Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.

He made a profit on a stick of gum he sold at one of his hotels!

Countries purchase blocks of rooms at Trump properties & never show up.
Rule XI says clearly that they can ONLY hold secret meetings if they believe the witness will be degraded or incriminate himself and they can only hold executive meetings if the information disclosure would violate a law or was National Security..

House rule 11 deals with amendments to bills. I just read the Congressional Research Service report on secret sessions, and I didn't see what you claim. Perhaps you could be more specific about where you found that.
It is not house rule 11 it is House rule XI they use roman numerals so you did not look at the same thing I did. and House rule XI clearly has clauses for when and how secret meetings are allowed.

OK. You left out the part that says a session can be closed to prevent sensitive law enforcement information from being compromised. The investigation is certainly covering potential law enforcement information. Schiff already said there are many more witnesses to be called, and release of transcripts would allow future witnesses to change their testimony to match what was already said by others. That sounds like potentially compromising their testimony to me. You're just pouting because that fat orange fool is being investigated. Get over it.

So you mean all the Demorat traitors 'evidence' is coming from criminals who violated the laws and have zero credibility? Okay, we all know that already. Will you feel better when Uncle Joe and his coke head kid have to take the 5th 100 times under oath over what he was doing in Red China and the Ukraine? lol you're really are too dumb to even be a good lil parrot for the DNC.

What was Hunter Biden doing that you assfucks think was illegal?

How is that different from what Ivanka Trump is doing?
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.

Can you point to the statute he violated?
He used the office of the President, and our tax dollars, to extort and bribe a Foreign country President, to dig up and manufacture dirt on the DNC in the 2016 election and Joe Biden, to help HIMSELF in the upcoming election... And require that the Ukrainians make a public announcement that the country was investigating DNC/ Biden on CNN, in order for that country to get the military aid congress allotted them to fight off Russian forces.. And get a white house invite.

That's bribery and extortion

That's a crime, and abuse of his power and

Pure banana republic 3rd world tactics. Be careful Lefty's you don't any fights in the streets.

So many of right-wing pajama bois here are making threats of violence. They're part of a very violent and unstable Stalinist cult.

Of course, they want someone else to do that violence. Their own cowardly fat asses will stay firmly planted on the couch.

LOL, whatever helps you sleep at night Soi Boi


Using Secret Police to spy on opponents. Secret trials. For the first time in my life I am proud of the Socialist democrat Party!
He used the office of the President, and our tax dollars, to extort and bribe a Foreign country President, to dig up and manufacture dirt on the DNC in the 2016 election and Joe Biden, to help HIMSELF in the upcoming election... And require that the Ukrainians make a public announcement that the country was investigating DNC/ Biden on CNN, in order for that country to get the military aid congress allotted them to fight off Russian forces.. And get a white house invite.

That's bribery and extortion

That's a crime, and abuse of his power and


That's a good summary. BTW, what would you expect in return for your valiant effort from a brick wall?
Ambassador Taylor spelled out clearly, the quid pro quo.... bribery... ordered by the president.

Bribery is both a crime and an impeachment cause listed in the Constitution.
Talk about a modern day lynching!
The Democrats are taking a page out of the Soviet playbook.
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.

Can you point to the statute he violated?
He used the office of the President, and our tax dollars, to extort and bribe a Foreign country President, to dig up and manufacture dirt on the DNC in the 2016 election and Joe Biden, to help HIMSELF in the upcoming election... And require that the Ukrainians make a public announcement that the country was investigating DNC/ Biden on CNN, in order for that country to get the military aid congress allotted them to fight off Russian forces.. And get a white house invite.

That's bribery and extortion

That's a crime, and abuse of his power and

Your post is a total lie!
Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.

Nazi's called Hitler a "good man". You're doing the same and probably can't see it.
Poor thing.....Trump hasn't done a thing and you've been after him since election day. FAR too much CNN
You're so lost I'm surprised you can figure out which way to turn to use the potty.

PS....the lawless are Pelosi, Schiff and schumer & company.

And I can guarantee you this personally....
If "your side" ultimately prevails, YOU will personally be far worse off than you bargained for.
You can take that to the bank and deposit it.

No. I’ll be fine. Retired. Rent controlled housing. Guaranteed pensions for life, indexed to inflation. Government funded health care.

Canada takes care of its citizens first. Not Corporations, not the wealthy. The PEOPLE.
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.

He made a profit on a stick of gum he sold at one of his hotels!

Countries purchase blocks of rooms at Trump properties & never show up.
Really? Where's the evidence for that?
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.

Can you point to the statute he violated?
He used the office of the President, and our tax dollars, to extort and bribe a Foreign country President, to dig up and manufacture dirt on the DNC in the 2016 election and Joe Biden, to help HIMSELF in the upcoming election... And require that the Ukrainians make a public announcement that the country was investigating DNC/ Biden on CNN, in order for that country to get the military aid congress allotted them to fight off Russian forces.. And get a white house invite.

That's bribery and extortion

That's a crime, and abuse of his power and

He did nothing of the sort, dingbat. We've all read the transcript.

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