higher than 10 feet — and concentrated near populated areas.

These sections are intended to keep people from trying to cross the border on foot.

Still, people find ways to cut through the fencing or climb over it.

The rest of the fencing lies in areas where the terrain makes it difficult to safely cross the border on foot.

These sections are shorter and built to block vehicles from driving across.

The blimp shown here — like drones, cameras and other surveillance tools — reinforces the physical fencing. Such tools are often repurposed military gear that was used in Afghanistan or Iraq.

And more than 16,000 Border Patrol agents work across nine sectors.

People usually pass through one of 25 official crossings that dot the border.

Most of the hard drugs that are smuggled into the United States come through these crossings — or under them. Hundreds of smuggling tunnels snake under border towns like Nogales, in Arizona.

In part because of increased border security, the number of people caught crossing the border illegally has dropped 82 percent from its peak in 2000.

In part because of increased border security, the number of people caught crossing the border illegally has dropped 82 percent from its peak in 2000.

Sources: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (apprehensions, agents and ports of entry), Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting and OpenStreetMap contributors (fencing), U.S. Geological Survey (federal land).
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.
The wall wont do shit. No matter how many people die at the hands of an illegal immigrant a wall wont stop them from getting into the country. Thats like putting a wall around a building with tons of gold and expecting no one will ever climb over it.
Trump owns the shutdown. Trump exploits the fear for the support of the simple minded.
Trump, unlike Democrats, is standing with American citizens, fighting yo ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect Americans from murderous illegal scrum bsge like this one.

Democrats advocate globalism, open borders, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, and protection and funding of federal law-violating Sanctuary cities while calling for the elimination of ICE.

The Democrats have proven themselves to be threats to our democracy, as Hillary pointed out, by refusing to accept the 2016 election results and now by standing with illegals instead of the American people.

This blood is on Obama's, Pelosi's, and Schumer's hands...
Lie, deny, and justify....but the Democrats have chosen to stand with violent illegals instead of the American people they were elected to represent.

The Democrats have a LOT of American blood on their hands:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
The wall wont do shit.
Evidence shows illegal border crossings go down 95% wherever there is a wall or barrier erected. Stop spreading fake news / propaganda.
Intelligence shows a wall would have existed long ago if that was something the US really wanted. You clowns keep forgetting how just the presence of laws targeting illegals torpedoed Alabama and Georgia. You guys are some fucking morons but you are good for a laugh. :)

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires
The wall wont do shit.
Evidence shows illegal border crossings go down 95% wherever there is a wall or barrier erected. Stop spreading fake news / propaganda.
Intelligence shows a wall would have existed long ago if that was something the US really wanted. You clowns keep forgetting how just the presence of laws targeting illegals torpedoed Alabama and Georgia. You guys are some fucking morons but you are good for a laugh. :)

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires
Lie, deny, and justify....

Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer voted for it in 2007...before they switched sides and began standing with and helping / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals....
The wall wont do shit.
Evidence shows illegal border crossings go down 95% wherever there is a wall or barrier erected. Stop spreading fake news / propaganda.
Intelligence shows a wall would have existed long ago if that was something the US really wanted. You clowns keep forgetting how just the presence of laws targeting illegals torpedoed Alabama and Georgia. You guys are some fucking morons but you are good for a laugh. :)

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires
Lie, deny, and justify....

Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer voted for it in 2007...before they switched sides and began standing with and helping / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals....
Bullshit. They didnt vote for a wall. They voted for a fence for appearances and only in recommended spots. Give it up. You clowns arent getting a wall. :rolleyes:
The wall wont do shit. No matter how many people die at the hands of an illegal immigrant a wall wont stop them from getting into the country. Thats like putting a wall around a building with tons of gold and expecting no one will ever climb over it.
I'm not sure if your reference to Fort Knox is meant to be funny, and I don't know if anyone has ever gotten in.

But your point is true to a tiny point. Walls don't eliminate illegal immigration. Similarly, walls around prisons don't eliminate escapes, but we build them anyway, because they work, that is, they reduce escapes to a manageable rarity.

Of course, we don't have a national political Party dedicated to helping prisoners escape, providing way stations and advice, calling for an end to prison guards, and most especially providing sanctuary to escapees, etc., with sympathetic media coverage. That would be fun.
Trump owns the shutdown. Trump exploits the fear for the support of the simple minded.

:confused-84: :cuckoo:
Consider this:

When a deranged gunman kills a dozen students or scores of concert goers, do you blame the idiot who sold him the weapon? Do you blame the capabilities of the weapon? Do you blame the fanatics who oppose laws that would prevent him from getting the weapon?

No. You blame the gunman individually. Full stop. You refuse to accept and deny all political blame.

Yet when one immigrant commits a crime, you have buckets of blame to splash all over everyone who disagrees with your fearful attitude toward immigrants.

The next time you’re engaged in navel gazing, let that consideration seep through the cracks
The wall wont do shit. No matter how many people die at the hands of an illegal immigrant a wall wont stop them from getting into the country. Thats like putting a wall around a building with tons of gold and expecting no one will ever climb over it.
I'm not sure if your reference to Fort Knox is meant to be funny, and I don't know if anyone has ever gotten in.

But your point is true to a tiny point. Walls don't eliminate illegal immigration. Similarly, walls around prisons don't eliminate escapes, but we build them anyway, because they work, that is, they reduce escapes to a manageable rarity.

Of course, we don't have a national political Party dedicated to helping prisoners escape, providing way stations and advice, calling for an end to prison guards, and most especially providing sanctuary to escapees, etc., with sympathetic media coverage. That would be fun.
There is always more than one wall around a prison. There are typically several and they have barbed wire as a deterrent. Putting up one wall is a fools errand but if you can get Mexico to pay for it like Drumpf said then I wont have a problem with it.
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.
1 drop in a bucket....thoughts and prayers....people kill people, guns stop killers.
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.
1 drop in a bucket....thoughts and prayers....people kill people, guns stop killers.
Nice thoughtful quote attempting to excuse Democrats for standing with murderous illegals like this one who killed another American citizen...
Suspect in fatal California cop shooting is in US illegally, authorities say

"The suspect sought in connection with the murder of a California cop earlier this week is in the U.S. illegally, authorities revealed on Thursday."

Democrats have chosen to stand with murderous illegals like this to shutdown the government to ensure our borders stay open and violent illegals like this can continue to cross our border and prey on American citizens.

Democrats, this is another murder, more American blood on your hands.
1 drop in a bucket....thoughts and prayers....people kill people, guns stop killers.
Nice thoughtful quote attempting to excuse Democrats for standing with murderous illegals like this one who killed another American citizen...
Priorities my brother...thousands of American citizens are killed by thousands of other citizens cops included...using one or 2 incidents to paint brush 11 million undocumented ain't gonna fly. Thoughts and prayers....where is the check from mexico ?
The wall wont do shit. No matter how many people die at the hands of an illegal immigrant a wall wont stop them from getting into the country. Thats like putting a wall around a building with tons of gold and expecting no one will ever climb over it.
I'm not sure if your reference to Fort Knox is meant to be funny, and I don't know if anyone has ever gotten in.

But your point is true to a tiny point. Walls don't eliminate illegal immigration. Similarly, walls around prisons don't eliminate escapes, but we build them anyway, because they work, that is, they reduce escapes to a manageable rarity.

Of course, we don't have a national political Party dedicated to helping prisoners escape, providing way stations and advice, calling for an end to prison guards, and most especially providing sanctuary to escapees, etc., with sympathetic media coverage. That would be fun.
There is always more than one wall around a prison. There are typically several and they have barbed wire as a deterrent. Putting up one wall is a fools errand but if you can get Mexico to pay for it like Drumpf said then I wont have a problem with it.
Instead of promising to pay Argentina, Venezuela, and Mexico - who facilitate the illegal invasion - $12 billion in foreign aid last week $5 billion should have gone towards building the wall to keep murderous illegals like this out.

Instead Democrats sided with the illegals / foreign nations sending them...

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